Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Task Types

Task Types

Task Types in Project Planning and Scheduling: A Guide to Effective Organization

Effective project planning and scheduling relies on a clear understanding of the tasks involved. Simply listing tasks isn't enough. We need to classify them based on their unique characteristics to ensure efficient resource allocation, clear responsibility, and effective tracking. This is where the concept of task types comes into play.

Task types allow us to categorize tasks based on various factors, providing a deeper understanding of their requirements and facilitating better planning and execution. Here's a breakdown of some common characterization factors and their implications:

1. Resource Requirements:

  • Human Resources: These tasks require specific skills, expertise, or experience from individuals. Examples include coding, writing, design, or research.
  • Material Resources: These tasks involve the use of physical materials, such as raw materials, tools, or equipment. Examples include construction, manufacturing, or logistics.
  • Financial Resources: These tasks require financial investment, such as purchasing software licenses, hiring consultants, or paying for advertising.

2. Responsibility:

  • Individual: A single person is responsible for completing the task.
  • Team: Multiple people collaborate to achieve the task objective.
  • External Contractor: The task is outsourced to a third party.

3. Discipline:

  • Engineering: Tasks related to design, development, or implementation of technical systems.
  • Marketing: Tasks related to promoting products or services.
  • Finance: Tasks related to managing financial resources.
  • Human Resources: Tasks related to recruiting, managing, and developing employees.

4. Jurisdiction:

  • Internal: Tasks are performed within the organization.
  • External: Tasks are performed by external parties, such as vendors or partners.

5. Function:

  • Research: Tasks involve gathering and analyzing information.
  • Design: Tasks involve creating plans, specifications, or blueprints.
  • Development: Tasks involve building, implementing, or creating something new.
  • Testing: Tasks involve verifying functionality, performance, or quality.
  • Deployment: Tasks involve releasing a product or service to the market.

6. Duration:

  • Short-Term: Tasks can be completed within a few hours or days.
  • Mid-Term: Tasks take several days or weeks to complete.
  • Long-Term: Tasks span months or even years.

Benefits of Task Type Categorization:

  • Improved Resource Allocation: By understanding the resource requirements of each task, we can allocate resources effectively and avoid overstretching our team or budget.
  • Clearer Responsibility: Defining task types helps identify who is responsible for each task, reducing confusion and fostering accountability.
  • Enhanced Communication: Categorizing tasks facilitates clear communication within the team and with stakeholders.
  • Better Project Tracking: Task type categorization allows us to track progress more accurately and identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Simplified Decision Making: Understanding the characteristics of each task type enables more informed decision-making regarding timelines, priorities, and resource allocation.


By effectively utilizing task types, project managers can achieve a deeper understanding of project components, optimize resource utilization, enhance communication, and ultimately, improve project success. This framework provides a powerful tool for organizing, managing, and tracking complex projects, ensuring a more streamlined and efficient approach to project planning and scheduling.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Task Types in Project Planning

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a common factor used to categorize task types?

a) Resource Requirements b) Responsibility c) Project Budget d) Discipline


c) Project Budget

2. A task requiring a team of engineers to design a new software system would be classified as:

a) Individual, Engineering, Internal, Development b) Team, Marketing, External, Research c) Team, Engineering, Internal, Development d) Individual, Finance, External, Testing


c) Team, Engineering, Internal, Development

3. Which task type is most likely to involve external contractors?

a) Research b) Testing c) Deployment d) Design


c) Deployment

4. A task with a duration of several weeks to complete would be categorized as:

a) Short-Term b) Mid-Term c) Long-Term d) All of the above


b) Mid-Term

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of task type categorization?

a) Improved communication within the team b) Increased project budget c) Better resource allocation d) Enhanced project tracking


b) Increased project budget

Exercise: Task Type Analysis

Instructions: Imagine you are planning a marketing campaign for a new product launch. Identify and categorize the following tasks based on the factors discussed in the article:

  • Task 1: Create a marketing strategy document outlining campaign objectives, target audience, and key messages.
  • Task 2: Design and develop a landing page for the product website.
  • Task 3: Conduct market research to identify potential customer segments.
  • Task 4: Launch social media advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Task 5: Develop and distribute press releases to relevant media outlets.

For each task, specify:

  • Resource Requirements: Human Resources, Material Resources, or Financial Resources
  • Responsibility: Individual, Team, or External Contractor
  • Discipline: Marketing, Engineering, Finance, or Human Resources
  • Jurisdiction: Internal or External
  • Function: Research, Design, Development, Testing, or Deployment
  • Duration: Short-Term, Mid-Term, or Long-Term

Exercice Correction

**Task 1:** Create a marketing strategy document outlining campaign objectives, target audience, and key messages. * **Resource Requirements:** Human Resources * **Responsibility:** Individual or Team * **Discipline:** Marketing * **Jurisdiction:** Internal * **Function:** Research, Design * **Duration:** Mid-Term **Task 2:** Design and develop a landing page for the product website. * **Resource Requirements:** Human Resources, Material Resources (if using specialized software) * **Responsibility:** Individual or Team * **Discipline:** Marketing (design), Engineering (development) * **Jurisdiction:** Internal * **Function:** Design, Development * **Duration:** Mid-Term **Task 3:** Conduct market research to identify potential customer segments. * **Resource Requirements:** Human Resources, Material Resources (if using external data sources) * **Responsibility:** Individual or Team * **Discipline:** Marketing * **Jurisdiction:** Internal or External (depending on research methodology) * **Function:** Research * **Duration:** Mid-Term to Long-Term (depending on research scope) **Task 4:** Launch social media advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. * **Resource Requirements:** Human Resources, Financial Resources (for ad budget) * **Responsibility:** Individual or Team * **Discipline:** Marketing * **Jurisdiction:** Internal (campaign management), External (ad platform) * **Function:** Deployment * **Duration:** Mid-Term (depending on campaign length) **Task 5:** Develop and distribute press releases to relevant media outlets. * **Resource Requirements:** Human Resources, Material Resources (writing and editing software) * **Responsibility:** Individual or Team * **Discipline:** Marketing * **Jurisdiction:** Internal (writing and editing), External (media outlets) * **Function:** Deployment * **Duration:** Short-Term to Mid-Term (depending on release timeline)


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of project management, including task breakdown, resource allocation, and scheduling. It provides a solid foundation for understanding task types.
  • The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker: This classic management book emphasizes the importance of task prioritization and effective time management, concepts that are directly linked to understanding task types.
  • Agile Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle: While focused on Agile methodologies, this book discusses task breakdown and prioritization within the framework of sprints, which can be applied to understanding different task types.


  • Task Types: What You Need to Know for Project Success by This article provides a detailed overview of different task types, their characteristics, and their impact on project management.
  • Understanding the Different Task Types in Project Management by Workzone: This article explores the benefits of categorizing tasks and provides examples of various task types commonly used in project planning.
  • The Essential Guide to Task Types in Project Management by Asana: This article offers a practical guide to using task types for efficient organization, communication, and collaboration within project teams.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI offers a wealth of resources on project management, including comprehensive guides, articles, and webinars related to task management and scheduling.
  • Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK): This official guide from the PMI outlines best practices for project management, including a detailed section on task decomposition and scheduling.
  • *Atlassian: * Explore the Atlassian blog for articles on project management, task organization, and best practices for efficient workflow management.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "task types project management," "types of tasks in project planning," or "categorizing tasks in project scheduling."
  • Combine your search with relevant terms like "resource allocation," "task prioritization," or "project workflow."
  • Use filters like "articles," "blogs," or "videos" to refine your search results.
  • Explore online communities like LinkedIn groups or forums dedicated to project management for discussions and insights on task types.
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