Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Handover to Operations: Technical


Au-delà du budget : le rôle crucial du "technique" dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier

Dans le monde à enjeux élevés du pétrole et du gaz, les décisions sont souvent dictées par les deux piliers du coût et du calendrier. Bien que ce soient des considérations essentielles, se concentrer uniquement sur elles peut conduire à des solutions à court terme qui compromettent la performance et la rentabilité à long terme. C'est là que le terme "technique" prend une importance capitale.

"Technique", dans la terminologie pétrolière et gazière, fait référence à la **faisabilité technique et aux performances d'une solution**, plutôt qu'à son coût ou à son calendrier. Cela englobe des facteurs tels que :

  • Conception technique : S'assurer que la solution est robuste, fiable et optimisée pour l'application et l'environnement spécifiques.
  • Sélection des matériaux : Choisir des matériaux capables de résister à des pressions, des températures et des conditions corrosives extrêmes.
  • Fabrication et production : Maintenir le contrôle qualité et respecter des normes rigoureuses tout au long du processus de production.
  • Efficacité opérationnelle : Concevoir des solutions qui maximisent la production, minimisent les temps d'arrêt et améliorent la sécurité.
  • Impact environnemental : Minimiser l'empreinte environnementale et garantir la conformité aux réglementations.

Pourquoi le technique est plus important que jamais :

  • Complexité accrue : L'industrie est confrontée à des projets de plus en plus complexes, souvent dans des environnements reculés ou hostiles.
  • Concentration sur l'efficacité : La demande énergétique croissante nécessite de maximiser la production des actifs existants et de développer de nouvelles technologies.
  • Considérations de durabilité : Les préoccupations environnementales incitent à la recherche d'opérations pétrolières et gazières plus propres et plus durables.
  • Maîtrise des coûts : Bien que le coût soit toujours un facteur, privilégier l'excellence technique peut en fin de compte conduire à une réduction des coûts d'exploitation et à une durée de vie des actifs prolongée.

Études de cas :

  • Récupération assistée du pétrole (RAP) : Choisir la bonne technique de RAP en fonction des caractéristiques du réservoir et de la faisabilité technique peut avoir un impact significatif sur la production et, en fin de compte, sur la rentabilité.
  • Développement sous-marin : La conception d'infrastructures sous-marines capables de résister aux conditions océaniques difficiles et aux profondeurs extrêmes exige une compréhension approfondie des limites techniques et des principes de conception.
  • Construction de pipelines : La sélection du matériau de pipe adéquat et des techniques de construction pour un terrain et des conditions environnementales spécifiques est essentielle pour la sécurité et l'intégrité à long terme.

Changer de mentalité :

Il est temps d'aller au-delà de la mentalité traditionnelle axée sur les coûts et d'adopter une approche plus holistique du développement de projets. Se concentrer sur le "technique" en plus du coût et du calendrier conduira à :

  • De meilleures décisions d'investissement : Des choix éclairés basés sur les performances et la durabilité à long terme.
  • Des opérations plus efficaces : Réduction des temps d'arrêt, amélioration de la sécurité et optimisation de l'utilisation des ressources.
  • Une rentabilité accrue : Production plus élevée, durée de vie des actifs plus longue et risques environnementaux minimisés.
  • Une réputation améliorée : Démontrer un engagement envers l'excellence technique et les pratiques durables.

L'industrie pétrolière et gazière est en constante évolution. En adoptant le concept de "technique", les entreprises peuvent se positionner pour réussir dans un paysage de plus en plus exigeant et compétitif.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Beyond the Budget: The Crucial Role of "Technical" in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "technical" in oil and gas terminology primarily refer to?

a) The cost of a project. b) The schedule of a project. c) The feasibility and performance of a solution. d) The environmental impact of a project.


c) The feasibility and performance of a solution.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor considered under "technical" in oil and gas?

a) Engineering design. b) Material selection. c) Marketing strategies. d) Manufacturing and fabrication.


c) Marketing strategies.

3. Why is technical expertise more crucial than ever in the oil and gas industry?

a) Due to increased regulatory scrutiny. b) Because of declining oil prices. c) Due to increased complexity and demand for efficiency. d) Because of the rise of renewable energy sources.


c) Due to increased complexity and demand for efficiency.

4. What is a key benefit of prioritizing "technical" in oil and gas projects?

a) It can lead to lower initial project costs. b) It can ensure compliance with environmental regulations. c) It can result in increased production and longer asset life. d) It can improve the company's reputation with investors.


c) It can result in increased production and longer asset life.

5. Which of the following is an example of how technical considerations impact oil and gas projects?

a) Choosing the right drilling rig for a specific location. b) Negotiating a favorable contract with a service provider. c) Implementing a new marketing campaign to increase demand. d) Diversifying the company's portfolio to include renewable energy sources.


a) Choosing the right drilling rig for a specific location.

Exercise: Beyond the Budget: The Crucial Role of "Technical" in Oil & Gas

Scenario: You are a project engineer working on a new offshore oil platform project. The project manager is pushing for the fastest and cheapest option, focusing on the schedule and budget.

Task: Identify three technical factors that the project manager might be overlooking and explain how each factor could impact the project's long-term success. Additionally, suggest how you can bring these technical considerations to the attention of the project manager.

Exercise Correction

Here are some possible technical factors that might be overlooked, along with their potential impact and ways to bring them to the attention of the project manager:

1. Environmental Conditions:

  • Impact: Harsh weather conditions, ocean currents, and seabed characteristics can significantly affect the platform's stability, maintenance, and safety. Neglecting these factors can lead to costly repairs, downtime, and potential environmental disasters.
  • Suggestion: Present a comprehensive environmental impact assessment that analyzes these factors and outlines the necessary design considerations for the platform's long-term operation.

2. Material Selection:

  • Impact: Choosing cost-effective but inferior materials could lead to corrosion, fatigue, and failure, resulting in expensive repairs, production losses, and potential safety risks.
  • Suggestion: Provide a detailed analysis comparing the cost-effectiveness of different materials, considering their corrosion resistance, fatigue strength, and lifespan in the specific ocean environment.

3. Operational Efficiency:

  • Impact: Ignoring technical aspects like production capacity, processing efficiency, and ease of maintenance can hinder the platform's overall performance, leading to lower production, increased downtime, and higher operating costs.
  • Suggestion: Conduct a feasibility study that explores different design options and equipment selections to optimize operational efficiency, minimize downtime, and maximize production output.

Bringing it to the Project Manager:

  • Prepare a well-structured presentation that clearly outlines the potential risks of neglecting technical considerations and the long-term benefits of investing in technical excellence.
  • Highlight case studies of projects where prioritizing technical factors led to successful outcomes.
  • Emphasize that taking a "technical" approach can ultimately lead to cost savings in the long run by preventing costly repairs and maximizing production.
  • Use data and evidence to support your arguments.
  • Show a willingness to collaborate with the project manager to find solutions that balance cost, schedule, and technical excellence.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by John M. Campbell: A comprehensive resource on the engineering aspects of oil and gas exploration, development, and production.
  • "Subsea Engineering Handbook" by Michael J. Griffiths: A detailed guide to the design, installation, and operation of subsea oil and gas infrastructure.
  • "Enhanced Oil Recovery Field Practices" by Thomas E. Economides: Provides practical insights on various EOR techniques and their application.
  • "Pipeline Engineering: Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance" by M.A. Khan: Covers the technical aspects of pipeline design, construction, and management.


  • "The Importance of Technical Expertise in Oil & Gas" by [Author Name] (search on industry publications like Oil & Gas Journal, SPE Journal, etc.)
  • "Beyond Cost and Schedule: Technical Considerations in Oil & Gas Projects" (Search on industry websites and journals).
  • "Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Technical Perspective" by [Author Name] (search on relevant industry publications).
  • "Sustainability and Technical Innovation in Oil & Gas" by [Author Name] (search on industry publications and sustainability focused journals).

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): - Offers a vast library of technical papers, publications, and resources on all aspects of oil and gas engineering.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): - Provides standards and guidelines for oil and gas operations, including technical specifications.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: - A leading industry news source covering technical advancements and trends in oil and gas.
  • IHS Markit: - Offers industry data, analysis, and insights, including technical information on various oil and gas projects.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Technical oil and gas", "technical considerations in oil and gas", "oil and gas project management", "enhanced oil recovery technical aspects", "subsea engineering challenges".
  • Combine keywords with site restrictions: "technical oil and gas"
  • Use quotation marks: "technical considerations" in oil and gas
  • Combine keywords with Boolean operators: "technical" OR "engineering" AND "oil and gas"
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