إدارة المخاطر

Management by Exception

سيف ذو حدين: إدارة الاستثناءات في صناعة النفط والغاز

في عالم النفط والغاز سريع الخطى ذو المخاطر العالية، فإن الإدارة الفعالة هي الأساس. واحد من الأساليب الشائعة، خاصةً في العمليات المعقدة ذات نقاط البيانات العديدة، هو **إدارة الاستثناءات (MBE)**. ينادي هذا النظام بتقديم التقارير إلى المدراء فقط عندما تحدث انحرافات كبيرة عن النتائج المخطط لها، مما يصفّي "الروتين" بشكل فعال ويسمح للمدراء بالتركيز على القضايا الحرجة.

**جاذبية MBE:**

  • تقليل أعباء المعلومات: يتم تحرير المدراء من الغوص في تقارير لا حصر لها مليئة بتحديثات التقدم الروتينية، مما يسمح لهم بالتركيز على الأفكار القابلة للتنفيذ.
  • زيادة الكفاءة: من خلال إعطاء الأولوية للاستثناءات، يمكن للمدراء تخصيص وقتهم ومواردهم بشكل فعال، واستهداف مجالات المشكلات وتحسين الأداء.
  • تمكين الموظفين ذوي المستوى الأدنى: تشجع MBE على الملكية والاستقلالية بين أعضاء الفريق، مما يمكّنهم من معالجة القضايا الصغيرة بشكل استباقي دون تصعيدها إلى مستويات أعلى.

**التحديات الخفية:**

في حين يبدو MBE فعالاً على السطح، إلا أنه ليس خالياً من العيوب، خاصةً في سياق صناعة النفط والغاز:

  • التفسير الشخصي: تحديد ما يشكل "استثناء" يمكن أن يكون ذاتيًا، مما يؤدي إلى إعداد تقارير متحيزة أو غير دقيقة. يمكن أن يؤدي ذلك إلى تجاهل القضايا الحرجة أو التقليل من شأنها، خاصةً عندما يكون المبلغ أقل خبرة أو يفتقر إلى الخبرة اللازمة.
  • غياب الرؤية الشاملة: من خلال التركيز فقط على الاستثناءات، يمكن أن يخلق MBE تصورًا مشوهًا لصحة المشروع. قد يتم تجاهل التطورات الإيجابية، والتعلم المهم، والتحسينات الاستباقية، مما يعيق أداء المشروع بشكل عام ويمنع فرص التعلم.
  • احتمالية الرضا عن النفس: يمكن أن يؤدي نقص التقارير الدقيقة المنتظمة إلى شعور زائف بالأمان ويؤدي إلى الرضا عن النفس بين أعضاء الفريق. يمكن أن يجعل هذا من الصعب تحديد ومعالجة المشكلات الناشئة قبل أن تتفاقم إلى مشكلات كبيرة.

التنقل في مشهد MBE:

يمكن أن تكون MBE أداة قيّمة لإدارة العمليات المعقدة، لكن فعاليتها تعتمد على إطار عمل محدد جيدًا يقلل من المخاطر المحتملة. إليك بعض الاعتبارات الرئيسية:

  • معايير واضحة وموضوعية: إنشاء معايير واضحة وموضوعية لتحديد الاستثناءات أمر بالغ الأهمية لتجنب التحيزات الشخصية.
  • التواصل الشفاف: التواصل المنتظم، حتى عندما لا توجد استثناءات، ضروري لضمان الشفافية والحفاظ على فهم شامل لتقدم المشروع.
  • حلقة ردود فعل منظمة: يجب أن تكون آليات ردود الفعل المنتظمة في مكانها لتقييم فعالية MBE والتأكد من بقائها متوافقة مع أهداف المشروع.
  • التقارير المتوازنة: تكملة تقارير الاستثناءات بتقارير تقدم شاملة دورية توفر نظرة أكثر توازنًا لصحة المشروع وتسهل اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة.


إدارة الاستثناءات، عند تنفيذها استراتيجيًا، يمكن أن تبسط العمليات وتحسن كفاءة الإدارة. ومع ذلك، تتطلب حدودها، خاصةً في بيئة النفط والغاز المعقدة للغاية وذات الأهمية الحرجة للسلامة، التفكير الدقيق. من خلال تحقيق توازن بين تقارير الاستثناءات الموجهة والبصائر الشاملة الأوسع نطاقًا، يمكن للمؤسسات تسخير إمكانات MBE مع تقليل مخاطرها المتأصلة، مما يضمن مستقبلًا أكثر أمانًا وكفاءة واستدامة.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Management by Exception in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary advantage of Management by Exception (MBE)?

a) It ensures that all information is reported to managers, no matter how insignificant. b) It allows managers to focus their time and resources on critical issues. c) It eliminates the need for detailed reporting and analysis. d) It reduces the workload of lower-level staff.


b) It allows managers to focus their time and resources on critical issues.

2. Which of the following is a potential drawback of MBE in the oil and gas industry?

a) It encourages a culture of innovation and risk-taking. b) It promotes greater transparency and communication within teams. c) It can lead to critical issues being overlooked or downplayed. d) It eliminates the need for subjective judgment in reporting.


c) It can lead to critical issues being overlooked or downplayed.

3. What is essential to ensure the effectiveness of MBE?

a) Eliminating all reporting except for exceptions. b) Establishing clear and objective criteria for identifying exceptions. c) Relying solely on the expertise of senior management for decision-making. d) Minimizing communication between team members to avoid unnecessary distractions.


b) Establishing clear and objective criteria for identifying exceptions.

4. How can organizations mitigate the risk of complacency associated with MBE?

a) By implementing a strict "no exceptions" policy. b) By relying exclusively on exception reports for project management. c) By supplementing exception reports with regular, comprehensive progress reports. d) By discouraging proactive problem-solving among team members.


c) By supplementing exception reports with regular, comprehensive progress reports.

5. Which of the following is NOT a key consideration for navigating the MBE landscape?

a) Transparent communication. b) Structured feedback loops. c) Eliminating all routine reporting. d) Balanced reporting.


c) Eliminating all routine reporting.

Exercise: The Drilling Rig Dilemma


You are the Operations Manager for an offshore drilling rig. Your team is tasked with completing a complex well drilling operation within a tight timeline and budget. You have implemented MBE to streamline communication and focus on critical issues.

However, you receive a report indicating that the drilling progress is slightly behind schedule due to unexpected geological formations. The report, however, doesn't mention any major safety concerns or significant cost overruns.


  1. Analyze the situation: Apply the principles of MBE to decide whether this report constitutes an exception that requires your immediate attention. Consider the criteria for defining an exception within your team's framework.
  2. Take Action: Based on your analysis, explain the course of action you would take and justify your decision. Would you immediately escalate the issue to senior management, or would you allow the team to address the situation?

Exercice Correction

**Analysis:** The situation presented requires careful consideration. While the drilling progress is slightly behind schedule, it does not necessarily constitute a major exception, especially if it is within a manageable timeframe and does not significantly impact safety or budget. The report lacking mention of safety concerns or significant cost overruns is a key factor. **Action:** It is prudent to first seek clarification from the team. You should contact the responsible team members to understand the cause of the delay, the potential impact on the overall schedule, and the planned corrective actions. If the delay is minor, the team might be able to adjust the drilling plan and recover lost time.

However, if the delay is substantial, or if there are potential safety concerns, further investigation and potential escalation might be necessary. The level of urgency will depend on the specific circumstances and the established criteria for exceptions. Regular communication with the team and senior management is crucial to ensure everyone is informed about the progress and any potential challenges.


  • "Management by Exception: How to Make It Work" by Don R. Halbert: Provides a comprehensive guide to implementing and managing MBE in various contexts, including practical examples and case studies.
  • "The Effective Manager: How to Get Things Done" by Peter Drucker: This classic management book discusses various management approaches, including MBE, and explores the importance of setting clear goals, empowering teams, and focusing on results.
  • "The Goal" by Eliyahu M. Goldratt: While not directly addressing MBE, this novel delves into the complexities of operational management in a manufacturing environment and highlights the importance of identifying and addressing bottlenecks, a concept applicable to MBE implementation.


  • "Management by Exception: A Double-Edged Sword" by Harvard Business Review: This article provides a critical analysis of MBE, highlighting its benefits and drawbacks and offering insights into how to mitigate its potential risks.
  • "Management by Exception: An Effective Approach to Managing Risk in Oil & Gas" by Oil & Gas Journal: This article examines the application of MBE in the oil and gas industry, focusing on its use in risk management and safety protocols.
  • "The Importance of Clear and Objective Criteria in Management by Exception" by Project Management Institute: This article discusses the importance of establishing clear and objective criteria for identifying exceptions in any project management context, emphasizing the need for transparency and consistency.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI website offers a wealth of resources on project management best practices, including articles, research papers, and webinars, which can provide valuable insights into the application of MBE in various industries.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication offers numerous articles and research reports focused on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including management strategies and technological advancements.
  • Harvard Business School: Harvard Business School's website provides access to articles, case studies, and research papers related to management, leadership, and organizational behavior, offering insights into the practical application of various management techniques.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Management by Exception oil & gas" or "MBE in project management" to refine your search results.
  • Include specific aspects of MBE you're interested in, such as "MBE criteria", "MBE drawbacks", or "MBE implementation".
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases, such as "Management by Exception", to ensure that the search engine finds results that contain the exact phrase.
  • Combine keywords with industry-specific terms like "oil & gas" or "project management" to narrow down your search to relevant results.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Implementing Management by Exception (MBE)

This chapter dives deep into the practical techniques involved in implementing MBE effectively within the oil and gas industry.

1.1 Defining Exceptions:

  • Establishing clear, objective criteria for identifying exceptions is paramount. This involves defining specific thresholds and parameters for various aspects of operations, such as:
    • Production targets: Deviation from planned production rates.
    • Safety metrics: Incident rates, near misses, and safety violations.
    • Cost control: Budget overruns, unexpected expenses.
    • Environmental performance: Emission levels, waste management compliance.
  • The criteria should be aligned with the specific goals and objectives of the project or operation.

1.2 Data Collection and Reporting:

  • Implementing robust data collection systems to capture relevant performance metrics. This can include:
    • SCADA systems: Real-time data acquisition for operational parameters.
    • Production logs: Detailed records of daily production figures.
    • Safety incident reports: Comprehensive documentation of safety incidents.
    • Environmental monitoring data: Air, water, and noise pollution measurements.
  • Establishing automated reporting mechanisms to alert managers of exceptions based on predetermined thresholds.

1.3 Exception Analysis and Response:

  • Creating a structured process for analyzing exception reports to identify root causes and determine appropriate corrective actions.
  • Implementing a system for tracking the resolution of exceptions and monitoring the effectiveness of corrective actions.
  • Involving relevant stakeholders in the analysis and response process to ensure a comprehensive and collaborative approach.

1.4 Communication and Transparency:

  • Implementing clear communication channels to disseminate information about exceptions to all relevant personnel.
  • Maintaining transparency in the reporting and analysis process to foster trust and accountability.

1.5 Continuous Improvement:

  • Regularly reviewing and refining the MBE framework based on operational experience and feedback from stakeholders.
  • Conducting periodic audits to assess the effectiveness of the system and identify areas for improvement.

1.6 Importance of Training:

  • Implementing comprehensive training programs for all personnel involved in the MBE process, ensuring a shared understanding of the system and its requirements.

By employing these techniques, oil and gas organizations can effectively implement MBE and reap its benefits while minimizing the potential risks associated with this approach.

مصطلحات مشابهة
أنظمة إدارة الصحة والسلامة والبيئةإدارة أصحاب المصلحةبناء خطوط الأنابيبتخطيط وجدولة المشروعهندسة المكامنالتدريب على السلامة والتوعيةإدارة الموارد البشريةالميزانية والرقابة الماليةالاتصالات وإعداد التقاريرهندسة الأنابيب وخطوط الأنابيبمعالجة النفط والغاز
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