element.nameElectron Panel Modal created by GPPT Lab23Atom NumberVSymbolVanadiumNameTransition metalCategory5.0GroupSolidPhaseDiscovered ByAndrés Manuel del Río1801Year50.942uAtomic Mass24.890kJ/molMolar Heat179.00Atomic Radius5.0Groupg/cm36.000Density4.0Period3680.000°KBoil2183.000°KMelt
Electronselement.nameElectron shell created by GPPT Lab contact@gppt.tnV23
Protons and Neutronselement.nameElectron shell created by GPPT Lab contact@gppt.tn23 neutron23 Proton
Electrons Arrangement6s6p6d7s7p5s5p5d5f4s4p4d4f3s3p3d2s2p1s7d7g7f7h7i6g6f6h5gLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7
ElectronProtonNeutronIsotopes23232323%23{n}23%{{n}Copyright © 2023, All Right Reserved Tidjma.tn
Big Bang Model10–43Température (°C)بلازما الكواركات والغلوناتquarks , electrons and gluons soupSoupe de quarks, électrons et gluonsتكوين ذرات الهيدروجين والهيليومHydrogen & Helium, Atomes FormationFormation des Atomes d'Hydrogène & Hélium010–3210–610131081030-200-2701024101510910271061012101810211028131 second3 minutes300 000300 000 Years1 Billion Years1By5By10By13ByPresent104ظهور الإنسانAppearance of manApparition de l'homme9 Byتشكيل النظام الشمسيFormation of the solar systemFormation du système solaire13.6 Age o Universبداية تشكل النجوم والمجراتBeginning of formation of stars and galaxiesDébut de formation des Etoiles et Galaxiesتشكيل البروتون النوترونProton Neutron FormationFormation des Protons et Neutronsظهور الفوتوناتPhotons ApparitionApparition des Photonsانقراض الديناصوراتExtinction of the DinosaursExtinction des DinosauresCopyright © 2023, All Right Reserved Tidjma.tnCopyright © 2023, All Right Reserved Tidjma.tn
>ROYGBV38045038057062075059010241022102010181016101410121010108106104102100ν (Hz)10810610410210010-210-410-610-810-1010-1210-1410-16Visible SpectrumIncreasing Wavelength (λ)λ (m)Increasing Frequency (ν)Copyright © 2023, All Right Reserved Tidjma.tnCopyright © 2023, All Right Reserved Tidjma.tnγ raysX raysUVIRMicrowaveFMAMEHFLong Radio WavesSHFUHFVHFHFMFLF
Vanadium is a chemical element with symbol V and atomic number 23. It is a hard, silvery grey, ductile and malleable transition metal. The element is found only in chemically combined form in nature, but once isolated artificially, the formation of an oxide layer stabilizes the free metal somewhat against further oxidation.