Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: Slip and Cut

Slip and Cut

Glissement et Coupe: Maintenir les Systèmes de Câble par l'Élimination de Segments

Dans le monde des opérations de câblage, l'efficacité et la fiabilité sont primordiales. Une pratique cruciale pour assurer cela est la technique de Glissement et Coupe. Cette méthode permet de retirer les segments de câble usés ou endommagés, prolongeant ainsi la durée de vie de l'ensemble du système et minimisant les temps d'arrêt.

Qu'est-ce que le Glissement et la Coupe ?

La technique de Glissement et Coupe implique une procédure spécifique conçue pour retirer un segment de câble du système. Il s'agit essentiellement d'une "chirurgie de câble" contrôlée effectuée pour rajeunir le système. Voici une description du processus :

  1. Glissement: Un outil spécial, appelé "glisseur", est attaché au câble au point où le segment usé commence. Le glisseur est ensuite déplacé le long du câble, "glissant" efficacement le segment usé hors du système.
  2. Coupe: Une fois que le glisseur a atteint le point souhaité, le segment usé est coupé. Cela se fait à l'aide d'une coupeuse spécialisée conçue pour les opérations de câblage.

Pourquoi le Glissement et la Coupe sont-ils nécessaires ?

Les systèmes de câblage sont sujets à une usure importante lors de leur fonctionnement. Des facteurs tels que la friction, la flexion et l'exposition à des environnements difficiles peuvent entraîner :

  • Fatigue du Câble: La flexion et l'étirement répétés peuvent affaiblir le câble, créant un risque de rupture.
  • Dommages de Surface: L'abrasion, la corrosion et autres dommages de surface peuvent compromettre l'intégrité du câble.
  • Réduction de la Résistance: Un câble usé ou endommagé peut présenter une résistance à la traction réduite, augmentant le risque de rupture.

En mettant en œuvre le Glissement et la Coupe, les opérateurs peuvent :

  • Prolonger la Durée de Vie du Câble: L'élimination des segments usés élimine les points de défaillance potentiels, prolongeant la durée de vie de l'ensemble du système de câblage.
  • Améliorer la Fiabilité Opérationnelle: Un segment neuf et non endommagé garantit des performances constantes et réduit le risque de temps d'arrêt imprévus.
  • Maintenir la Sécurité: Le remplacement des segments usés minimise le risque de rupture du câble pendant le fonctionnement, assurant un environnement de travail plus sûr.

Au-delà de la Technique:

La technique de Glissement et Coupe n'est qu'un élément de la maintenance globale du câblage. Des inspections régulières, une lubrification adéquate et des mesures préventives contribuent toutes à un système sain et durable.

En Conclusion:

La technique de Glissement et Coupe est un outil essentiel pour maintenir l'efficacité et la sécurité des systèmes de câblage. En retirant les segments usés, les opérateurs garantissent un système fiable et robuste capable de résister aux exigences des opérations exigeantes. Cette pratique non seulement prolonge la durée de vie du câble, mais protège également les équipements et le personnel.

Test Your Knowledge

Slip and Cut Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the Slip and Cut technique?

a) To replace the entire wireline system.


Incorrect. Slip and Cut focuses on removing specific segments, not the entire system.

b) To repair damaged sections of wireline.


Incorrect. Slip and Cut removes worn segments, not necessarily damaged ones.

c) To extend the life of the wireline system.


Correct! By removing worn segments, Slip and Cut prevents potential failures and prolongs the wireline's lifespan.

d) To lubricate the wireline system.


Incorrect. Lubrication is a separate maintenance procedure.

2. Which of these is NOT a factor that can contribute to wireline wear and tear?

a) Friction.


Incorrect. Friction is a major cause of wear.

b) Bending.


Incorrect. Repeated bending weakens the wireline.

c) Proper lubrication.


Correct! Proper lubrication actually helps prevent wear and tear.

d) Harsh environments.


Incorrect. Exposure to chemicals or extreme temperatures can damage the wireline.

3. What is the tool used to "slip" the worn segment out of the system?

a) A cutter.


Incorrect. The cutter is used for separating the worn segment.

b) A slip.


Correct! The "slip" tool is specifically designed for this purpose.

c) A lubricant.


Incorrect. Lubricant is used for reducing friction.

d) A wireline reel.


Incorrect. The reel holds the wireline but doesn't play a direct role in Slip and Cut.

4. Which of these is NOT a benefit of using the Slip and Cut technique?

a) Improved operational reliability.


Incorrect. Fresh wireline segments reduce the chance of unexpected downtime.

b) Increased risk of wireline failure.


Correct! Slip and Cut actually reduces the risk of wireline failure.

c) Extended wireline life.


Incorrect. Removing worn segments prolongs the wireline's lifespan.

d) Safer working environment.


Incorrect. A safer environment is a direct result of reduced wireline failure risk.

5. Which of these is an example of preventative maintenance for wireline systems?

a) Replacing the entire wireline system.


Incorrect. This is more of a reactive measure.

b) Applying lubricant to the wireline.


Correct! Regular lubrication helps prevent wear and tear.

c) Performing a Slip and Cut procedure.


Incorrect. This is a corrective measure, addressing existing wear.

d) Inspecting the wireline for damage.


Incorrect. Inspection is a good practice but doesn't actively prevent wear.

Slip and Cut Exercise

Scenario: You are a wireline operator working on a well site. You notice a section of the wireline showing signs of significant wear and fatigue. The wireline is currently in use for a critical operation.

Task: Describe the steps you would take to ensure the safety and efficiency of the operation while addressing the worn wireline segment.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution:

  1. Assess the Situation: Carefully inspect the worn segment and determine the extent of the damage.
  2. Safety First: Prioritize the safety of the operation. If the damage is severe or poses an immediate risk, stop the operation and immediately notify the supervisor or safety personnel.
  3. Temporary Solution: If the operation is critical and cannot be immediately stopped, consider implementing a temporary solution like reducing the load on the wireline or using a backup system (if available).
  4. Plan for Slip and Cut: Once the situation is stabilized, plan for a Slip and Cut procedure. Ensure you have the necessary tools and personnel.
  5. Coordinate the Procedure: Communicate with your team about the plan, ensuring everyone understands the steps and safety precautions.
  6. Execute the Slip and Cut: Perform the procedure carefully, following the standard operating procedures for Slip and Cut.
  7. Inspect the New Segment: After the procedure, thoroughly inspect the new segment to ensure it's free of defects and ready for operation.
  8. Resume Operations: Once the new segment is confirmed to be safe, you can resume operations with confidence.


  • Wireline Operations: A Practical Guide by [Author Name] - A comprehensive book on wireline operations, likely covering Slip and Cut techniques.
  • Downhole Wireline Operations: Design, Installation, and Maintenance by [Author Name] - Focuses on the practical aspects of wireline maintenance, likely including information on Slip and Cut.
  • Oil Well Completion and Workover Engineering by [Author Name] - A broader resource on oil well operations, potentially including a section on wireline maintenance and Slip and Cut techniques.


  • "Wireline Maintenance: Ensuring Reliable Operations" - Search for articles with this title or related keywords in industry journals like "Oil & Gas Journal", "World Oil", or "Petroleum Technology Quarterly".
  • "Slip and Cut Technique for Wireline System Maintenance" - Look for specific articles on the technique in online databases or industry publications.
  • "Wireline Fatigue and its Impact on Operational Safety" - Articles discussing wireline fatigue could lead you to resources on Slip and Cut as a solution.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - Search their website and online publications for papers and articles on wireline maintenance and Slip and Cut.
  • Oil and Gas Journals and Websites - Explore websites of major oil and gas companies, industry associations, and online publications for relevant information.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Check websites of wireline equipment manufacturers for manuals, technical specifications, and articles on maintenance practices.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Slip and Cut", "wireline maintenance", "wireline segment removal", "wireline fatigue".
  • Combine keywords: "Slip and Cut wireline maintenance", "wireline maintenance techniques", "how to extend wireline life".
  • Use quotation marks: "Slip and Cut" to search for the exact phrase.
  • Include industry terms: "wireline", "oil and gas", "downhole operations".
  • Filter your search: Use advanced search operators to filter by publication date, file type, or website.
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