Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Racking Back Pipe

Racking Back Pipe

Remise en place du tubage : Une étape cruciale dans les opérations pétrolières et gazières

Dans le monde dynamique de l'exploration et de la production pétrolières et gazières, le terme "remise en place du tubage" fait référence à une procédure critique impliquant la manipulation et le stockage du tubage de forage pendant les opérations. Ce processus joue un rôle vital pour garantir des opérations de forage efficaces et sûres, en particulier en combinaison avec le tubage de surface, un élément clé du derrick.

Remise en place du tubage : Le processus

La remise en place du tubage implique le retrait du tubage de forage du puits et son stockage subséquent sur le plancher du derrick. Cela se fait généralement après qu'une section du puits a été forée et que le train de tiges doit être raccourci ou reconfiguré pour la prochaine phase de forage.

Le processus implique les étapes suivantes :

  1. Déconnexion du tubage de forage : Le train de tiges est détaché de l'assemblage de fond de trou (BHA) puis du kelly, qui relie le train de tiges à la table tournante.
  2. Extraction du tubage : Le tubage de forage est soigneusement remonté du puits en sections, à l'aide des treuils et du système de levage.
  3. Remise en place du tubage : Au fur et à mesure que le tubage est remonté, il est disposé horizontalement sur le plancher du derrick, créant un "rayonnage" de sections de tubage. Ce processus est généralement effectué dans des zones désignées sur le plancher du derrick, garantissant une organisation adéquate et un accès facile.

Le rôle du tubage de surface

Le tubage de surface, un tuyau vertical situé à l'intérieur du derrick, joue un rôle crucial dans le processus de remise en place. Il sert de point de stockage temporaire pour le tubage de forage pendant l'opération de remise en place.

Voici comment le tubage de surface facilite le processus :

  • Stockage du tubage : Le tubage de surface sert d'espace de stockage pour le tubage de forage qui est extrait du puits. Cela empêche le tubage de tomber directement sur le plancher du derrick, réduisant le risque de dommages.
  • Sécurité : En offrant un espace de stockage sûr, le tubage de surface garantit que le tubage n'est pas exposé à des dangers potentiels sur le plancher du derrick.
  • Efficacité : Le tubage de surface permet un processus de remise en place plus organisé et plus efficace, car il permet à l'équipe de gérer plus efficacement le flux de tubage.

Importance de la remise en place du tubage

La remise en place du tubage est une partie cruciale des opérations de forage pour plusieurs raisons :

  • Gestion du train de tiges : Elle permet la manipulation sûre et efficace du train de tiges, garantissant son intégrité et son entretien adéquat.
  • Flexibilité : Elle permet aux équipes de forage d'ajuster la longueur et la configuration du train de tiges en fonction des besoins pour les différentes phases de forage.
  • Sécurité : Elle minimise le risque d'accidents en fournissant un environnement structuré et contrôlé pour la manipulation du tubage de forage.


La remise en place du tubage, en combinaison avec le tubage de surface, est une procédure essentielle dans les opérations de forage pétrolier et gazier. Ce processus garantit la manipulation sûre, efficace et organisée du tubage de forage, contribuant ainsi à des opérations de forage réussies et productives.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Racking Back Pipe

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of "racking back pipe" in oil and gas operations?

a) To connect the drill pipe to the bottom hole assembly (BHA) b) To transport drill pipe to a different location c) To store drill pipe safely and efficiently after pulling it out of the wellbore d) To replace worn-out drill pipe sections with new ones


c) To store drill pipe safely and efficiently after pulling it out of the wellbore

2. Which of the following is NOT a step involved in racking back pipe?

a) Disconnecting the drill pipe from the BHA and kelly b) Pulling the drill pipe up the wellbore in sections c) Laying out the pipe horizontally across the derrick floor in designated areas d) Lowering the drill pipe into the wellbore using the drawworks and hoisting system


d) Lowering the drill pipe into the wellbore using the drawworks and hoisting system

3. What is the primary role of the standpipe in racking back pipe?

a) To provide a platform for the drilling crew to work on b) To connect the drill string to the rotary table c) To act as a temporary storage point for the drill pipe being pulled out of the wellbore d) To ensure the drill pipe is properly lubricated


c) To act as a temporary storage point for the drill pipe being pulled out of the wellbore

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of racking back pipe in oil and gas operations?

a) Efficient drill string management b) Flexibility in adjusting the drill string's length and configuration c) Increased drilling speed by eliminating the need for pipe handling d) Enhanced safety by providing a structured environment for handling drill pipe


c) Increased drilling speed by eliminating the need for pipe handling

5. The process of racking back pipe directly contributes to:

a) Increased risk of accidents due to pipe handling b) Improved drilling efficiency and productivity c) Reduced need for specialized equipment d) Increased reliance on manual labor


b) Improved drilling efficiency and productivity


Scenario: You are a drilling crew member working on an oil rig. The drilling team has just completed drilling a section of the well and needs to rack back the pipe.

Task: 1. Explain to a new crew member the purpose and importance of racking back pipe, including the steps involved. 2. Describe the role of the standpipe in the racking back process. 3. Explain how racking back pipe contributes to a safe and efficient drilling operation.

Exercise Correction

Here's an example of what a good explanation could include:

1. Purpose and Importance of Racking Back Pipe:

"Hey new guy, welcome aboard! We just finished drilling this section, and now we need to rack back the pipe. Basically, we're taking the drill pipe out of the hole and storing it safely. This is important for several reasons. First, it lets us adjust the length of the drill string, so we can reach different depths. Second, it helps us inspect and maintain the drill pipe, making sure it's in good shape for the next section of drilling. And lastly, it keeps the rig organized and safe by ensuring the pipe isn't just lying around."

2. Role of the Standpipe:

"The standpipe is a vertical pipe on the rig that acts like a temporary holding space for the pipe. It helps us pull the pipe safely out of the hole without letting it fall directly onto the floor. Think of it as a safety net for the pipe."

3. Contribution to Safety and Efficiency:

"By racking back the pipe, we're ensuring it's handled carefully and stored properly, which minimizes the risk of accidents. This also lets us work more efficiently because we have the pipe organized and ready to use when we need it for the next section of drilling. It's a crucial process to ensure we're drilling safely and productively."


  • Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Textbook: This widely used textbook covers various aspects of drilling, including pipe handling and racking back operations.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook, edited by Henry H. Ramey Jr., offers detailed information on oil and gas drilling and production, including sections dedicated to drilling practices.
  • Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering: This book by John C. Wilson covers essential drilling concepts and practices, including discussions on drill pipe handling.


  • "The Role of the Standpipe in Drilling Operations" - Journal of Petroleum Technology: This article delves into the importance and functions of the standpipe in conjunction with racking back operations.
  • "Best Practices for Handling and Storing Drill Pipe" - Oilfield Technology Magazine: This article provides insights into industry best practices for managing drill pipe throughout its lifecycle, including racking back procedures.
  • "Safety Considerations in Drilling Operations" - SPE Journal: This journal article emphasizes the importance of safety protocols in all aspects of drilling, including pipe handling and racking back.

Online Resources

  • DrillingInfo: This online platform offers extensive data and insights into oil and gas exploration and production activities, including information on drilling practices and procedures like racking back pipe.
  • Oil & Gas IQ: This resource provides a range of articles, videos, and industry news related to oil and gas operations, including sections on drilling and well engineering.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): This organization provides industry standards and guidelines for oil and gas operations, including those related to drilling and pipe handling practices.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "racking back pipe," "drill pipe handling," "standpipe function," "drilling operations procedures."
  • Combine keywords with site filters: "racking back pipe" or "drill pipe handling"
  • Use quotation marks: "racking back pipe" to find exact matches for your search term.
  • Utilize advanced operators: "racking back pipe AND standpipe" to refine your search.
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