Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Procurement & Supply Chain Management: Apportioned Effort

Apportioned Effort

L'effort réparti : un partenaire silencieux dans la gestion de projets pétroliers et gaziers

Dans le monde complexe des projets pétroliers et gaziers, chaque dollar compte. Une budgétisation précise et une allocation efficace des ressources sont primordiales. Cependant, toutes les tâches de projet ne sont pas facilement quantifiables. Entrez l'**effort réparti**, un concept crucial souvent négligé dans la gestion de projet.

L'effort réparti fait référence aux **tâches qui ne peuvent pas être facilement décomposées en petits lots de travail indépendants** mais sont intrinsèquement liées et proportionnelles à d'autres tâches plus facilement mesurables. Imaginez le réseau complexe d'un projet : tandis que certaines activités sont clairement définies et limitées dans le temps, d'autres existent en tant qu'éléments de support, leur contribution étant intrinsèquement liée à la vision d'ensemble.

**Illustrons cela avec un exemple concret :**

Considérons un important projet de forage pétrolier et gazier. Bien que le forage lui-même soit une activité clairement définie et mesurable, les coûts indirects associés à la gestion de projet, à l'administration et à la sécurité sont moins tangibles. Ces activités, bien qu'essentielles à la réussite du projet, ne se prêtent pas à des décompositions strictes basées sur le temps. Cependant, elles sont directement proportionnelles à l'effort de forage global. Le temps passé à forer a un impact direct sur la supervision, l'administration et les procédures de sécurité requises.

**Pourquoi la compréhension de l'effort réparti est-elle si cruciale ?**

  • Budgétisation précise : L'effort réparti permet une estimation des coûts plus réaliste. En intégrant les frais généraux proportionnels, les projets peuvent être budgétés avec précision, ce qui permet d'éviter les dépenses imprévues.
  • Allocation des ressources : Connaître la relation entre les tâches directes et les tâches réparties permet une allocation efficace des ressources. Les chefs de projet peuvent s'assurer que les fonctions de support sont suffisamment dotées en personnel en fonction de l'étendue des activités principales.
  • Planification efficace : Reconnaître l'interdépendance des activités permet de formuler un plan de projet plus robuste. La répartition de l'effort pour les fonctions de support garantit qu'elles sont adéquatement intégrées dans le calendrier global.

Exemples courants d'effort réparti dans les projets pétroliers et gaziers :

  • Gestion de projet : Supervision, planification, coordination et rapports.
  • Ingénierie et conception : Soutien technique, études de faisabilité et modifications de conception.
  • Sécurité et environnement : Évaluations des risques, surveillance environnementale et intervention d'urgence.
  • Approvisionnement et logistique : Gestion des fournisseurs, approvisionnement en matériel et transport.

Considérations clés pour l'intégration de l'effort réparti :

  • Définir clairement la relation entre les tâches directes et les tâches réparties.
  • Développer une méthode robuste pour calculer l'effort proportionnel.
  • Surveiller et ajuster régulièrement l'effort réparti en fonction de l'avancement du projet.

En reconnaissant et en gérant soigneusement l'effort réparti, les projets pétroliers et gaziers peuvent atteindre une plus grande rentabilité, une efficacité des ressources et, en fin de compte, la réussite du projet. C'est un rappel que même les éléments apparemment intangibles peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le grand schéma des choses.

Test Your Knowledge

Apportioned Effort Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is apportioned effort in oil and gas project management?

a) Tasks that can be easily broken down into short, independent work packages. b) Tasks that are inherently linked to and proportional to other, more readily measurable tasks. c) Tasks that have a fixed duration, regardless of the overall project progress. d) Tasks that are performed by external contractors.


b) Tasks that are inherently linked to and proportional to other, more readily measurable tasks.

2. Which of the following is NOT an example of apportioned effort in oil and gas projects?

a) Project Management b) Drilling Operations c) Engineering and Design d) Safety and Environment


b) Drilling Operations

3. Why is understanding apportioned effort crucial for accurate budgeting?

a) It helps estimate the cost of materials. b) It allows for a more realistic cost estimation by factoring in proportional overhead. c) It eliminates the need for contingency funds. d) It helps track the actual costs incurred.


b) It allows for a more realistic cost estimation by factoring in proportional overhead.

4. How can incorporating apportioned effort improve resource allocation?

a) It helps identify redundant tasks. b) It ensures that support functions are adequately staffed based on the scope of core activities. c) It streamlines the procurement process. d) It reduces the need for overtime work.


b) It ensures that support functions are adequately staffed based on the scope of core activities.

5. What is a key consideration for incorporating apportioned effort into project management?

a) Developing a detailed work breakdown structure (WBS) b) Regularly monitoring and adjusting apportioned effort based on project progress c) Hiring specialized consultants for each task d) Minimizing communication between different project teams


b) Regularly monitoring and adjusting apportioned effort based on project progress

Apportioned Effort Exercise

Scenario: You are managing a large-scale oil and gas exploration project. The project involves drilling multiple wells, conducting seismic surveys, and analyzing geological data.

Task: Identify three key tasks that represent apportioned effort in this project and explain their relationship with the core activities of drilling, seismic surveys, and data analysis. Explain how you would incorporate apportioned effort into the project budget and resource allocation plan.

Exercice Correction

Here are three potential tasks representing apportioned effort in this project, along with explanations and suggestions for incorporating them into budgeting and resource allocation:

  • Project Management: This includes project planning, coordination, risk management, reporting, and overall project oversight. It's directly proportional to the complexity and duration of the drilling, seismic surveys, and data analysis activities. More wells drilled, a larger survey area, and more complex data analysis require more extensive project management effort.
  • Environmental and Regulatory Compliance: This encompasses environmental impact assessments, permit applications, safety protocols, and ongoing monitoring. The number of wells drilled, the scale of the seismic surveys, and the potential environmental risks associated with these activities all influence the required effort for compliance.
  • Logistics and Procurement: This includes sourcing equipment and materials, managing transportation, and coordinating with vendors. The scale and complexity of drilling operations, seismic surveys, and data analysis directly impact the logistical demands of the project.

Incorporating Apportioned Effort into Budgeting and Resource Allocation:

  • Cost Estimation: Estimate the cost of each core activity (drilling, seismic surveys, data analysis). Then, based on the relationship between these activities and the apportioned effort tasks, calculate a proportional cost for each apportioned task. This might involve using historical data, industry benchmarks, or expert opinions to determine the appropriate cost ratios.
  • Resource Allocation: Allocate resources, including personnel, equipment, and budget, to both core activities and apportioned tasks based on the estimated cost and effort. For example, if project management is estimated to take 10% of the overall project effort, allocate personnel and budget accordingly.
  • Regular Monitoring and Adjustment: Continuously track the progress of core activities and adjust the resources and budget allocated to apportioned tasks as needed. This ensures that the apportioned effort stays aligned with the actual project scope and pace.


  • Project Management for Oil & Gas: A Practical Guide to Success by David J. Cleland, John S. Carroll, and Kenneth J. Brown (This book provides a comprehensive overview of project management principles, including resource allocation and cost estimation, which can be applied to understanding apportioned effort.)
  • Cost Estimating for Oil and Gas Projects by William J. DeGarmo (This book focuses specifically on cost estimation techniques, including methods for dealing with indirect and proportional costs, which are relevant to apportioned effort.)
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by the Project Management Institute (The PMBOK® Guide is a widely accepted standard for project management methodologies and includes sections on resource management, cost management, and project planning, which are relevant to understanding apportioned effort.)


  • "The Importance of Overhead Cost Management in Oil and Gas Projects" by [Author Name], [Journal Name] (A search for this specific topic on academic databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, or Google Scholar can yield relevant articles on managing indirect costs, which relates to apportioned effort.)
  • "Cost Estimating for Apportioned Effort in Oil and Gas Projects" by [Author Name], [Journal Name] (This specific search on academic databases may lead to articles that focus on methods for estimating costs related to apportioned effort.)
  • "Resource Allocation in Oil and Gas Projects: A Case Study" by [Author Name], [Journal Name] (Case studies on resource allocation in oil and gas projects can provide real-world examples of how apportioned effort is managed.)

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): (The PMI website offers numerous resources on project management, including information on cost management, resource allocation, and project planning, which can be applied to understanding apportioned effort.)
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): (The SPE website provides a wealth of resources related to oil and gas exploration, production, and project management, including articles and papers on cost management and resource allocation, which are relevant to apportioned effort.)
  • Oil & Gas Journal: (Oil & Gas Journal offers industry news and articles, including topics related to project management, cost estimation, and resource allocation, which can provide insights into the practical application of apportioned effort.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "apportioned effort" with "oil and gas project management", "cost estimation", "resource allocation", "indirect costs", and "overhead costs".
  • Include relevant industry terms: Use keywords like "drilling", "production", "exploration", "upstream", "downstream", "project planning", "budgeting", and "risk management".
  • Focus on specific project phases: Include terms like "construction", "design", "operations", or "maintenance" to narrow your search.
  • Search for case studies: Use terms like "apportioned effort case study" or "resource allocation case study oil and gas".
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