element.nameElectron Panel Modal created by GPPT Lab105Atom NumberDbSymbolDubniumNameTransition metalCategory5.0GroupSolidPhaseDiscovered ByJoint Institute for Nuclear Research1967Year268.126uAtomic Mass0.000kJ/molMolar Heat0.00Atomic Radius5.0Groupg/cm329.300Density7.0Period0.000°KBoil-0.001°KMelt
Electrons>element.nameElectron shell created by GPPT Lab contact@gppt.tnDb105
Protons and Neutronselement.nameElectron shell created by GPPT Lab contact@gppt.tn105 neutron105 Proton
Dubnium is a chemical element with symbol Db and atomic number 105. It is named after the town of Dubna in Russia (north of Moscow), where it was first produced. It is a synthetic element (an element that can be created in a laboratory but is not found in nature) and radioactive; the most stable known isotope, dubnium-268, has a half-life of approximately 28 hours.