Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Closure (fracture)

Closure (fracture)

Closure (Fracture) in Geology: When Rocks Come Together

The term "closure" in geology refers to the closing of a fracture due to the pressure exerted by the surrounding rock formations. This pressure, known as the closure force, is critical in understanding the behavior of subsurface reservoirs, particularly in the context of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations.

Understanding Closure Forces:

Imagine a rock formation with a network of fractures. These fractures are typically filled with fluids, like water or oil. As pressure builds up around the fracture due to the weight of overlying rock, the fracture walls start to move towards each other. This movement, known as closure, eventually leads to the fracture completely sealing up.

The pressure required to close the fracture is called the closure pressure, and it depends on various factors:

  • Fracture size and geometry: Wider and more open fractures require higher closure pressures.
  • Rock type and strength: Rocks like shale have a higher closure pressure than more porous sandstones.
  • Stress state of the formation: The existing stress field in the formation influences the closure pressure.
  • Fluid pressure within the fracture: Higher fluid pressure inside the fracture counteracts the closure force.

Implications for Fracking:

Closure pressure is a crucial factor in fracking operations. The goal of fracking is to create fractures in the rock to enhance oil and gas extraction. However, the fractures need to stay open long enough for the fluids to flow out. Understanding closure pressure helps engineers:

  • Optimize fracturing design: By calculating the closure pressure, engineers can design fractures that stay open for longer durations.
  • Choose the right proppants: Proppants are small particles used to keep the fractures open. Choosing the right proppants ensures they can withstand the closure pressure.
  • Predict fracture behavior: Knowing the closure pressure allows engineers to predict how long the fractures will remain open and how much production they can expect.

Beyond Fracking:

Closure pressure also plays a significant role in:

  • Understanding rock deformation: Closure pressure contributes to the overall stress and strain within a rock formation.
  • Geothermal energy: Closure pressure is crucial in understanding the flow of hot fluids in geothermal reservoirs.
  • Carbon sequestration: Closure pressure plays a role in determining the suitability of formations for storing carbon dioxide.


Closure pressure is a fundamental concept in geology that impacts many aspects of subsurface exploration and development. Understanding how fractures close and the forces involved is critical for optimizing resource extraction, predicting reservoir behavior, and ensuring safe and efficient operations. As we delve deeper into the earth, the knowledge of closure pressure will continue to be vital for unlocking the potential of our planet's resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Closure in Geology

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "closure" refer to in geology?

(a) The formation of a new fracture (b) The opening of an existing fracture (c) The closing of a fracture due to pressure (d) The movement of rock formations


(c) The closing of a fracture due to pressure

2. What is the main force that causes closure in fractures?

(a) Gravity (b) Erosion (c) Closure force (d) Seismic activity


(c) Closure force

3. Which of these factors DOES NOT influence closure pressure?

(a) Fracture size (b) Rock type (c) Fluid pressure within the fracture (d) Weather conditions


(d) Weather conditions

4. Why is closure pressure important in hydraulic fracturing (fracking)?

(a) It helps to create new fractures (b) It determines the flow rate of fluids (c) It helps to choose the right proppants (d) All of the above


(d) All of the above

5. Closure pressure is NOT relevant to which of these geological processes?

(a) Rock deformation (b) Geothermal energy (c) Carbon sequestration (d) Volcanic eruptions


(d) Volcanic eruptions

Exercise: Closure Pressure Calculation

Scenario: You are an engineer working on a fracking project. You need to estimate the closure pressure for a shale formation. The formation has a typical fracture width of 0.5 mm and a shale strength of 50 MPa.


  1. Using the simplified formula below, calculate the closure pressure.
  2. Explain how the closure pressure might be affected if the fracture width was larger or the shale strength was lower.


Closure pressure = (2 * Shale strength) / (Fracture width)

Note: This formula is a simplified representation and may not be accurate in all scenarios.

Exercice Correction

**1. Closure pressure calculation:** * Closure pressure = (2 * 50 MPa) / (0.5 mm) * Closure pressure = 200 MPa/mm * Closure pressure = 200 N/mm² (since 1 MPa = 1 N/mm²) **2. Impact of changes in fracture width and shale strength:** * **Larger fracture width:** If the fracture width is larger, the closure pressure would be lower. This is because the same amount of force needs to be applied over a larger area to close the fracture. * **Lower shale strength:** If the shale strength is lower, the closure pressure would also be lower. Weaker rocks require less force to deform and close the fracture.


  • "Applied Rock Mechanics" by E. Hoek and J.W. Bray: This comprehensive textbook covers fracture mechanics, stress analysis, and rock behavior, including sections on closure pressure and its implications for rock engineering.
  • "Hydraulic Fracturing: Fundamentals and Applications" by M.J. Economides and K.G. Nolte: This book provides a detailed overview of hydraulic fracturing, with chapters dedicated to fracture closure, proppant selection, and fracture modeling.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by M.M. Kamal: This handbook covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, including reservoir characterization, production techniques, and stimulation methods, with sections relevant to closure pressure and fracture analysis.


  • "Closure Pressure and Fracture Propagation in Shale Gas Reservoirs" by A.R.M. Rao and M.J. Economides (2014): This article investigates the role of closure pressure in shale gas reservoirs, analyzing the factors influencing closure pressure and its impact on fracture propagation.
  • "The Role of Closure Pressure in Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation of Unconventional Reservoirs" by G.D. Montgomery (2013): This article discusses the importance of closure pressure in optimizing hydraulic fracturing design for unconventional reservoirs, focusing on the selection of proppants and treatment parameters.
  • "Fracture Closure Pressure: A Review of Theory and Applications" by D.A. Lockner (2000): This review article provides a comprehensive overview of closure pressure theory and its applications in various geological settings, including rock mechanics, petroleum engineering, and geomechanics.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: This website offers a wealth of information on petroleum engineering, including research papers, technical presentations, and online courses related to hydraulic fracturing, fracture closure, and reservoir characterization.
  • Schlumberger website: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield service company, provides technical resources and information on its website, including articles, case studies, and software tools related to fracture analysis and closure pressure calculations.
  • GeoMechanics website: This website offers various resources on rock mechanics, including research articles, technical reports, and software tools related to closure pressure, fracture propagation, and stress analysis.

Search Tips

  • "Closure pressure hydraulic fracturing": This search phrase will return relevant results on the application of closure pressure in fracking operations.
  • "Fracture closure model": This search phrase will lead to information on different models used to simulate fracture closure and predict its behavior under different conditions.
  • "Rock mechanics closure pressure": This search phrase will direct you to resources on closure pressure in rock mechanics and its applications in rock engineering and geomechanics.
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