Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Gauge Ring

Gauge Ring

Anneau de jauge : Assurer l'intégrité du puits dans les opérations pétrolières et gazières

Dans le monde exigeant de l'exploration et de la production pétrolières et gazières, la garantie de l'intégrité des puits est primordiale. Un outil crucial dans cette entreprise est l'anneau de jauge, un dispositif simple mais efficace utilisé pour déterminer le diamètre interne (DI) d'un puits.

Qu'est-ce qu'un anneau de jauge ?

Un anneau de jauge est un outil court, fonctionnant sur câble, constitué d'un anneau usiné avec précision conçu pour s'ajuster parfaitement dans le puits. L'anneau est généralement fabriqué en acier haute résistance et présente un diamètre spécifique correspondant à la taille souhaitée du puits.

Comment fonctionne-t-il ?

L'anneau de jauge est descendu dans le puits sur un câble. En descendant dans le puits, l'anneau rencontre les constrictions ou les irrégularités du trou de forage. Lorsque l'anneau rencontre une restriction, il ne peut pas la traverser, ce qui indique une diminution du diamètre interne du puits. Cela permet aux opérateurs d'identifier des problèmes potentiels tels que :

  • Effondrement du tubage : Une diminution du diamètre du puits peut signaler un effondrement du tubage, ce qui peut entraîner des fuites de fluide et une instabilité structurelle.
  • Erosion du puits : L'anneau peut détecter l'érosion causée par l'écoulement des fluides ou la présence de particules abrasives.
  • Accumulation d'écailles : Les dépôts minéraux peuvent restreindre le diamètre du puits, affectant le flux de fluide et l'efficacité de la production.
  • Coincement de l'outil : Les anneaux de jauge peuvent aider à identifier les zones potentielles où les outils de forage peuvent se coincer, permettant aux opérateurs de prendre des mesures préventives.

Avantages de l'utilisation des anneaux de jauge :

  • Mesure précise des dimensions du puits : Les anneaux de jauge fournissent une mesure précise du diamètre interne du puits, cruciale pour évaluer l'intégrité du puits.
  • Détection précoce des problèmes : Ils permettent la détection précoce des problèmes potentiels dans le puits, permettant une intervention rapide et minimisant les risques potentiels.
  • Outil rentable : Les anneaux de jauge sont relativement peu coûteux et faciles à utiliser, ce qui en fait un outil rentable pour maintenir l'intégrité du puits.

Conclusion :

L'anneau de jauge est un outil précieux dans l'arsenal des professionnels du pétrole et du gaz. En fournissant des mesures précises et une détection précoce des problèmes potentiels, ce simple appareil joue un rôle crucial pour garantir la sécurité, l'efficacité et la productivité des opérations de forage. Son application à différentes étapes du développement du puits souligne son importance pour maintenir l'intégrité de l'ensemble du système de production pétrolière et gazière.

Test Your Knowledge

Gauge Ring Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Gauge Ring?

a) To measure the external diameter of the wellbore. b) To measure the internal diameter of the wellbore. c) To measure the depth of the wellbore. d) To measure the pressure inside the wellbore.


b) To measure the internal diameter of the wellbore.

2. How is a Gauge Ring deployed in a wellbore?

a) It is attached to the drilling rig. b) It is lowered into the wellbore on a wireline. c) It is injected into the wellbore with drilling fluid. d) It is attached to a logging tool.


b) It is lowered into the wellbore on a wireline.

3. Which of the following issues can a Gauge Ring detect?

a) Casing collapse b) Wellbore erosion c) Scale buildup d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. What is the primary benefit of using a Gauge Ring?

a) It provides accurate wellbore dimension measurements. b) It helps to prevent wellbore collapse. c) It increases oil production rates. d) It reduces drilling costs.


a) It provides accurate wellbore dimension measurements.

5. What material is a Gauge Ring typically made of?

a) Plastic b) Aluminum c) High-strength steel d) Rubber


c) High-strength steel

Gauge Ring Exercise


You are a wellsite engineer overseeing the drilling of an oil well. During a routine logging operation, a Gauge Ring is run down the wellbore. It encounters a restriction at a depth of 3,000 feet and cannot pass through.


  1. Identify three potential causes for the restriction.
  2. Explain how each cause could impact the wellbore's integrity and the drilling operation.
  3. Describe the next steps you would take to investigate the issue and ensure the safety and efficiency of the wellbore operation.

Exercise Correction

**Potential causes for the restriction:** 1. **Casing collapse:** The casing might have collapsed due to external pressure or internal corrosion, reducing the wellbore diameter. 2. **Wellbore erosion:** The flow of drilling fluids or production fluids could have eroded the wellbore wall, creating a constriction. 3. **Scale buildup:** Mineral deposits from the formation water could have accumulated on the casing walls, reducing the wellbore diameter. **Impact on wellbore integrity and drilling operation:** * **Casing collapse:** Can lead to fluid leaks, structural instability, and potential loss of well control. * **Wellbore erosion:** Can weaken the wellbore wall, making it prone to collapse or failure. * **Scale buildup:** Can hinder fluid flow, reduce production efficiency, and lead to increased pressure. **Next steps:** 1. **Run a caliper log:** A caliper log will provide detailed information about the wellbore diameter at various depths, confirming the presence of the restriction and its severity. 2. **Evaluate the wellbore pressure:** Monitoring wellbore pressure will help determine if there are any fluid leaks or pressure issues related to the restriction. 3. **Consult with a drilling engineer:** Discuss the issue with a drilling engineer to develop a plan to address the restriction, potentially involving remedial work or wellbore reaming. 4. **Implement necessary safety procedures:** Ensure the well is adequately secured and safe operating procedures are followed during any interventions related to the restriction.


  • "Well Logging and Formation Evaluation" by Schlumberger: This comprehensive book covers various aspects of well logging, including the use of gauge rings for wellbore integrity assessment.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This handbook is a valuable resource for petroleum engineers and provides information on drilling, completion, and production operations, including the role of gauge rings in wellbore integrity management.
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert F. Mitchell: This textbook provides detailed information on drilling practices and techniques, including the use of gauge rings for wellbore condition evaluation.


  • "The Use of Gauge Rings in Wellbore Integrity Assessment" by [Author Name], Journal of Petroleum Technology: Look for relevant articles in reputable industry journals like SPE Journal, Journal of Petroleum Technology, and World Oil.
  • "Case Study: Detection of Casing Collapse using Gauge Ring Measurements" by [Author Name], SPE Conference Proceedings: Browse conference proceedings for case studies on the application of gauge rings in solving real-world wellbore integrity challenges.
  • "Impact of Scale Buildup on Wellbore Diameter: A Case Study using Gauge Rings" by [Author Name], Oil & Gas Journal: Search for articles in industry publications that focus on the practical applications of gauge rings in various wellbore issues.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's Wellbore Integrity website: This website provides information on various aspects of wellbore integrity management, including tools and techniques like gauge rings.
  • SPE's website: Explore the SPE's website for resources on drilling, completion, and production, including articles, presentations, and publications related to gauge rings.
  • Halliburton's website: This website provides information on various oilfield services, including wellbore integrity solutions, which may include the use of gauge rings.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use combinations of keywords like "gauge ring," "wellbore integrity," "casing collapse," "wellbore erosion," "scale buildup," "oil and gas," "drilling," and "completion" to refine your search.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific terms within quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "gauge ring measurement" will only show results containing that exact phrase.
  • Include relevant publications: Add phrases like "SPE Journal," "Journal of Petroleum Technology," or "Oil & Gas Journal" to your search to filter results from specific industry publications.
  • Filter by date: Use Google's advanced search filters to limit your results to articles published within a specific time frame to get the most recent and relevant information.
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