Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety Training & Awareness: Acceptance Number

Acceptance Number

Acceptance Number: A Key to Quality Control in Manufacturing

In the world of manufacturing, quality control is paramount. Ensuring that products meet specific standards and are free from defects is crucial for customer satisfaction and brand reputation. One key tool used in this process is the Acceptance Number.

What is Acceptance Number?

The Acceptance Number (AN) is a critical component of Acceptance Sampling, a statistical method used to assess the quality of a production lot or batch. It represents the maximum number of defective units or defects allowed within a sample drawn from the lot. If the number of defects in the sample exceeds the Acceptance Number, the entire lot is rejected.

How does Acceptance Number work?

Acceptance Number is determined based on several factors, including:

  • Acceptable Quality Level (AQL): This represents the maximum percentage of defective units considered acceptable in the entire lot.
  • Sample Size: The number of units randomly selected from the lot for inspection.
  • Desired level of confidence: The probability of accepting a lot with a given AQL.


Imagine a factory producing widgets. The AQL for widgets is set at 2%, meaning that a maximum of 2% of widgets in the entire production lot can be defective. A sample of 100 widgets is selected, and the Acceptance Number is determined to be 3. If the sample contains 3 or fewer defective widgets, the lot is accepted. However, if the sample contains 4 or more defective widgets, the entire lot is rejected.

Benefits of using Acceptance Number:

  • Cost-Effective: Acceptance sampling is generally less expensive than inspecting every unit in a lot.
  • Reduced Production Delays: By identifying defective lots early on, potential production delays and rework costs can be minimized.
  • Improved Quality: Setting an Acceptance Number encourages manufacturers to strive for consistent quality and reduce the number of defective products.
  • Objective Decision-Making: The Acceptance Number provides a clear and objective criterion for accepting or rejecting a lot, reducing the potential for bias.

Limitations of Acceptance Number:

  • Limited Accuracy: Acceptance sampling relies on random sampling and can be influenced by sampling errors.
  • Risk of Accepting Bad Lots: There's always a risk of accepting a lot with a higher defect rate than the AQL.
  • Not suitable for all products: Acceptance sampling is not always appropriate for products with critical safety or performance requirements.


The Acceptance Number plays a vital role in quality control by providing a defined threshold for determining the acceptability of a production lot. While not a foolproof solution, it offers a cost-effective and efficient method for ensuring quality and minimizing the risk of releasing defective products to the market. By understanding the concept and limitations of Acceptance Numbers, manufacturers can leverage this tool to improve their overall quality management practices.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Quality Control and Industrial Statistics by Douglas C. Montgomery
  • Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control by Harold F. Dodge and Harry G. Romig
  • Statistical Quality Control by E.L. Grant and R.S. Leavenworth
  • Understanding Acceptance Sampling by David H. Evans


  • Acceptance Sampling: A Practical Guide by ASQ (American Society for Quality)
  • The Role of Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control by Journal of Quality Technology
  • Acceptance Sampling for Quality Control: A Review by International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Acceptance Sampling by Quality Digest

Online Resources

  • ASQ: Acceptance Sampling (
  • NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook: Acceptance Sampling (
  • Acceptance Sampling Calculator (
  • Acceptance Sampling: A Tutorial (

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  • Use specific keywords like "acceptance number," "acceptance sampling," "quality control," "AQL," "sample size."
  • Combine keywords with specific product types or industries.
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases like "Acceptance Number in Manufacturing."
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