Forage et complétion de puits

Multiple Completion

Complétion Multiple : Exploiter Plusieurs Zones Productives dans un Seul Puits

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, maximiser la production d'un seul puits est un objectif constant. Une technique utilisée pour y parvenir est la **complétion multiple**. Cela implique d'équiper un seul puits pour accéder et produire à partir de **plusieurs zones productrices**, souvent séparées par des couches de roche imperméable. Cette approche permet aux opérateurs d'exploiter plusieurs réservoirs dans un seul puits, améliorant l'efficacité de la production et augmentant potentiellement le rendement global en hydrocarbures.

**Types de Complétions Multiples :**

Les complétions multiples peuvent être généralement classées en deux types principaux :

  • **Complétions non-mélangées :** Dans cette configuration, les zones productrices individuelles sont isolées les unes des autres dans le puits. Cela empêche le mélange des fluides provenant de différentes zones et permet un contrôle indépendant de la production de chaque zone.

    • **Complétions concentriques :** Cette configuration implique plusieurs chaînes concentriques de tubage, chacune isolant une zone productrice différente. Les zones sont généralement accessibles par des chaînes de tubages séparées, permettant un contrôle individuel de la production de chaque zone payante. Cette configuration est souvent utilisée lorsque les zones ont des régimes de pression ou des caractéristiques de fluide différents.

    • **Complétions côte à côte :** Ici, des zones de production distinctes sont accessibles par des perforations individuelles le long du puits. Chaque zone est équipée de sa propre chaîne de tubage individuelle et de son propre collecteur de surface, permettant une production et un contrôle indépendants. Ce type de complétion est couramment utilisé lorsque les zones sont décalées latéralement et doivent être isolées pour une production optimisée.

  • **Complétions mélangées :** Dans cette configuration, plusieurs zones sont autorisées à s'écouler ensemble, ce qui peut améliorer la production globale en équilibrant les différences de pression entre les zones.

    • **Complétions empilées :** Dans cette méthode, plusieurs zones productrices sont accessibles par des perforations espacées le long du puits. Les zones sont ensuite combinées en un seul chemin d'écoulement, ce qui peut augmenter le débit global en tirant parti des différences de pression entre les zones. Cela est particulièrement utile dans les situations où les zones ont des caractéristiques de fluide similaires et sont susceptibles d'être mélangées.

**Avantages des Complétions Multiples :**

  • **Production accrue :** L'accès à plusieurs zones productrices dans un seul puits peut augmenter considérablement la production par rapport aux complétions à une seule zone.
  • **Gestion améliorée des réservoirs :** Le contrôle indépendant de chaque zone permet de mettre en œuvre des stratégies de production personnalisées, optimisant la production de chaque réservoir.
  • **Réduction des coûts de forage :** Les complétions multiples réduisent le nombre total de puits nécessaires pour accéder à plusieurs zones, ce qui entraîne des économies.
  • **Caractérisation améliorée du réservoir :** Produire à partir de plusieurs zones fournit des données précieuses sur les propriétés individuelles du réservoir, améliorant la compréhension du système de réservoir global.

**Défis des Complétions Multiples :**

  • **Complexité :** La mise en œuvre de complétions multiples nécessite un équipement spécialisé et une expertise technique, ce qui ajoute de la complexité à la conception et à l'exploitation des puits.
  • **Risque accru de problèmes en fond de puits :** L'isolation et le contrôle de plusieurs zones dans un seul puits augmentent le risque de problèmes en fond de puits comme l'instabilité du puits et la communication zonale.
  • **Investissement initial plus élevé :** Les complétions multiples impliquent des coûts d'investissement initiaux plus élevés par rapport aux complétions à une seule zone.

**Conclusion :**

Les complétions multiples sont un outil puissant pour maximiser la production de réservoirs complexes. En permettant l'accès et le contrôle de plusieurs zones productrices dans un seul puits, cette technique peut améliorer considérablement l'efficacité de la production, améliorer la gestion des réservoirs et réduire les coûts de forage globaux. Cependant, la complexité et les risques potentiels de cette technologie nécessitent une planification, une exécution et un suivi minutieux pour assurer une production réussie et durable. Alors que les progrès de la technologie des puits se poursuivent, les complétions multiples sont susceptibles de jouer un rôle de plus en plus important dans l'optimisation de la production pétrolière et gazière à l'avenir.

Test Your Knowledge

Multiple Completion Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of implementing multiple completions in a wellbore?

a) To increase the overall hydrocarbon recovery. b) To reduce the risk of downhole problems. c) To simplify wellbore design and operation. d) To minimize the initial investment cost.


a) To increase the overall hydrocarbon recovery.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of multiple completions?

a) Increased production. b) Enhanced reservoir management. c) Reduced drilling costs. d) Improved reservoir characterization. e) Reduced risk of downhole problems.


e) Reduced risk of downhole problems.

3. Which type of multiple completion allows for independent control of production from each zone?

a) Commingled completion b) Non-commingled completion c) Stacked completion d) Concentric completion


b) Non-commingled completion

4. Which of the following is a type of non-commingled completion?

a) Stacked completion b) Side-by-Side completion c) Concentric completion d) Both b and c


d) Both b and c

5. What is the main challenge associated with multiple completions?

a) Lower production rates b) Difficulty in accessing multiple zones c) Increased complexity and potential risks d) Difficulty in isolating zones


c) Increased complexity and potential risks

Multiple Completion Exercise

Scenario: You are an engineer tasked with evaluating the feasibility of implementing a multiple completion strategy for a well targeting two separate oil-bearing zones separated by an impermeable shale layer. The top zone has high pressure and low viscosity oil, while the bottom zone has lower pressure and higher viscosity oil.


  1. Identify the most suitable type of multiple completion for this scenario. Explain your reasoning, considering the differences in pressure and fluid characteristics of the two zones.
  2. List two potential benefits and two potential challenges of implementing the chosen completion type.

Exercice Correction

**1. Most suitable type of completion:** * **Concentric completion** would be the most suitable option for this scenario. This is due to the significant pressure and fluid viscosity differences between the two zones. **Reasoning:** * **Pressure Differences:** Concentric completions allow for independent control of production from each zone, which is crucial in this case to manage the pressure differential between the high-pressure top zone and the lower-pressure bottom zone. * **Fluid Viscosity:** Using separate tubing strings for each zone allows for optimized production strategies tailored to the different fluid characteristics. This prevents the mixing of the low-viscosity oil from the top zone with the higher-viscosity oil from the bottom zone, potentially leading to production issues. **2. Benefits and Challenges:** **Benefits:** * **Optimized Production:** Individual control over each zone allows for tailored production rates and strategies to maximize recovery from both zones. * **Improved Reservoir Management:** Concentric completions allow for better understanding of individual reservoir performance and potential for individual well interventions. **Challenges:** * **Increased Complexity:** Concentric completions require specialized equipment and expertise, leading to increased well design and operation complexity. * **Higher Initial Investment:** Implementing concentric completions can lead to higher initial capital costs compared to simpler completion methods.



  • "Multiple Completions: A Practical Guide" by SPE: This article provides a comprehensive overview of the different types of multiple completions, their benefits, and challenges.
  • "Optimizing Multiple Completions for Enhanced Production" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: This journal article explores techniques for optimizing multiple completion strategies for improved reservoir management and production.
  • "The Evolution of Multiple Completions: Past, Present, and Future" by Oilfield Technology: This article examines the evolution of multiple completion technologies and their potential impact on future oil and gas production.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources, including articles, technical papers, and presentations related to multiple completions and reservoir engineering.
  • OnePetro (SPE Digital Library): This digital library provides access to a vast collection of technical papers, journals, and other resources related to multiple completion.
  • Oilfield Technology: This website offers technical articles, news, and industry updates related to multiple completion and other oil and gas technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "multiple completion," "wellbore," "pay zones," "reservoir management," "production optimization," and "oil and gas."
  • Include relevant industry terms: Utilize terms like "concentric completions," "side-by-side completions," "stacked completions," and "commingled completions."
  • Add location or company names: If you're interested in specific geographic regions or company practices, incorporate those names into your search.
  • Use advanced search operators: Utilize operators like quotation marks (" ") for exact phrases, "+" for required terms, and "-" for excluded terms.


Chapter 1: Techniques of Multiple Completion

This chapter delves into the various techniques used for implementing multiple completions in oil and gas wells. These techniques are designed to isolate and control individual producing zones within a single wellbore, ensuring efficient and targeted production.

1.1 Non-Commingled Completions:

  • Concentric Completions: This method employs multiple concentric strings of casing, each dedicated to isolating a separate producing zone. These zones are accessed through distinct tubing strings, allowing for independent control of production from each pay zone. This approach is particularly advantageous when dealing with zones having varying pressure regimes or fluid characteristics.

  • Side-by-Side Completions: This technique utilizes individual perforations along the wellbore to access different producing zones, each equipped with its own tubing string and surface flowline for independent production and control. This configuration is commonly employed when zones are laterally offset and require isolation for optimized production.

1.2 Commingled Completions:

  • Stacked Completions: In this method, multiple producing zones are accessed through perforations spaced along the wellbore and then combined into a single flow path. This allows for enhanced overall production rates by leveraging pressure differences between the zones. Stacked completions are particularly useful when zones exhibit similar fluid characteristics and are suitable for commingling.

1.3 Advanced Completion Techniques:

  • Gravel Pack Completions: This technique involves packing gravel around the perforations to prevent sand production and maintain wellbore integrity. Gravel pack completions are particularly useful in formations with low permeability.

  • Fractured Completions: This technique involves hydraulically fracturing the formation to enhance permeability and production. Fractured completions are often used in tight reservoirs to increase production rates.

  • Artificial Lift Techniques: These techniques are employed to assist in lifting fluids from the wellbore to the surface, especially in low-pressure formations. Examples include gas lift, electric submersible pumps (ESPs), and progressive cavity pumps (PCPs).

1.4 Selection Criteria for Multiple Completion Techniques:

The selection of the appropriate multiple completion technique depends on various factors, including:

  • Reservoir characteristics (pressure, permeability, fluid properties)
  • Wellbore geometry (depth, diameter)
  • Production objectives (production rate, well life)
  • Cost considerations

1.5 Conclusion:

The diverse array of multiple completion techniques provides operators with a range of options for optimizing production from complex reservoirs. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages, and careful selection is crucial for achieving maximum production efficiency and sustainability.

Chapter 2: Models for Multiple Completion Design

This chapter explores the various models used for designing multiple completions, encompassing both geological and engineering aspects. These models provide valuable insights into reservoir behavior and assist in optimizing well performance.

2.1 Geological Models:

  • Reservoir Simulation Models: These models simulate the flow of fluids within the reservoir, capturing complex interactions between multiple zones and providing insights into fluid movement, pressure distribution, and production potential.

  • Geomechanical Models: These models analyze the mechanical properties of the reservoir rocks, considering stresses, strains, and fracture propagation. This helps in predicting wellbore stability and optimizing completion design to minimize risks of wellbore instability and zonal communication.

2.2 Engineering Models:

  • Production Forecasting Models: These models predict the future production performance of the well based on reservoir properties, completion design, and production strategies. They are crucial for evaluating the economic feasibility of multiple completions.

  • Wellbore Flow Models: These models simulate the flow of fluids within the wellbore, considering factors such as pressure drop, flow rate, and fluid properties. This helps in optimizing tubing and surface flowline design for efficient production from multiple zones.

  • Downhole Equipment Selection Models: These models assist in selecting appropriate downhole equipment, such as packers, valves, and tubing strings, for efficient isolation and control of multiple zones within the wellbore.

2.3 Integrated Modeling Approaches:

Combining geological and engineering models allows for a comprehensive understanding of the reservoir system and optimizes multiple completion design for maximizing production and minimizing risks. This integrated approach incorporates data from various sources, such as seismic surveys, well logs, and production history, to create a realistic representation of the reservoir and its complexities.

2.4 Conclusion:

The use of sophisticated models plays a vital role in designing and implementing multiple completions. By simulating reservoir behavior and optimizing well performance, these models contribute significantly to the success and efficiency of this production enhancement technique.

Chapter 3: Software for Multiple Completion Design and Analysis

This chapter delves into the software tools available for designing, simulating, and analyzing multiple completions. These software solutions streamline the process, enhance accuracy, and provide valuable insights for optimizing production.

3.1 Reservoir Simulation Software:

  • Eclipse: A widely used reservoir simulation software developed by Schlumberger. It provides comprehensive capabilities for modeling complex reservoir systems, including multiple completions.

  • CMG: Computer Modelling Group's software suite offers various tools for reservoir simulation, including GEM, STARS, and IMEX. These tools support detailed modeling of multiple completions and their impact on production.

  • Petrel: A geological modeling software from Schlumberger that integrates seamlessly with Eclipse for comprehensive reservoir characterization and simulation, including multiple completion scenarios.

3.2 Wellbore Design and Analysis Software:

  • PIPESIM: A comprehensive wellbore simulation software from Schlumberger, used for analyzing wellbore flow, pressure drop, and equipment performance. PIPESIM supports detailed modeling of multiple completions and their impact on production.

  • WellCAD: A software suite from Roxar, providing tools for wellbore design, simulation, and analysis, including capabilities for modeling multiple completions and their impact on production.

  • Open-source Software: Various open-source software packages are also available for simulating wellbore flow and analyzing well performance, providing cost-effective alternatives to commercial software.

3.3 Data Management and Visualization Software:

  • Petrel: Offers powerful data management and visualization capabilities for integrating geological and engineering data, including production data from multiple zones.

  • Spotfire: A data visualization software from TIBCO, used for analyzing production data and identifying trends related to multiple completions, facilitating optimization strategies.

3.4 Cloud-based Software:

  • Azure: Microsoft's cloud platform provides access to computing resources for running complex simulations and managing large datasets related to multiple completion projects.

  • AWS: Amazon Web Services offer similar capabilities for cloud-based data storage, computation, and analysis, supporting large-scale multiple completion projects.

3.5 Conclusion:

Software tools play a crucial role in optimizing the design, simulation, and analysis of multiple completions. From comprehensive reservoir simulation to detailed wellbore analysis, these software solutions enhance accuracy, streamline processes, and provide valuable insights for achieving maximum production efficiency and sustainability.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Multiple Completion Implementation

This chapter outlines best practices for implementing multiple completions, ensuring successful and sustainable production from complex reservoirs. These practices address crucial aspects of design, execution, and monitoring, minimizing risks and maximizing efficiency.

4.1 Thorough Reservoir Characterization:

  • Conduct comprehensive geological and geophysical studies to accurately identify and define multiple producing zones within the reservoir.

  • Utilize well logs, seismic data, and core analysis to obtain a detailed understanding of reservoir properties, including pressure, permeability, and fluid characteristics.

4.2 Optimizing Completion Design:

  • Select appropriate completion techniques based on reservoir characteristics, wellbore geometry, and production objectives.

  • Utilize modeling software to simulate fluid flow, pressure distribution, and production performance, optimizing well design for maximum production efficiency.

  • Choose robust and reliable downhole equipment, including packers, valves, and tubing strings, to ensure isolation and control of multiple zones.

4.3 Rigorous Execution and Monitoring:

  • Employ experienced personnel and utilize specialized equipment for safe and efficient implementation of multiple completions.

  • Implement rigorous quality control measures during all stages of well construction and completion.

  • Establish a comprehensive monitoring system to track production performance, pressure changes, and fluid characteristics from each zone.

4.4 Data Analysis and Optimization:

  • Regularly analyze production data to identify potential issues and optimize production strategies for each zone.

  • Utilize data visualization software to identify trends and insights from production data, informing decision-making for future optimization efforts.

  • Continuously evaluate and refine completion strategies to maximize production potential and ensure sustainable well performance.

4.5 Risk Mitigation:

  • Implement robust wellbore stability measures to prevent wellbore collapse and zonal communication.

  • Utilize advanced completion techniques, such as gravel pack completions and fractured completions, to minimize risks of sand production and improve production from low-permeability formations.

  • Implement appropriate artificial lift techniques to overcome low-pressure challenges and ensure efficient fluid recovery from multiple zones.

4.6 Conclusion:

Adhering to best practices for multiple completion implementation is essential for maximizing production efficiency, minimizing risks, and ensuring sustainable well performance. This includes thorough reservoir characterization, optimized completion design, rigorous execution and monitoring, data analysis and optimization, and risk mitigation strategies.

Chapter 5: Case Studies of Multiple Completions

This chapter showcases successful case studies of multiple completion implementations, highlighting the effectiveness of this technique in enhancing production from complex reservoirs. These examples demonstrate the benefits and challenges associated with multiple completions, providing valuable insights for future projects.

5.1 Case Study 1: Enhanced Production in a Shale Gas Reservoir:

  • A multiple completion project in a shale gas reservoir resulted in a significant increase in production rate compared to conventional single-zone completions.

  • The project involved utilizing multiple stacked completions to access and produce from multiple zones within the shale formation, maximizing production from a single wellbore.

  • The use of hydraulic fracturing in conjunction with stacked completions further enhanced production by increasing permeability and allowing for efficient fluid flow from multiple zones.

5.2 Case Study 2: Optimizing Production in a Heterogeneous Oil Reservoir:

  • A multiple completion project in a heterogeneous oil reservoir with varying reservoir properties effectively enhanced production by isolating zones with different fluid characteristics.

  • The project involved utilizing concentric completions to isolate and control production from multiple zones with different pressure regimes and fluid compositions.

  • The use of separate tubing strings and surface flowlines allowed for independent control of production from each zone, optimizing production and ensuring efficient recovery from different reservoir intervals.

5.3 Case Study 3: Rejuvenating Production in a Mature Oil Field:

  • A multiple completion project in a mature oil field successfully revived production from wells that had declined significantly.

  • The project involved accessing previously untapped zones within the reservoir using multiple side-by-side completions.

  • This approach allowed for the exploitation of additional hydrocarbon reserves, extending the life of the well and increasing overall production from the field.

5.4 Case Study 4: Challenges and Lessons Learned:

  • A multiple completion project encountered challenges related to zonal communication and wellbore instability, highlighting the importance of rigorous wellbore stability measures and advanced completion techniques.

  • The project provided valuable lessons regarding the importance of thorough reservoir characterization, proper equipment selection, and careful execution to mitigate risks associated with multiple completions.

5.5 Conclusion:

These case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of multiple completions in enhancing production from complex reservoirs. However, they also highlight the importance of careful planning, rigorous execution, and continuous monitoring to ensure successful and sustainable production. Through careful consideration of reservoir characteristics, completion design, and risk mitigation strategies, operators can leverage multiple completions to maximize production from complex oil and gas fields.

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