Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: PT (well test)

PT (well test)

PT (Well Test): Unlocking the Secrets of Subsurface Reservoirs

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, PT (Well Test) plays a crucial role in understanding the characteristics of underground reservoirs. This process, often referred to as a "pressure test," involves carefully measuring the pressure and flow rate of fluids (oil, gas, or water) from a well.

Summary Description of a Pressure Test:

A pressure test involves intentionally opening a well to the surface and observing the behavior of the fluids within. This provides valuable insights into:

  • Reservoir Pressure: The initial pressure of the reservoir, which helps determine the potential productivity of the well.
  • Reservoir Permeability: How easily fluids flow through the reservoir rock, affecting the rate of production.
  • Reservoir Size: The volume of the reservoir, which influences the overall potential for oil and gas production.
  • Fluid Properties: The composition and properties of the fluids within the reservoir, such as viscosity and compressibility.

Types of Well Tests:

There are various types of well tests, each designed to gather specific data:

  • Drawdown Test: This involves gradually increasing the production rate of the well and monitoring the pressure response. It helps determine the productivity index and reservoir permeability.
  • Buildup Test: This involves shutting in the well after production and observing the pressure increase as the reservoir re-pressurizes. This provides insights into the reservoir pressure and permeability.
  • Interference Test: This involves monitoring the pressure response of multiple wells in a field during production, allowing for the assessment of reservoir connectivity and interference between wells.
  • Injection Test: This involves injecting fluids into the well and monitoring the pressure response. It helps determine the injectivity of the formation, crucial for enhanced oil recovery techniques.

Importance of PT (Well Tests):

Well tests are essential for making informed decisions regarding:

  • Well Completion and Production: The design of well completions and production strategies.
  • Reservoir Characterization: Building a detailed understanding of the reservoir's properties.
  • Field Development: Planning for the optimal development of the oil and gas field, including well placement and production optimization.
  • Reservoir Management: Monitoring the performance of the reservoir over time and implementing effective strategies for maximizing production and minimizing reservoir damage.


PT (Well Tests) are powerful tools for understanding and managing underground reservoirs. By carefully analyzing the pressure and flow rate data obtained during these tests, engineers and geoscientists can unlock the secrets of these hidden resources, leading to more efficient and sustainable oil and gas production.

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