Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans General Technical Terms: Tour


Le "Tour" dans les Termes Techniques : Plus Qu'un Simple Voyage

Dans le langage technique général, le mot "tour" fait souvent référence à un **poste de travail effectué par un équipage**, en particulier dans des industries comme l'aviation, le maritime et la santé. C'est un terme qui porte un poids important, signifiant une période de temps spécifique dédiée au devoir et à la responsabilité.

**Au-delà d'un Simple Voyage :**

Contrairement à la compréhension courante de "tour" comme un voyage ou une expédition touristique, l'usage technique se concentre sur **l'horaire de travail et sa durée**. Voici une ventilation:

1. "Tours" de l'Équipage de Vol :

  • "Tour de Service" est le terme standard dans l'aviation, englobant la durée complète du poste d'un équipage de vol, commençant par la préparation avant le vol et se terminant par le débriefing après le vol.
  • "Tronçon" est un segment plus court du tour global, englobant un seul segment de vol entre deux points.

2. "Tours" de l'Équipage Maritime :

  • "Veille" fait référence à une période de temps spécifique pendant laquelle l'équipage est en service, généralement divisée en segments de quatre heures.
  • "Tour" dans ce contexte peut faire référence à une période de temps plus longue, englobant souvent plusieurs veilles ou un quart de jour/nuit complet.

3. "Tours" de la Santé :

  • "Quart" est le terme courant utilisé dans la santé, englobant souvent huit heures de service, avec des quarts distincts comme le jour, le soir et la nuit.
  • "Tour" peut être utilisé de manière synonyme avec "quart" ou faire référence à une période de service plus longue, comme un quart de 12 heures ou une série consécutive de quarts.

Importance du "Tour" dans le Contexte Technique :

Le terme "tour" dans les contextes techniques met en évidence **la nature structurée et disciplinée du travail dans ces industries**. Il souligne l'importance de:

  • Gestion du temps: Planification efficace des membres de l'équipage pour assurer un fonctionnement et une sécurité optimaux.
  • Gestion de la fatigue de l'équipage: Assurer des périodes de repos adéquates entre les tours pour maintenir la vigilance et prévenir les erreurs.
  • Continuité de l'exploitation: Transitions en douceur entre les équipages pour maintenir des performances constantes.

En Conclusion:

Le terme "tour" dans le langage technique transcende son sens courant, assumant un rôle spécifique et crucial dans la définition des horaires de travail et des responsabilités des équipages dans les industries essentielles. Comprendre ses nuances est essentiel pour comprendre les complexités et les rigueurs de ces professions.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: "Tour" in Technical Terms

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. In the context of aviation, what does "tour of duty" refer to? a) A scenic flight for leisure b) The entire duration of a flight crew's shift c) A specific flight segment between two points d) A short training session for new pilots


b) The entire duration of a flight crew's shift

2. What is the term for a specific period of time when a maritime crew is on duty? a) Voyage b) Shift c) Watch d) Leg


c) Watch

3. In healthcare, what is the common term for an eight-hour period of duty? a) Tour b) Watch c) Leg d) Shift


d) Shift

4. What is a key aspect emphasized by the technical usage of "tour"? a) The importance of tourism in economic development b) The duration of a travel journey c) The structured and disciplined nature of work d) The number of crew members needed for a task


c) The structured and disciplined nature of work

5. Which of the following industries does NOT commonly use the term "tour" to refer to a crew's work schedule? a) Aviation b) Maritime c) Healthcare d) Construction


d) Construction

Exercise: Flight Crew Scheduling

Scenario: You are a flight operations manager for a small airline. You need to create a flight schedule for a crew of two pilots over a 24-hour period.


  1. Consider the following flight information:

    • Flight 1: Departure 06:00 AM, Arrival 08:00 AM
    • Flight 2: Departure 10:00 AM, Arrival 12:00 PM
    • Flight 3: Departure 02:00 PM, Arrival 04:00 PM
    • Flight 4: Departure 06:00 PM, Arrival 08:00 PM
  2. Assign each flight to a pilot, ensuring that each pilot has a break of at least 6 hours between "tours of duty" to comply with fatigue management regulations.

  3. Create a simple schedule showing each pilot's "tour of duty" and break times.

Exercice Correction

Here is a possible flight schedule solution:

**Pilot 1:**

  • Flight 1: 06:00 AM - 08:00 AM
  • Break: 08:00 AM - 02:00 PM (6 hours)
  • Flight 3: 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

**Pilot 2:**

  • Flight 2: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Break: 12:00 PM - 06:00 PM (6 hours)
  • Flight 4: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM


  • Aviation:
    • "Flight Operations: A Practical Guide" by John S. King: This book discusses flight crew scheduling, duty limits, and the significance of tours in ensuring safe and efficient operations.
    • "Air Transportation: A Management Perspective" by Peter Belobaba: Provides a comprehensive overview of air transportation, including sections on crew management and tour scheduling.
  • Maritime:
    • "The Sailor's Handbook" by David Seidman: This reference book covers various aspects of maritime operations, including watch systems and the role of tours in maritime safety.
    • "The Merchant Marine: A History" by John D. Gould: This book provides historical context for the evolution of maritime crew schedules and the concept of tours.
  • Healthcare:
    • "Hospital Management" by Joseph C. Kvedar: This textbook offers insights into hospital operations, including staffing models and the significance of shift and tour patterns in healthcare.
    • "The Patient Safety Handbook" by Peter Pronovost: This book emphasizes the importance of effective crew scheduling and rest periods to minimize errors and enhance patient safety.


  • Aviation:
    • "Crew Fatigue: A Growing Concern in Aviation" by The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): This article highlights the risks associated with crew fatigue and the role of tour scheduling in mitigating those risks.
    • "The Impact of Duty Limits on Flight Crew Performance" by The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): This article explores the relationship between tour length, crew fatigue, and flight safety.
  • Maritime:
    • "The Importance of Watchkeeping in Maritime Safety" by The International Maritime Organization (IMO): This article discusses the crucial role of watch systems and tour schedules in preventing accidents at sea.
    • "Crew Fatigue and the Impact on Maritime Operations" by The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF): This article explores the consequences of crew fatigue in the maritime industry and the need for effective tour management.
  • Healthcare:
    • "Shift Work and Health: A Review of the Literature" by The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH): This review explores the impact of shift work on healthcare professionals, highlighting the importance of adequate rest periods and tour scheduling.
    • "Improving Patient Safety Through Effective Staff Scheduling" by The Joint Commission: This article discusses the importance of optimized staffing models and tour schedules to minimize medical errors and improve patient outcomes.

Online Resources

  • ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization): The ICAO website offers comprehensive information on aviation regulations, including those related to crew duty limits and tour scheduling.
  • IMO (International Maritime Organization): The IMO website provides resources on maritime safety, including guidance on watchkeeping and crew fatigue management.
  • NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health): The NIOSH website offers research and recommendations on workplace safety, including information on shift work and its health implications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "crew tour," "flight crew duty limits," "maritime watch system," "healthcare shift work," etc.
  • Combine terms: Use combinations like "aviation crew tour scheduling," "maritime fatigue management," or "healthcare shift work guidelines."
  • Add industry-specific terms: Include terms like "aviation industry," "maritime industry," or "healthcare industry" to narrow your search.
  • Filter by date: Use the "Tools" option in Google Search to filter results by date, focusing on recent research or news articles.
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