element.nameElectron Panel Modal created by GPPT Lab97Atom NumberBkSymbolBerkeliumNameActinideCategory3.0GroupSolidPhaseDiscovered ByLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory1949Year247.070uAtomic Mass0.000kJ/molMolar Heat244.00Atomic Radius3.0Groupg/cm314.780Density7.0Period2900.000°KBoil1259.000°KMelt
Electrons>element.nameElectron shell created by GPPT Lab contact@gppt.tnBk97
Protons and Neutronselement.nameElectron shell created by GPPT Lab contact@gppt.tn97 neutron97 Proton
Berkelium is a transuranic radioactive chemical element with symbol Bk and atomic number 97. It is a member of the actinide and transuranium element series. It is named after the city of Berkeley, California, the location of the University of California Radiation Laboratory where it was discovered in December 1949.