Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Processing: Limited Entry

Limited Entry

Entrée Limitée : Une Approche Stratégique dans la Production Pétrolière et Gazière

Dans le monde complexe de l'extraction du pétrole et du gaz, l'optimisation de la production tout en atténuant les risques est primordiale. Une technique fréquemment employée pour parvenir à cet équilibre délicat est l'**Entrée Limitée**. Ce terme fait référence à une méthode spécifique de complétion de puits où le puits est seulement partiellement pénétré dans la formation productrice, plutôt que d'accéder à l'ensemble de la zone payante.

**Pourquoi Limiter l'Entrée ?**

La décision d'implémenter une entrée limitée est souvent motivée par le désir de contrôler des défis spécifiques au sein du réservoir, principalement :

  • **Coning d'Eau et de Gaz :** Dans certaines formations, l'eau ou le gaz peuvent migrer vers le puits, compromettant potentiellement la production de pétrole. L'entrée limitée, en isolant sélectivement des parties de la zone payante, peut efficacement minimiser ce phénomène de coning.
  • **Stimulation Sélective :** L'entrée limitée permet une stimulation ciblée de couches spécifiques du réservoir, améliorant l'efficacité des traitements d'acidification ou de fracturation. Cette approche de précision garantit que les efforts de stimulation sont concentrés là où ils produiront les plus grands gains de production.
  • **Action de Balle Obturatrice :** L'entrée limitée peut faciliter l'utilisation de balles obturatrices. Ces dispositifs, introduits lors de traitements sélectifs, sont conçus pour isoler différentes sections du puits. En limitant l'entrée, le placement et l'efficacité des balles obturatrices sont améliorés, augmentant l'efficacité globale de l'opération.

**Comment ça Fonctionne :**

L'entrée limitée est réalisée à travers diverses techniques, notamment :

  • **Perforation Sélective :** Cela implique l'utilisation de canons de perforation pour créer des ouvertures dans le tubage du puits, ciblant des intervalles spécifiques au sein de la zone payante.
  • **Cimentage par Injection :** Du ciment est injecté dans le puits, scellant sélectivement des portions de la formation, permettant la production uniquement à partir des intervalles souhaités.
  • **Cordes de Complétion :** Des cordes de complétion spécialisées, comprenant des packers et des tubages, peuvent isoler différentes sections du puits, créant des zones de production individuelles.

**Avantages :**

  • **Augmentation de la Production de Pétrole :** En atténuant le coning d'eau et de gaz, l'entrée limitée améliore l'efficacité globale de la production de pétrole.
  • **Durée de Vie du Puits Prolongée :** Limiter l'exposition à des fluides indésirables peut prolonger la durée de vie d'un puits, contribuant à la rentabilité à long terme.
  • **Optimisation des Coûts :** La stimulation ciblée et la production sélective réduisent les coûts globaux associés au développement et à la maintenance du puits.
  • **Avantages Environnementaux :** La réduction de la production d'eau et de gaz se traduit par un impact environnemental minimisé.

**Conclusion :**

L'entrée limitée est un outil puissant dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, offrant aux opérateurs une approche stratégique pour optimiser la production et gérer les risques. En contrôlant soigneusement l'accès à des zones spécifiques du réservoir, cette technique peut améliorer les performances du puits, augmenter l'efficacité de la production et contribuer en fin de compte à un processus d'extraction du pétrole et du gaz plus durable et rentable.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Limited Entry in Oil & Gas Production

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of using Limited Entry in oil and gas production?

a) To increase the rate of oil extraction. b) To optimize production while mitigating risks. c) To reduce the environmental impact of drilling. d) To increase the life of the well.


The correct answer is **b) To optimize production while mitigating risks.** Limited Entry is a strategy to improve production efficiency and manage challenges in the reservoir.

2. Which of the following is NOT a challenge addressed by Limited Entry?

a) Water coning b) Gas coning c) Formation damage d) Selective stimulation


The correct answer is **c) Formation damage.** While formation damage can impact production, Limited Entry primarily addresses fluid coning and targeted stimulation.

3. Which technique allows for selective isolation of different sections of the wellbore using specialized equipment?

a) Selective perforating b) Squeeze cementing c) Completion strings d) Hydraulic fracturing


The correct answer is **c) Completion strings.** Completion strings, including packers and tubing, can isolate different sections for individual production zones.

4. What is a key advantage of Limited Entry in terms of well performance?

a) Reduced operating costs b) Improved environmental impact c) Extended well life d) Increased production rates


The correct answer is **c) Extended well life.** By minimizing exposure to unwanted fluids, Limited Entry contributes to a longer productive life for the well.

5. Which statement BEST describes the role of Limited Entry in the oil and gas industry?

a) A cost-effective method to increase production rates. b) A technique to manage reservoir challenges and optimize production. c) A solution to eliminate environmental concerns during drilling. d) A guaranteed method to extend the life of any oil well.


The correct answer is **b) A technique to manage reservoir challenges and optimize production.** Limited Entry offers a strategic approach to address specific reservoir issues and improve overall production efficiency.

Exercise: Limited Entry Application

Scenario: An oil well is producing oil alongside a significant amount of water, leading to decreased oil production and potential environmental concerns. The reservoir formation is known to have multiple layers with varying permeability.


  1. Explain how Limited Entry could be applied to address this situation.
  2. Describe the specific techniques that could be used to implement Limited Entry in this scenario.
  3. Outline the potential benefits of using Limited Entry in this specific case.

Exercise Correction

**1. How Limited Entry could be applied:**

Limited Entry could be used to isolate the water-producing layers and restrict production to only the oil-rich layers. By selectively perforating or using completion strings with packers, only the desirable layers would be accessed for production, minimizing water ingress.

**2. Specific Techniques:**

- **Selective Perforating:** Perforating guns can be used to create openings in the wellbore, targeting only the oil-bearing layers, while avoiding the water-bearing sections. - **Completion Strings:** Packers and tubing can be utilized to isolate different sections of the wellbore, allowing individual production zones to be created. This would enable production from only the oil-rich layers while sealing off the water-producing sections.

**3. Potential Benefits:**

- **Increased Oil Production:** By isolating the water-producing zones, the overall production of oil can be significantly enhanced. - **Reduced Water Production:** The environmental impact of water disposal can be reduced, leading to a more sustainable operation. - **Extended Well Life:** By minimizing exposure to unwanted water, the well's life expectancy can be extended, leading to greater economic benefits. - **Cost Optimization:** Targeted production and reduced water handling can lead to lower operating costs associated with well maintenance and water disposal.


  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of reservoir engineering, including well completion techniques like limited entry.
  • "Petroleum Production Systems" by Michael J. Economides and John G. Nolte: This textbook discusses different well completion methods, including limited entry and its application in production optimization.
  • "Well Completion Design" by John G. Nolte: This book provides a detailed explanation of well completion design principles, including limited entry techniques.


  • "Limited Entry Techniques for Improved Oil Production" by SPE: This article from the Society of Petroleum Engineers discusses the benefits of limited entry and various techniques to achieve it.
  • "Optimizing Well Performance with Limited Entry Completions" by Schlumberger: This article explores how limited entry can improve well performance and production in various reservoir conditions.
  • "Case Studies of Limited Entry Completions in Horizontal Wells" by Halliburton: This article presents real-world case studies illustrating the successful application of limited entry in horizontal wells.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE's website offers a vast library of publications, presentations, and technical papers related to oil and gas production, including limited entry.
  • Schlumberger: The Schlumberger website provides technical resources and case studies on various well completion techniques, including limited entry.
  • Halliburton: Halliburton's website features information and case studies on their products and services, including limited entry solutions for well completion.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This online publication regularly publishes articles and news about oil and gas production, including developments in well completion techniques.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Search for phrases like "limited entry well completion," "selective perforating," "squeeze cementing," "ball sealer," and "production optimization."
  • Combine keywords with reservoir types: Specify the type of reservoir you're interested in, e.g., "limited entry horizontal wells," "limited entry fractured reservoirs," or "limited entry carbonate reservoirs."
  • Include company names: Search for specific companies involved in limited entry technologies, such as Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, or Weatherford.
  • Focus on specific regions: Include geographic locations in your search, e.g., "limited entry completions in the Permian Basin."
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