Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Human Resources Management: Politics


The Game of Thrones: Understanding Politics in the Oil & Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry, a powerhouse of global economies, is often described as a complex ecosystem teeming with diverse stakeholders. But beneath the surface of technical expertise and market dynamics lies another powerful force: politics. This article dives into the often unspoken language of "politics" within the industry, exploring its meaning and impact.

Beyond the Boardroom:

In the context of oil and gas, "politics" refers to the competition for power and leadership between competing interests or groups. It manifests in various forms, including:

  • Internal power struggles: Conflicts between departments (exploration vs. production), individuals vying for promotions, or differing opinions on strategies.
  • External pressures: Negotiations with governments, environmental groups, and local communities, all vying for influence and control over resources.
  • Market manipulation: Companies using their influence to control prices, secure favorable contracts, or shape industry regulations.

Artful Practices, Sometimes Dishonest:

The pursuit of power in oil and gas, like any industry, can be characterized by artful practices, sometimes bordering on dishonesty. This can include:

  • Lobbying and advocacy: Influencing government policies through financial contributions, pressure campaigns, and strategic alliances.
  • Information manipulation: Using selective data or framing information to advance specific agendas, potentially hiding crucial details.
  • Backroom deals: Negotiating contracts and agreements outside of public scrutiny, often favoring specific interests.

Consequences and Implications:

The political landscape within oil and gas can have significant consequences, impacting:

  • Project approval and execution: Delaying or hindering exploration, production, and infrastructure development.
  • Resource allocation: Determining which projects receive funding, influencing market prices and overall production levels.
  • Environmental protection: Balancing economic interests with environmental concerns, potentially leading to conflicts and disputes.
  • Social impact: Affecting local communities, employment, and overall development in resource-rich regions.

Navigating the Political Terrain:

Understanding and navigating the political landscape within the oil and gas industry is crucial for success. Strategies include:

  • Building strong relationships: Cultivating trust and collaboration with key stakeholders, including government officials, NGOs, and communities.
  • Adopting transparent practices: Communicating clearly and honestly, avoiding deceptive tactics and focusing on ethical behavior.
  • Developing a strong strategy: Defining clear goals, identifying key players, and understanding the power dynamics within the industry.


While politics often operates behind the scenes, its impact on the oil and gas industry is undeniable. Recognizing its presence and understanding its nuances is crucial for navigating this complex world. By fostering transparency, building trust, and employing strategic thinking, individuals and organizations can strive to achieve their goals while contributing to a more sustainable and ethical future for the industry.

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