Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Safety Training & Awareness: Dynamic Event (propellant fracturing)

Dynamic Event (propellant fracturing)

Événements Dynamiques : Les Forces Invisibles qui Modèlent la Production Pétrolière et Gazière

Dans le monde du pétrole et du gaz, comprendre les dynamiques complexes des formations souterraines est crucial pour une production efficace et sûre. Un aspect clé consiste à reconnaître et à atténuer les **événements dynamiques**, des fluctuations de pression rapides et intenses qui peuvent affecter l'intégrité des puits et la production. Ces événements, qui surviennent souvent en quelques millisecondes, sont invisibles à l'œil nu mais peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur les opérations.

**Événements Dynamiques : Les Forces Invisibles**

Les événements dynamiques se caractérisent par des changements soudains de pression, de débit ou de contrainte au sein d'un puits ou de la formation environnante. Ils peuvent se produire en raison de divers facteurs, notamment:

  • **Fracturation par Propellant :** Cela fait référence à l'expansion rapide d'une charge de propellant dans un puits, créant une onde haute pression qui peut fracturer la roche environnante. Cette technique est souvent utilisée dans les traitements de stimulation pour améliorer la productivité du réservoir.
  • **Surtensions de Pression :** Ce sont des augmentations rapides de pression dans un puits, souvent causées par des changements de débits ou de conditions de puits. Les surtensions de pression peuvent entraîner des dommages au puits, des pannes d'équipement et même des éruptions.
  • **Événements de Fracturation :** Cela fait référence à la création de nouvelles fractures au sein de la formation rocheuse, qui peuvent être déclenchées par des injections haute pression ou des changements soudains de conditions de contrainte. La fracturation peut améliorer la production en créant des voies pour l'écoulement du pétrole et du gaz, mais elle présente également des risques si elle n'est pas gérée avec soin.

**Conséquences des Événements Dynamiques**

Bien que les événements dynamiques puissent être bénéfiques pour stimuler la production, ils comportent également des risques inhérents:

  • **Dommages aux Puits :** Une pression ou une contrainte excessive peut entraîner l'effondrement du puits, la rupture du tubage ou des dommages à la formation.
  • **Pannes d'Équipement :** Les événements dynamiques peuvent endommager l'équipement en fond de trou, y compris les pompes, les vannes et les tubages.
  • **Préoccupations Environnementales :** Des événements dynamiques incontrôlés peuvent entraîner des rejets incontrôlés de fluides et de gaz, posant des risques environnementaux importants.
  • **Risques pour la Sécurité :** Les surtensions de pression et les événements de fracturation peuvent créer des conditions dangereuses pour le personnel travaillant à proximité du puits.

**Atténuation des Risques liés aux Événements Dynamiques**

La gestion des événements dynamiques nécessite une approche multiforme:

  • **Modélisation et Simulation Précises :** Prédire le comportement des événements dynamiques grâce à des outils avancés de modélisation et de simulation est crucial pour la planification et l'atténuation des risques.
  • **Conception Soignée des Puits :** La conception des puits, y compris le choix du tubage et les pratiques de cimentation, peut influencer de manière significative la probabilité et l'impact des événements dynamiques.
  • **Contrôle et Surveillance de la Pression :** La mise en œuvre de systèmes robustes de surveillance de la pression et de mécanismes de contrôle est essentielle pour prévenir les surtensions de pression excessives et gérer les opérations de fracturation.
  • **Procédures d'Intervention d'Urgence :** L'élaboration de plans complets d'intervention d'urgence est essentielle pour gérer les événements dynamiques imprévus et assurer la sécurité du personnel et de l'environnement.


Les événements dynamiques font partie intégrante de la production pétrolière et gazière, à la fois bénéfiques et potentiellement dangereux. En comprenant les principes sous-jacents et en mettant en œuvre des stratégies appropriées d'atténuation des risques, l'industrie peut optimiser la production tout en assurant la sécurité et la protection de l'environnement. Alors que les progrès technologiques continuent d'affiner notre compréhension des événements dynamiques, nous pouvons nous attendre à voir un développement encore plus efficace et responsable de nos ressources souterraines.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Dynamic Events in Oil & Gas Production

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are dynamic events in the context of oil and gas production?

a) Slow and gradual changes in pressure and flow within a wellbore.


Incorrect. Dynamic events are characterized by rapid and intense changes.

b) Rapid and intense pressure fluctuations within a wellbore or surrounding formation.


Correct. Dynamic events are characterized by sudden changes in pressure, flow, or stress.

c) Long-term shifts in reservoir pressure due to natural depletion.


Incorrect. This describes a gradual process, not a dynamic event.

d) Events that occur only during well stimulation treatments.


Incorrect. Dynamic events can occur due to various factors, including natural events and production activities.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common cause of dynamic events?

a) Propellant fracturing


Incorrect. Propellant fracturing is a technique that can cause dynamic events.

b) Pressure surges


Incorrect. Pressure surges are a common cause of dynamic events.

c) Stable and consistent flow rates


Correct. Stable flow rates are less likely to cause dynamic events, which are associated with rapid changes in pressure or flow.

d) Fracturing events


Incorrect. Fracturing events are a common cause of dynamic events.

3. Which of the following is a potential consequence of dynamic events?

a) Increased production rates


Incorrect. While dynamic events can sometimes enhance production, they also pose risks.

b) Wellbore damage


Correct. Excessive pressure or stress can lead to wellbore collapse, casing failure, or formation damage.

c) Reduced environmental impact


Incorrect. Uncontrolled dynamic events can lead to environmental pollution.

d) Improved safety for personnel


Incorrect. Dynamic events can create hazardous conditions for personnel.

4. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for mitigating dynamic event risks?

a) Accurate modeling and simulation


Incorrect. Modeling and simulation are crucial for predicting and managing dynamic events.

b) Careful well design


Incorrect. Well design plays a significant role in mitigating dynamic event risks.

c) Using only traditional drilling methods


Correct. Traditional drilling methods may not be sufficient to address the risks associated with dynamic events. Modern techniques and careful planning are necessary.

d) Emergency response procedures


Incorrect. Emergency response plans are essential for managing unforeseen dynamic events.

5. Why is understanding dynamic events important in oil and gas production?

a) It helps to predict the future price of oil and gas.


Incorrect. While dynamic events can impact production, they are not the primary factor in determining market prices.

b) It allows for the development of new drilling technologies.


Incorrect. Understanding dynamic events is important for safe and efficient production, but it does not directly drive the development of new drilling technologies.

c) It helps to optimize production and minimize risks.


Correct. Understanding dynamic events is essential for planning production, mitigating risks, and ensuring the safety of operations.

d) It allows for the identification of new oil and gas reserves.


Incorrect. While dynamic events can impact reservoir behavior, they are not the primary means for identifying new reserves.

Exercise: Dynamic Event Simulation

Task: You are a drilling engineer tasked with planning a new well in a shale formation known for its susceptibility to pressure surges. Describe two key strategies you would implement to minimize the risk of wellbore damage due to pressure surges during the drilling and completion phases. Explain the reasoning behind each strategy.

Exercice Correction

Here are two key strategies with explanations:

  1. Implement a Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) System:

    • Reasoning: MPD systems are designed to maintain a controlled pressure at the wellbore, preventing pressure surges and ensuring wellbore stability. This technology is particularly beneficial in shale formations where pressure variations are common.
    • Implementation: MPD involves using specialized equipment to monitor and adjust mud density and flow rates in real-time, ensuring that the wellbore pressure remains within safe limits. This prevents excessive pressure buildup that could cause wellbore damage.
  2. Utilize Casing and Cementing Practices to Strengthen the Wellbore:

    • Reasoning: Proper casing selection and cementing techniques are crucial for creating a strong wellbore that can withstand pressure fluctuations.
    • Implementation: Select robust casing materials that can withstand the expected pressures and stresses. Perform thorough cementing operations to ensure a solid and reliable bond between the casing and the surrounding formation, minimizing the risk of pressure surges causing leaks or wellbore failure.


  • "Reservoir Stimulation" by G. King (2012): This book offers a comprehensive understanding of various stimulation techniques, including propellant fracturing, and their impact on reservoir performance.
  • "Well Stimulation: A Comprehensive Guide" by R.A. Wattenbarger (2011): This comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of well stimulation methods, including the mechanics of dynamic events and their management.
  • "Wellbore Hydraulics and Fracturing" by M.J. Economides and K.G. Nolte (2000): This text delves into the fundamentals of hydraulic fracturing, encompassing the pressures, stresses, and dynamic events that occur during stimulation treatments.


  • "Propellant Fracturing: A Novel Stimulation Technique" by J.A. McLennan et al. (SPE Journal, 2007): This article explores the principles of propellant fracturing, highlighting its advantages and potential applications in various reservoir scenarios.
  • "Dynamic Events and Their Impact on Wellbore Integrity" by M.A. Ekhtiarnejad et al. (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017): This research paper examines the role of dynamic events in wellbore damage and discusses mitigation strategies for preventing production losses.
  • "Modeling of Dynamic Events in Oil and Gas Wells" by S.M. Hosseini et al. (Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2019): This article presents advanced modeling techniques for predicting and simulating the behavior of dynamic events in wellbores.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website hosts a wealth of resources, including technical papers, presentations, and publications related to dynamic events and well stimulation. You can access these resources by searching keywords like "dynamic events," "propellant fracturing," or "well stimulation."
  • OnePetro: This online platform, managed by SPE and other industry organizations, provides access to a vast collection of technical literature, including articles and reports on various aspects of oil and gas production, including dynamic events.
  • Schlumberger: The website of this leading oilfield services company offers insightful technical articles and case studies related to dynamic events, well stimulation, and their impact on reservoir production.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords like "dynamic events" with specific terms like "propellant fracturing," "wellbore integrity," or "reservoir stimulation."
  • Use quotation marks around phrases to find exact matches, e.g., "dynamic events in oil and gas."
  • Utilize advanced search operators like "site:" to restrict your search to specific websites, e.g., " dynamic events."
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