Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Pipeline Construction: Bi-Metal Corrosion

Bi-Metal Corrosion

Quand les métaux s'affrontent : comprendre la corrosion bi-métallique

Avez-vous déjà remarqué l'aspect d'un clou rouillé attaché à une pièce d'aluminium brillante ? Le clou, désormais recouvert d'oxyde rouge-brun, contraste fortement avec l'aluminium brillant. C'est un exemple classique de corrosion bi-métallique, un phénomène où deux métaux différents en contact l'un avec l'autre subissent une corrosion accélérée.

La danse électrochimique

La corrosion bi-métallique est due à un processus électrochimique. Lorsque des métaux ayant des potentiels électrochimiques différents sont joints, un courant électrique circule entre eux. Le métal le plus actif (ayant un potentiel inférieur) devient l'anode, perd des électrons et subit une oxydation (corrosion). Le métal moins actif (ayant un potentiel supérieur) devient la cathode, gagne des électrons et reste relativement protégé.

Imaginez-le comme une danse :

  • Anode (le métal actif) : Ce métal se "sacrifie" en corrodant, protégeant l'autre métal. C'est comme le danseur qui ne cesse de bouger, tandis que l'autre reste immobile.
  • Cathode (le métal passif) : Ce métal "bénéficie" de la corrosion de l'anode, restant relativement intact. Pensez-y comme au partenaire qui se repose pendant que l'autre danse.

Facteurs influençant la danse

Plusieurs facteurs influencent la gravité de la corrosion bi-métallique :

  • La différence de potentiel électrochimique : Plus la différence est grande, plus la corrosion est rapide.
  • La présence d'un électrolyte : L'eau ou d'autres solutions conductrices accélèrent le processus en fournissant un chemin pour le flux d'électrons.
  • Température : Des températures plus élevées augmentent généralement la vitesse de corrosion.
  • Surface de contact : Des surfaces de contact plus grandes intensifient la corrosion.

Éviter l'affrontement

Pour prévenir la corrosion bi-métallique, envisagez ces stratégies :

  • Choisir des métaux compatibles : Sélectionner des métaux ayant des potentiels électrochimiques similaires afin de minimiser la différence.
  • Isoler les métaux : Utiliser des matériaux non conducteurs comme le plastique, le caoutchouc ou la peinture pour isoler les métaux et empêcher tout contact direct.
  • Utiliser des anodes sacrificielles : Fixer un métal plus actif au métal protégé, en veillant à ce que l'anode sacrificielle se corrode à la place.
  • Revêtements : Appliquer des revêtements protecteurs comme des peintures ou des vernis pour empêcher l'humidité d'atteindre les surfaces métalliques.

Comprendre les risques de corrosion bi-métallique est crucial dans diverses applications, notamment :

  • Construction : Dans les bâtiments et les ponts, l'utilisation de métaux différents comme l'acier et l'aluminium peut entraîner des problèmes de corrosion.
  • Environnements marins : La présence d'eau salée exacerbe la corrosion bi-métallique, représentant une menace importante pour les navires et les structures marines.
  • Fabrication : Dans les procédés industriels, l'utilisation de métaux différents dans les équipements peut entraîner des défaillances prématurées.

En comprenant les principes de la corrosion bi-métallique et en mettant en œuvre des mesures de prévention appropriées, nous pouvons assurer la longévité et la fiabilité des structures, des équipements et des matériaux dans diverses applications.

Test Your Knowledge

Bi-Metal Corrosion Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is bi-metal corrosion? a) Corrosion of a single metal due to exposure to the environment.


Incorrect. Bi-metal corrosion involves the interaction of two different metals.

b) Corrosion of two dissimilar metals in contact with each other.


Correct! This is the definition of bi-metal corrosion.

c) Corrosion caused by the presence of bacteria.


Incorrect. This describes a different type of corrosion known as microbiologically influenced corrosion.

d) Corrosion accelerated by high temperatures.


Incorrect. While temperature can influence corrosion, this is not the defining characteristic of bi-metal corrosion.

2. What drives the electrochemical process in bi-metal corrosion? a) The difference in density between the metals.


Incorrect. Density does not play a direct role in bi-metal corrosion.

b) The difference in their electrochemical potentials.


Correct! This difference in potential creates an electric current leading to corrosion.

c) The presence of a magnetic field.


Incorrect. Magnetism does not directly cause bi-metal corrosion.

d) The difference in their melting points.


Incorrect. Melting points are not relevant to the corrosion process.

3. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing bi-metal corrosion? a) The type of metal.


Incorrect. The type of metal is crucial for determining its electrochemical potential.

b) The presence of an electrolyte.


Incorrect. An electrolyte accelerates the corrosion process.

c) The shape of the metal.


Correct! The shape of the metal does not significantly affect bi-metal corrosion.

d) The surface area of contact between the metals.


Incorrect. A larger surface area increases the intensity of corrosion.

4. What is a sacrificial anode? a) A metal designed to protect another metal from corrosion by corroding itself.


Correct! A sacrificial anode is a common technique to prevent bi-metal corrosion.

b) A metal that never corrodes.


Incorrect. All metals can corrode under certain conditions.

c) A metal that can resist high temperatures.


Incorrect. This describes a metal's heat resistance, not its role in preventing corrosion.

d) A metal that can conduct electricity very well.


Incorrect. While conductivity is important in the corrosion process, it's not the defining characteristic of a sacrificial anode.

5. Which of the following applications is LEAST likely to be affected by bi-metal corrosion? a) A steel bridge with aluminum railings.


Incorrect. Dissimilar metals in contact can lead to corrosion in bridges.

b) A ship's hull made of steel with brass fittings.


Incorrect. The marine environment makes bi-metal corrosion a significant threat.

c) A copper pipe connected to a lead pipe.


Incorrect. Different metals in plumbing can lead to corrosion problems.

d) A stainless steel watch with a leather strap.


Correct! Leather is non-conductive and does not create an electrolytic environment.

Bi-Metal Corrosion Exercise

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a new water tank for a coastal city. The tank will be made of steel and will be exposed to seawater. You need to consider the potential for bi-metal corrosion and propose solutions to mitigate it.


  1. Identify the potential for bi-metal corrosion in this scenario.
  2. Explain the risks associated with bi-metal corrosion in this specific context.
  3. Propose at least three practical solutions to prevent or minimize bi-metal corrosion in the water tank.

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

1. **Potential for Bi-metal Corrosion:** The steel water tank will be exposed to seawater, which acts as an electrolyte and will accelerate corrosion. The tank may also have components made from other metals, like brass or aluminum, which can lead to bi-metal corrosion if they are in direct contact with the steel. 2. **Risks:** Bi-metal corrosion in this scenario can lead to: * **Premature tank failure:** Corrosion weakens the steel, potentially leading to leaks or catastrophic failure. * **Contamination of the water supply:** Corrosion products can enter the water, posing health risks to the population. * **Increased maintenance costs:** Regular repairs and replacements due to corrosion can be expensive. 3. **Practical Solutions:** * **Use compatible metals:** Choose materials with similar electrochemical potentials for the tank's components to minimize the risk of bi-metal corrosion. * **Apply protective coatings:** Cover the steel tank with a durable, corrosion-resistant coating like epoxy or zinc-rich paint. This will create a barrier between the metal and the seawater. * **Utilize sacrificial anodes:** Attach sacrificial anodes made of a more active metal (like zinc) to the steel tank. These anodes will corrode instead of the tank, protecting the steel from corrosion.


  • Corrosion Engineering: By Donald A. Jones. This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of corrosion, including bi-metal corrosion, with detailed explanations and practical examples.
  • Corrosion and Its Prevention: Principles and Applications: By Robert Baboian. This book delves into the fundamentals of corrosion and provides insights into prevention methods, with a dedicated section on galvanic corrosion (bi-metal corrosion).
  • ASM Handbook, Volume 13B: Corrosion: A detailed reference from the ASM International, covering various corrosion types, mechanisms, and prevention strategies. This volume contains sections on galvanic corrosion and its applications.


  • "Galvanic Corrosion: A Review" by K. S. Raja and S. K. Seshadri: A comprehensive review article published in International Journal of Corrosion discussing the mechanisms, factors affecting, and mitigation strategies for galvanic corrosion.
  • "Bi-Metallic Corrosion in Marine Environments" by B. J. Little: An article published in Corrosion Science exploring the challenges of bi-metal corrosion in marine environments and the role of seawater as an electrolyte.
  • "Understanding and Preventing Galvanic Corrosion in Construction" by J. R. Davis: A practical article published in Construction Specifier focusing on the importance of understanding bi-metal corrosion in construction applications and providing mitigation techniques.

Online Resources

  • NACE International: This organization dedicated to corrosion control offers valuable resources, including publications, articles, and online courses on various corrosion topics, including bi-metal corrosion.
  • Corrosion Doctors: This website provides a wealth of information on corrosion, with dedicated pages on galvanic corrosion, explaining its principles, causes, and prevention methods.
  • ASM International: The ASM International website offers access to technical articles, data sheets, and research papers on corrosion, including bi-metal corrosion, for a fee.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "bi-metal corrosion," try more specific terms like "galvanic corrosion," "dissimilar metal corrosion," or "electrochemical corrosion."
  • Combine keywords with specific applications: For example, search for "bi-metal corrosion in marine environments" or "galvanic corrosion in pipelines" for relevant information.
  • Use quotation marks: For precise searches, enclose specific phrases in quotation marks, such as "bi-metal corrosion mechanism."
  • Explore different file types: Include "pdf" or "doc" in your search to find specific documents, research papers, or reports.
  • Use advanced search operators: Utilize operators like "+" (AND) and "-" (NOT) for more refined searches.
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