Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: hex kelly

hex kelly

Hex Kelly : Le Héros Invisible des Opérations de Forage

Dans le monde souvent invisible de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, le Hex Kelly joue un rôle crucial pour garantir des opérations de forage efficaces et sûres. Cette pièce apparemment simple, une extension métallique robuste reliant la table tournante à la colonne de forage, est un élément vital du derrick de forage, facilitant le processus de forage et fournissant des connexions essentielles pour divers équipements.

Qu'est-ce qu'un Hex Kelly ?

Un Hex Kelly est une barre d'acier hexagonale, généralement en acier allié haute résistance, conçue pour s'insérer solidement dans le trou carré de la table tournante. Il sert d'extension, transmettant la force de rotation de la table tournante à la colonne de forage, permettant au trépan de pénétrer profondément dans la terre.

Caractéristiques et Fonctions Clés :

  • Forme hexagonale : La forme hexagonale garantit un ajustement serré dans la table tournante, empêchant le glissement et offrant une stabilité pendant le forage.
  • Matériau haute résistance : La construction en acier allié haute résistance garantit que l'Hex Kelly peut résister aux forces et aux contraintes immenses rencontrées pendant le forage.
  • Élément de connexion : Il sert de pont entre la table tournante et la colonne de forage, transmettant le couple de rotation et supportant le poids de la colonne de forage.
  • Conception modulaire : Différentes longueurs d'Hex Kelly sont disponibles, permettant des ajustements en fonction de la profondeur du puits et de la taille de la colonne de forage.

Pourquoi utiliser un Hex Kelly ?

  • Transmission de couple améliorée : L'Hex Kelly permet une transmission efficace du couple de la table tournante à la colonne de forage, maximisant l'efficacité du forage.
  • Stabilité accrue : La connexion sécurisée entre l'Hex Kelly et la table tournante améliore la stabilité pendant le forage, réduisant le risque d'accidents.
  • Flexibilité et adaptabilité : Différentes longueurs d'Hex Kelly sont disponibles, permettant des ajustements en fonction des exigences spécifiques de l'opération de forage.
  • Usure et déchirure réduites : La conception solide et durable de l'Hex Kelly réduit l'usure et la déchirure de la table tournante et de la colonne de forage, prolongeant leur durée de vie.

Variations et applications :

  • Hex Kelly standard : Le type le plus courant, utilisé dans les opérations de forage standard.
  • Hex Kelly haute résistance : Conçu pour les environnements de forage à haute pression et à haute température.
  • Hex Kelly pivotant : Intègre un mécanisme pivotant, permettant une rotation plus douce de la colonne de forage.

Conclusion :

L'Hex Kelly, bien qu'apparemment simple, est un élément vital dans la machinerie complexe des derricks de forage. Sa construction robuste et ses fonctions clés assurent des opérations de forage efficaces, sûres et fiables, contribuant de manière significative au succès des projets d'exploration pétrolière et gazière. En comprenant le rôle de l'Hex Kelly, nous apprécions davantage l'ingénierie complexe qui sous-tend l'extraction de ces ressources essentielles.

Test Your Knowledge

Hex Kelly Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Hex Kelly?

a) To connect the drill string to the wellhead. b) To transfer rotational force from the rotary table to the drill string. c) To regulate the flow of drilling mud. d) To control the depth of the drill bit.


b) To transfer rotational force from the rotary table to the drill string.

2. What is the most common material used for Hex Kellys?

a) Aluminum b) Carbon steel c) High-strength alloy steel d) Plastic


c) High-strength alloy steel

3. Which feature of the Hex Kelly ensures a secure connection to the rotary table?

a) Its circular shape. b) Its hexagonal shape. c) Its threaded design. d) Its weight.


b) Its hexagonal shape.

4. What is the main benefit of using a swivel Hex Kelly?

a) It allows for easier transportation of the drill string. b) It provides a stronger connection between the rotary table and the drill string. c) It enables smoother rotation of the drill string. d) It reduces the risk of drill string damage.


c) It enables smoother rotation of the drill string.

5. Why is a Hex Kelly considered a vital component in drilling operations?

a) It controls the pressure of the drilling fluid. b) It facilitates the extraction of oil and gas from the earth. c) It prevents the drill bit from breaking. d) It acts as a safety mechanism for the drilling crew.


b) It facilitates the extraction of oil and gas from the earth.

Hex Kelly Exercise:

Scenario: You are a drilling supervisor on a rig preparing for a new drilling operation. You need to select the appropriate Hex Kelly for the job. The drilling depth is estimated to be 10,000 feet, the drill string size is 6 ½ inches, and the well conditions are expected to be normal (no extreme pressure or temperature).

Task: Based on the provided information, choose the most suitable Hex Kelly type and explain your reasoning. Choose from the following options:

  • Standard Hex Kelly
  • Heavy-duty Hex Kelly
  • Swivel Hex Kelly

Exercise Correction

The most suitable option would be a **Standard Hex Kelly**. Here's why: * **Depth:** While 10,000 feet is a significant depth, it doesn't necessarily require a heavy-duty Hex Kelly. Standard Hex Kellys are designed to handle a wide range of drilling depths. * **Drill String Size:** A 6 ½ inch drill string is a standard size and wouldn't necessitate a specialized Hex Kelly. * **Well Conditions:** As the conditions are described as normal, a heavy-duty Hex Kelly is not necessary. A standard Hex Kelly is sufficient for typical drilling environments. A Swivel Hex Kelly might be beneficial if there are concerns about smoother rotation or potential wear on the drill string. However, in this scenario, a standard Hex Kelly would likely be the most cost-effective and efficient choice.


  • Drilling Engineering: This textbook, by Robert F. Anderson and J.A. Clark, provides a comprehensive understanding of drilling operations, including the role of the Hex Kelly.
  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion: This book by John Lee covers various aspects of drilling engineering, including a detailed explanation of drilling equipment and components like the Hex Kelly.


  • "Drilling Equipment and Operations" (Journal of Petroleum Technology) - This journal often features articles detailing the latest advancements in drilling technology, potentially including information on Hex Kellys.
  • "Hex Kelly Design and Performance in High-Temperature Environments" (SPE Journal) - This article would likely discuss the challenges faced in high-temperature drilling and the specialized Hex Kelly designs used to overcome them.

Online Resources

  • Oilfield Glossary: This website offers definitions and explanations for various oilfield terms, including a detailed entry on Hex Kellys.
  • DrillingInfo: This online platform provides a wealth of information on drilling technology, data, and industry trends. You can search for articles and resources related to Hex Kellys or drilling equipment in general.
  • Baker Hughes: This company, a major player in the oil and gas industry, offers comprehensive technical information on its drilling equipment and services. You can find information on Hex Kellys and related components on their website.

Search Tips

  • "Hex Kelly drilling" - A general search to find articles and information on Hex Kellys and their use in drilling operations.
  • "Hex Kelly design" - To find articles on the design and specifications of Hex Kellys.
  • "Hex Kelly applications" - To learn about the different applications of Hex Kellys in various drilling scenarios.
  • "Hex Kelly manufacturers" - To find companies specializing in the manufacturing of Hex Kellys and learn about their product offerings.
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