Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Industry Regulations & Standards: Requirement Specification

Requirement Specification

Cahier des charges : le plan de réussite des projets pétroliers et gaziers

Dans le monde complexe et exigeant du pétrole et du gaz, la réussite de l'exécution d'un projet dépend de besoins clairs, détaillés et complets. C'est là qu'intervient le **cahier des charges**, qui sert de pierre angulaire du document définissant tous les aspects d'un projet, de la planification initiale à l'exécution finale.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un cahier des charges ?**

En substance, un cahier des charges (souvent abrégé en « CdC ») est un document formel qui détaille tous les aspects essentiels d'un projet. Il sert de plan, définissant l'objectif, la portée, les livrables, les contraintes et les critères d'acceptation du projet. Pour les projets pétroliers et gaziers, le CdC est crucial pour :

  • Communication claire : Assure que toutes les parties prenantes sont sur la même longueur d'onde, favorisant la transparence et évitant les ambiguïtés.
  • Gestion de projet : Fournit un cadre solide pour la planification, la programmation et l'allocation des ressources.
  • Contrôle de la qualité : Définit les normes acceptables pour les livrables du projet, garantissant le respect des exigences de sécurité et d'exploitation.
  • Gestion des risques : Identifie les risques potentiels dès le début, facilitant les stratégies de mitigation proactives.
  • Contrôle des coûts : Établit une compréhension claire des coûts du projet et des paramètres budgétaires.

Composantes d'un cahier des charges complet pour le pétrole et le gaz :

Un CdC complet dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier comprend généralement les sections suivantes :

  • Introduction : Fournit un aperçu du projet, de ses objectifs et de son alignement avec les objectifs commerciaux globaux.
  • Étendue des travaux : Définit les activités spécifiques incluses dans le projet, décrivant les livrables et les résultats attendus.
  • Exigences techniques : Spécifications détaillées pour les aspects techniques tels que les équipements, les matériaux, les logiciels et les infrastructures.
  • Exigences fonctionnelles : Décrit le comportement et les fonctionnalités attendus des livrables du projet.
  • Exigences non fonctionnelles : Adresse des aspects tels que les performances, la fiabilité, la sécurité et la maintenabilité.
  • Contraintes : Décrit les limitations, telles que le budget, les délais, les restrictions légales et les réglementations environnementales.
  • Critères d'acceptation : Définit les normes mesurables qui détermineront la réussite et l'acceptation du projet.
  • Annexes : Peut inclure des documents de soutien, tels que des dessins, des spécifications et des exigences réglementaires.

Résultats souhaités d'un cahier des charges bien défini :

Un cahier des charges bien rédigé présente de nombreux avantages pour les projets pétroliers et gaziers :

  • Risques réduits : Une compréhension claire des exigences minimise les incertitudes, conduisant à des stratégies d'atténuation des risques plus efficaces.
  • Meilleurs résultats de projet : Des exigences bien définies augmentent la probabilité d'atteindre les objectifs du projet dans les limites du budget et du calendrier.
  • Collaboration améliorée : La compréhension partagée des exigences du projet favorise une communication et un travail d'équipe efficaces.
  • Efficacité accrue : Des spécifications détaillées rationalisent les processus, permettant une exécution fluide du projet et une allocation des ressources.
  • Réduction des coûts : Des exigences claires conduisent à des estimations de coûts plus précises, minimisant les dépassements de coûts potentiels.

Conclusion :

Dans l'environnement à enjeux élevés du pétrole et du gaz, une planification et une exécution méticuleuses sont primordiales. Un cahier des charges complet sert d'outil essentiel pour naviguer dans les complexités du projet, garantir le succès et maximiser les rendements. En définissant et en documentant méticuleusement les exigences, les parties prenantes peuvent avancer avec confiance, sachant que leur projet est fondé sur une base solide.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Requirement Specification in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Requirement Specification in oil and gas projects?

a) To provide a detailed plan for project execution. b) To outline the project's budget and timeline. c) To document the project's risks and mitigation strategies. d) To establish clear communication and understanding among stakeholders.


d) To establish clear communication and understanding among stakeholders.

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical component of a comprehensive oil & gas Requirement Specification?

a) Introduction b) Scope of Work c) Environmental Impact Assessment d) Acceptance Criteria


c) Environmental Impact Assessment

3. What is the significance of defining "Non-Functional Requirements" in a Requirement Specification?

a) To specify the technical aspects of the project. b) To outline the expected behavior of the project deliverables. c) To address aspects like performance, security, and maintainability. d) To define the project's acceptance criteria.


c) To address aspects like performance, security, and maintainability.

4. How does a well-defined Requirement Specification contribute to cost control in oil and gas projects?

a) By defining clear project goals and objectives. b) By identifying potential risks and mitigation strategies. c) By establishing a clear understanding of project costs and budget parameters. d) By promoting collaboration and teamwork among stakeholders.


c) By establishing a clear understanding of project costs and budget parameters.

5. What is the key benefit of using a Requirement Specification in oil and gas projects?

a) To ensure project success within budget and schedule. b) To identify potential risks and mitigate them effectively. c) To establish clear communication and avoid ambiguity. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Requirement Specification Development


You are part of a team developing a new oil extraction platform in the North Sea. You are tasked with drafting the initial requirements for the platform's design and functionality.


Identify and list at least 5 key requirements for the platform, categorizing them under the following headings:

  • Technical Requirements: (e.g., materials, equipment, technology)
  • Functional Requirements: (e.g., desired actions, operations)
  • Non-Functional Requirements: (e.g., performance, reliability, safety)


Technical Requirements: * The platform must be constructed using corrosion-resistant steel to withstand harsh marine environments.

Note: Use your understanding of oil and gas platforms and the information provided in the article to develop your list of requirements.

Exercice Correction

This is a sample solution. Your answers may vary depending on your understanding and the specific requirements of the project.

Technical Requirements: * Materials: The platform must be constructed using high-grade steel with a high yield strength to withstand extreme weather conditions and potential seismic activity. * Equipment: The platform should be equipped with advanced drilling and extraction equipment capable of handling the specific type of oil reservoir and production rate. * Technology: The platform needs to incorporate automation and remote monitoring systems for efficient operations and safety. * Environmental Protection: The platform should be designed to minimize environmental impact, incorporating oil spill prevention and containment systems.

Functional Requirements: * Extraction Operations: The platform should be capable of extracting and processing crude oil at a specific production rate and maintaining consistent flow. * Storage and Transport: The platform should include adequate storage capacity for processed oil and have a secure system for transporting it to shore. * Maintenance and Repair: The platform should be designed for easy maintenance and repair, with readily accessible components and systems.

Non-Functional Requirements: * Safety: The platform must meet stringent safety standards, including fire suppression systems, emergency escape routes, and personal safety equipment. * Reliability: The platform should be designed for high reliability with redundant systems and robust maintenance programs. * Environmental Performance: The platform must comply with all relevant environmental regulations, minimizing emissions and potential pollution. * Security: The platform should have effective security measures to prevent unauthorized access and potential sabotage.


  • Software Requirements: A Lexicon of Practice by Karl E. Wiegers: A comprehensive guide to software requirements, applicable to many technical projects, including those in the oil & gas industry.
  • The Requirements Engineering Handbook: A Complete Guide to Requirements Engineering Processes and Techniques by Karl E. Wiegers & Joy Beatty: Provides detailed coverage of requirements engineering best practices, covering all stages from elicitation to validation.
  • Effective Requirements Practices: A Guide for Engineers, Managers, and Testers by Karl E. Wiegers: Offers practical guidance on creating and managing requirements for successful project outcomes.
  • Systems Analysis and Design by Dennis, Wixom, and Roth: A widely used textbook covering systems analysis and design principles, including requirements elicitation and specification.


  • "Best Practices for Defining Requirements in Oil and Gas Projects" by (Search for articles on industry websites like SPE, IADC, or Oil & Gas Journal): This type of article will often focus on specific aspects of requirement specification relevant to the oil & gas industry.
  • "The Importance of Requirement Management in Oil and Gas Projects" by (Search industry publications or online resources): Articles like this delve into the value proposition of robust requirements management in this sector.
  • "Requirements Engineering in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Case Study" by (Search academic journals or industry publications): Case studies offer practical insights into how requirement specification is applied in real-world oil & gas projects.

Online Resources

  • International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB): A globally recognized organization for software testing certifications, offering resources on software requirements engineering.
  • Requirements Engineering Body of Knowledge (REBoK): A comprehensive resource developed by the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) providing detailed information on all aspects of requirements engineering.
  • IEEE Standard for Software Engineering - Recommended Practice for Requirements Engineering (IEEE Std 830-1998): A widely-adopted standard outlining best practices for defining software requirements, which can be adapted to other technical projects.
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): Provides information on various aspects of engineering and technology, including resources related to requirements engineering and quality management.

Search Tips

  • "Requirement Specification oil and gas": This basic search will bring up relevant articles and resources.
  • "Requirement Engineering in Oil & Gas": This search focuses on the wider concept of requirements engineering within the oil & gas industry.
  • "Oil & Gas project management best practices requirements": This search will uncover articles and resources addressing specific best practices for requirements management in oil & gas projects.
  • "Case study requirement specification oil & gas": This search will help you find real-world examples of how requirement specifications are used in the oil & gas industry.
  • "Software Requirement Specification Template": While not specific to oil & gas, this search will bring up templates that can be adapted to the industry's needs.
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