Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: drawworks brake

drawworks brake

Le héros méconnu du forage : le frein de treuil

Le treuil, un monstre de mécanique, est le cœur d'un derrick de forage, responsable du levage et de l'abaissement du train de tiges et du tubage. Mais au sein de ce système complexe se trouve un composant crucial, souvent négligé - le frein de treuil.

Ce dispositif apparemment simple joue un rôle vital pour assurer le mouvement sûr et contrôlé du lourd train de tiges. Le frein de treuil agit comme une contrainte mécanique sur le tambour du treuil, capable de ralentir ou d'empêcher complètement sa rotation. Sa fonction est primordiale dans plusieurs scénarios cruciaux :

1. Descente contrôlée : Lorsque le train de tiges doit être descendu dans le puits, le frein de treuil agit comme un mécanisme de sécurité. Il permet une descente graduelle et contrôlée, empêchant le lourd train de tomber de manière incontrôlée et de provoquer des dommages ou des accidents potentiels.

2. Arrêt d'urgence : En cas de panne mécanique ou autre urgence, le frein de treuil peut être engagé instantanément, arrêtant complètement le tambour du treuil. Cela empêche le mouvement incontrôlé du train de tiges, réduisant au minimum le risque de dommages à l'équipement et de blessures.

3. Maintien de la charge : Le frein de treuil est essentiel pour maintenir le poids sur la mèche pendant le forage. En maintenant le train de tiges stationnaire, il permet une force descendante constante sur la mèche, permettant des opérations de forage efficaces.

4. Prévention du dépassement : Pendant l'opération de levage, le frein de treuil empêche le train de tiges d'être tiré vers le haut trop rapidement, ce qui pourrait endommager le derrick ou le train de tiges lui-même.

Types de freins de treuil :

Les types les plus courants de freins de treuil utilisés dans les opérations de forage comprennent :

  • Freins à bande : Ces freins utilisent une bande de friction qui est appliquée au tambour pour créer une résistance.
  • Freins à disque : Les freins à disque utilisent des plaquettes de friction qui appuient sur un disque en rotation, créant une force de freinage.

Importance de la maintenance :

Comme toute pièce d'équipement cruciale, le frein de treuil nécessite une maintenance et une inspection régulières. Une lubrification, un réglage et un remplacement périodique des pièces d'usure appropriés garantissent ses performances optimales et sa fiabilité.

Conclusion :

Le frein de treuil, bien que simple en apparence, joue un rôle vital pour assurer des opérations de forage sûres et efficaces. Sa capacité à contrôler le mouvement du tambour du treuil est cruciale pour prévenir les accidents, maintenir la pression de forage et permettre des opérations fluides et contrôlées. C'est un héros méconnu du derrick de forage, un gardien silencieux assurant la sécurité et le succès de l'ensemble du processus.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Unsung Hero of Drilling: The Drawworks Brake

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the drawworks brake? a) To power the drawworks drum. b) To control the speed and direction of the drawworks drum. c) To lubricate the drawworks mechanism. d) To monitor the weight on bit.


b) To control the speed and direction of the drawworks drum.

2. Which of the following is NOT a crucial scenario where the drawworks brake is essential? a) Controlled descent of the drill string. b) Emergency stop during drilling operations. c) Maintaining the weight on bit. d) Adjusting the drilling mud density.


d) Adjusting the drilling mud density.

3. What is the main purpose of the drawworks brake during the hoisting operation? a) To increase the hoisting speed. b) To prevent the drill string from being pulled up too quickly. c) To ensure the drill string is fully submerged in drilling mud. d) To monitor the pressure in the wellbore.


b) To prevent the drill string from being pulled up too quickly.

4. Which type of drawworks brake utilizes friction pads that press against a rotating disc? a) Band brakes b) Disc brakes c) Drum brakes d) Hydraulic brakes


b) Disc brakes

5. Why is regular maintenance of the drawworks brake important? a) To increase the drilling speed. b) To improve the aesthetics of the drilling rig. c) To ensure optimal performance and reliability. d) To reduce the cost of drilling operations.


c) To ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Exercise: Drawworks Brake Application

Scenario: You are the driller on a drilling rig. The drill string is being lowered into the well. Suddenly, the drawworks loses power, and the drill string starts to descend uncontrollably.

Task: Describe the immediate actions you would take to prevent an accident and ensure the safety of the drilling operation.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution:

  1. **Engage the Drawworks Brake:** Immediately engage the drawworks brake to halt the uncontrolled descent of the drill string. This is the primary safety measure in such situations.
  2. **Assess the Situation:** Determine the cause of the power loss. Is it a temporary power outage or a mechanical failure?
  3. **Notify Crew:** Alert the crew about the emergency and instruct them to stand clear of the drilling area.
  4. **Check for Damage:** Inspect the drill string for any potential damage caused by the uncontrolled descent.
  5. **Troubleshooting:** If the power outage is temporary, restore power and resume drilling operations after a thorough inspection. If the problem is a mechanical failure, address it immediately before continuing.

Remember: Safety is paramount in any drilling operation. Quick and decisive actions are crucial in emergencies.


  • Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Handbook by Robert M. Schlumberger: This book covers a wide range of topics in drilling engineering, including sections on drawworks and its components.
  • Modern Drilling Technology by J.G. Berry and C.B. Suman: This textbook provides in-depth information on drilling equipment and operations, including detailed explanations of drawworks and its brake systems.
  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by Tarek Ahmed: This book covers the basics of drilling operations, including the role of drawworks brakes in drilling safety and efficiency.


  • "Drawworks Brakes: An Overview" by [Author Name], published in [Journal Name]: Search for articles on drawworks brakes in industry journals such as the Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT), SPE Drilling & Completion, and the International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology.
  • "The Importance of Proper Drawworks Brake Maintenance" by [Author Name], published in [Industry Publication]: Look for articles focusing on the maintenance and inspection procedures for drawworks brakes in industry magazines or online resources.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API standards and specifications often include information on drilling equipment, including drawworks and brakes. Check their website for relevant standards.
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC): IADC provides training resources and best practices for drilling operations, including information on drawworks and its safety systems.
  • Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ): This industry publication frequently publishes articles on drilling technology and equipment. Check their website or archives for articles related to drawworks brakes.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching for "drawworks brake," use more specific keywords like "drawworks brake types," "drawworks brake maintenance," "drawworks brake safety," etc.
  • Include industry terms: Use keywords like "oil drilling," "gas drilling," "drilling rig," or "drilling equipment" to narrow down your search results.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks will find exact matches, leading to more precise results. For example, "drawworks brake maintenance procedures."
  • Combine keywords: Use operators like "AND" or "OR" to combine multiple keywords. For example, "drawworks brake AND band brake."
  • Check search filters: Google search offers filters to refine your results, such as "Books," "Articles," or "News."
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