Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: back off

back off

Reculer : Une manœuvre cruciale dans le forage et l'achèvement de puits

Dans le monde du forage et de l'achèvement de puits, le terme "reculer" désigne une procédure essentielle impliquant le dévissage d'une pièce filetée d'une autre. Cette manœuvre est indispensable à différentes étapes du processus de forage et d'achèvement, de la connexion et de la déconnexion du train de tiges au montage et au démontage de l'équipement d'achèvement.

Voici une description du processus et de son importance :

1. Les bases :

  • Objectif : Le principal objectif du "reculer" est de détacher deux composants filetés, tels que des sections de train de tiges, de tubage, de tubing ou d'équipement de tête de puits.
  • Outil : Une clé dynamométrique spécialisée, conçue spécifiquement pour les applications haute pression, est généralement utilisée pour cette opération.
  • Procédure : La clé est fixée au composant fileté et tournée dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre pour le dévisser.
  • Sécurité : Le processus exige le respect strict des protocoles de sécurité, notamment la gestion adéquate du poids, le contrôle du couple et la surveillance vigilante de l'opération de dévissage.

2. Applications dans le forage :

  • Connexions de train de tiges : Lorsqu'un train de tiges atteint la fin de sa longueur, une opération de "reculer" est effectuée pour déconnecter le train de tiges et ajouter une autre section. Ce processus continu permet de poursuivre le forage jusqu'à des profondeurs plus importantes.
  • Changements de trépan : Une fois qu'un trépan est usé, il doit être remplacé. Une manœuvre de "reculer" est nécessaire pour retirer le trépan usé et fixer un nouveau trépan.

3. Applications dans l'achèvement de puits :

  • Installation du tubage : Pendant l'achèvement, des sections de tubage sont descendues dans le puits et connectées. Une opération de "reculer" garantit que chaque section est correctement vissée.
  • Installation du tubing : De manière similaire au tubage, les sections de tubing sont connectées à l'aide de manœuvres de "reculer" pour créer un chemin continu pour la production d'huile et de gaz.
  • Équipement de tête de puits : Divers composants de tête de puits, comme les vannes et les étrangleurs, sont installés et retirés à l'aide de procédures de "reculer".

4. Importance de la précision :

  • Prévention des dommages : Des techniques de recul inappropriées peuvent endommager les filets des composants, entraînant des fuites et des réparations coûteuses.
  • Problèmes de sécurité : Une opération de "reculer" forcée ou incontrôlée peut entraîner un mouvement inattendu d'équipements lourds, ce qui présente un risque pour le personnel.
  • Opérations efficaces : Des procédures de recul précises et contrôlées garantissent un retrait rapide et sûr des composants, ce qui minimise les temps d'arrêt et maximise l'efficacité opérationnelle.

En conclusion :

"Reculer" est une opération fondamentale dans le forage et l'achèvement de puits. Maîtriser ce processus, avec sa précision et ses protocoles de sécurité requis, est essentiel pour une construction et une production de puits réussies et efficaces. Le retrait minutieux et contrôlé des composants filetés garantit un flux de travail fluide, minimisant les risques et maximisant la productivité.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Back Off - A Crucial Maneuver in Drilling and Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of "backing off" in drilling and well completion?

a) To tighten threaded components b) To detach threaded components c) To lubricate threaded components d) To inspect threaded components


b) To detach threaded components

2. What tool is typically used for "backing off" operations?

a) A hydraulic jack b) A pipe wrench c) A specialized torque wrench d) A hand drill


c) A specialized torque wrench

3. Which of the following is NOT an application of "backing off" in drilling?

a) Connecting drill pipe sections b) Replacing a worn drill bit c) Installing casing sections d) Removing a stuck drill string


c) Installing casing sections

4. What is a potential consequence of improper "back off" techniques?

a) Increased well production b) Reduced drilling time c) Damage to threaded components d) Improved safety protocols


c) Damage to threaded components

5. Why is precision crucial during a "back off" operation?

a) To prevent damage to equipment b) To ensure worker safety c) To optimize operational efficiency d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Exercise: "Back Off" Scenario

Scenario: You are working on a drilling rig and need to replace a worn drill bit. The drill string has reached the end of its length, and you need to disconnect the existing drill pipe section before attaching a new one.

Task: Describe the steps involved in the "back off" operation to disconnect the drill pipe section, ensuring safety and precision throughout the process. Include the following:

  • The tools required
  • The safety protocols to be followed
  • The steps involved in the "back off" operation itself

Exercice Correction

Here's a sample solution to the exercise: **Tools Required:** * Specialized torque wrench designed for high-pressure applications * Safety equipment (gloves, hardhat, safety glasses) **Safety Protocols:** * Ensure everyone on the rig is aware of the operation and clear of the area. * Inspect the connection for any signs of damage or wear before starting the "back off" process. * Use proper weight management techniques to prevent the drill string from swinging or moving uncontrollably during the operation. * Monitor the "back off" operation closely for any signs of stress or damage to the connection. **Steps for "Back Off" Operation:** 1. **Attach the torque wrench:** Securely attach the torque wrench to the appropriate threaded connection on the drill pipe. 2. **Set the torque wrench:** Set the torque wrench to the correct torque value as specified by the equipment manufacturer. 3. **Initiate the "back off" process:** Rotate the wrench in a counter-clockwise direction to unscrew the drill pipe section. 4. **Control the operation:** Maintain a steady and controlled rate of rotation to prevent damage to the threads. 5. **Monitor for resistance:** As the drill pipe sections start to separate, monitor for any sudden resistance or unusual sounds, which could indicate a stuck or damaged connection. 6. **Complete the disconnection:** Continue rotating the wrench until the drill pipe sections are fully separated. 7. **Inspect the connection:** After the "back off" operation, carefully inspect the threads on both sections for any signs of damage. **Note:** This is a simplified example. The specific steps and procedures may vary depending on the type of equipment and the drilling environment.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook contains chapters on drilling and well completion, including detailed information on various procedures like "back off."
  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices: This book provides in-depth coverage of drilling operations, encompassing the theory and practical aspects of "back off" operations.
  • Well Completion Engineering: This book focuses specifically on well completion techniques, offering detailed information on the use of "back off" for installing and removing completion equipment.


  • "Back Off" Techniques in Drill String Management: Look for articles focusing on drill string management and maintenance, which often discuss "back off" procedures for disconnecting and connecting drill pipe sections.
  • "Back Off" Torque and Safety Considerations: Search for articles discussing the importance of proper torque control and safety precautions during "back off" operations.
  • "Back Off" Procedures for Casing and Tubing Installation: Find articles specific to well completion, focusing on "back off" techniques for installing and removing casing and tubing sections.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website hosts a vast collection of technical papers and publications related to drilling and well completion. You can use keywords like "back off," "drill string management," "well completion," and "torque control" to find relevant articles.
  • OnePetro: This online platform offers access to a wide range of technical literature, including papers and articles covering various aspects of drilling and well completion, including "back off" procedures.
  • Oil & Gas Journals: Reputable industry journals like "Oil & Gas Journal" and "World Oil" frequently publish articles on drilling and well completion technologies, including discussions on "back off" techniques.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "back off," "drilling," "well completion," "casing," "tubing," "torque," and "safety" to narrow your search results.
  • Utilize quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks will search for the exact phrase, improving search precision. For example, "back off" procedure will only show results containing those specific words.
  • Filter your search: Use Google's advanced search options to filter your results by file type (e.g., PDF for technical papers) or by date to find the most recent information.
  • Browse industry websites: Explore the websites of companies involved in drilling and well completion services, as they often provide technical resources and articles on various aspects of the industry.
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