Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Kelly


Le Kelly : L'Épine Dorsale des Opérations de Forage Rotatif

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, le terme "Kelly" revêt une importance considérable. Il ne s'agit pas d'un nom, mais d'un élément crucial de la plate-forme de forage - l'arbre rotatif principal qui se connecte à la colonne de forage et la fait tourner. Cette pièce d'équipement apparemment simple joue un rôle vital dans l'ensemble du processus de forage, ce qui en fait un facteur essentiel dans l'extraction de ressources précieuses sous la surface de la Terre.

Le Rôle du Kelly :

Le Kelly est un arbre massif, creux, en acier qui se trouve au sommet de la table tournante, une grande plateforme qui fait tourner la colonne de forage. Sa fonction principale est de transmettre le couple de la table tournante à la colonne de forage, qui à son tour entraîne le trépan dans la terre. Il le fait par le biais d'une connexion carrée entre son sommet et le système d'entraînement supérieur et d'une connexion hexagonale à sa base qui s'engage avec le sommet de la colonne de forage.

Principales Caractéristiques du Kelly :

  • Construction Robuste : Le Kelly doit résister à des contraintes et des tensions immenses lors des opérations de forage, ce qui exige qu'il soit construit en acier de haute qualité et conçu pour la durabilité.
  • Taille et Poids : La taille du Kelly varie en fonction de la taille et de la profondeur de l'opération de forage, mais il est généralement grand et lourd, nécessitant des équipements de levage spécialisés pour son installation et son retrait.
  • Conception Creuse : L'intérieur creux permet le passage des fluides de forage (boue) à travers la colonne de forage, ce qui contribue à refroidir et à lubrifier le trépan et à éliminer les cuttings du puits.

Importance du Kelly :

Le Kelly est un élément essentiel du processus de forage, et sa panne peut entraîner des temps d'arrêt importants et des pertes financières. Voici pourquoi:

  • Assurer un Forage Efficace : Le bon fonctionnement du Kelly est vital pour maintenir une rotation constante de la colonne de forage, permettant une pénétration efficace dans la terre.
  • Fonctionnement Sécuritaire : Un Kelly correctement entretenu réduit les risques d'accidents et de pannes d'équipement, ce qui est crucial pour la sécurité du personnel sur la plate-forme de forage.
  • Essentiel pour la Stabilité du Puits : Le Kelly contribue à réguler le flux des fluides de forage, qui sont essentiels pour maintenir la stabilité du puits et prévenir les éruptions.

Conclusion :

Bien qu'il soit souvent négligé, le Kelly joue un rôle essentiel dans le succès des opérations de forage rotatif. Sa construction robuste, sa conception efficace et son importance dans la transmission du couple et la facilitation de la circulation des fluides de forage en font un composant indispensable dans l'extraction de ressources précieuses de la terre. Comprendre la fonction et l'importance du Kelly est crucial pour toute personne impliquée dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière.

Test Your Knowledge

Kelly Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the Kelly in a rotary drilling rig?

(a) To hold the drill string in place (b) To circulate drilling fluids (c) To transmit torque to the drill string (d) To support the weight of the drill string


(c) To transmit torque to the drill string

2. What type of connection does the Kelly have at its top?

(a) Round (b) Square (c) Hexagonal (d) Triangular


(b) Square

3. What is the purpose of the hollow interior of the Kelly?

(a) To reduce the weight of the Kelly (b) To allow for the passage of drilling fluids (c) To provide space for storage of equipment (d) To increase the strength of the Kelly


(b) To allow for the passage of drilling fluids

4. Why is the Kelly's robust construction essential?

(a) To withstand the weight of the drill string (b) To prevent corrosion (c) To facilitate easy installation (d) To withstand immense stresses during drilling


(d) To withstand immense stresses during drilling

5. What is a potential consequence of a Kelly failure?

(a) Increased drilling speed (b) Improved wellbore stability (c) Significant downtime and financial losses (d) Reduced risk of accidents


(c) Significant downtime and financial losses

Kelly Exercise

Scenario: You are working on a drilling rig and notice that the Kelly is making a strange rattling noise. You suspect there might be a problem with the square connection between the Kelly and the top drive system.

Task: Describe the steps you would take to investigate and potentially address the issue. Include considerations for safety and possible solutions.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible approach to addressing the rattling Kelly:

1. Safety First:

  • Ensure the rig is shut down and secured.
  • Inform your supervisor about the issue.
  • Follow all safety protocols and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

2. Investigation:

  • Visual Inspection: Carefully inspect the square connection between the Kelly and the top drive system. Look for any signs of wear, damage, or misalignment.
  • Sound Check: Listen closely to the rattling noise. Try to determine the exact location and frequency of the sound.
  • Torque Test: If possible, check the torque applied to the Kelly during rotation. A lower than expected torque could indicate a loose connection.

3. Potential Solutions:

  • Tighten Connection: If the connection is simply loose, try tightening it with the appropriate tools.
  • Lubrication: Apply a suitable lubricant to the connection points to reduce friction and wear.
  • Replacement: If the connection is damaged beyond repair, it may need to be replaced.

4. Documentation:

  • Record the problem, the steps you took, and the outcome.
  • If a replacement is required, document the type of Kelly used.

5. Reporting:

  • Report the issue and the solution taken to your supervisor.
  • If the issue persists, it may require further investigation by a qualified engineer or technician.

Note: This is a general guideline. Specific procedures and solutions will vary depending on the specific drilling rig, its equipment, and safety protocols.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed: A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of petroleum engineering, including drilling operations and equipment.
  • Drilling Engineering: A Complete Well Construction Guide by William C. Lyons: This book provides in-depth information on drilling techniques and equipment, including detailed explanations of the Kelly and its role.
  • Drilling and Well Completion: A Practical Approach by John A. Burgess: A practical guide covering well construction processes, with specific sections on drilling equipment and components like the Kelly.


  • Rotary Drilling: A Comprehensive Overview by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This article offers a detailed explanation of rotary drilling principles, including the function and importance of the Kelly.
  • The Evolution of Drilling Technology by Schlumberger: This article explores the history of drilling techniques and equipment, highlighting the development and significance of the Kelly.
  • Understanding the Kelly: A Key Component in Rotary Drilling by Oil & Gas Journal: This article focuses on the Kelly, detailing its features, working mechanisms, and importance in successful drilling operations.

Online Resources

  • SPE Digital Library: A vast collection of technical papers and articles related to the oil and gas industry, including resources on drilling techniques and equipment.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: A comprehensive online glossary defining various oil and gas industry terms, including detailed explanations of drilling equipment like the Kelly.
  • DrillingInfo: A data analytics platform offering insights into oil and gas operations, including drilling data and equipment specifications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "Kelly" with terms like "rotary drilling," "drilling equipment," "drilling rig," "oil and gas industry," and "drilling operations."
  • Explore related terms: Search for "Kelly bushing," "Kelly joint," "Kelly drive," "Kelly spider," "Kelly cock," "Kelly guide," and "Kelly connection" to find specific information about the different parts and functions.
  • Use advanced search operators: Use quotation marks around specific phrases, such as "Kelly drilling," to narrow down your search results.
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