Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Field Clarification

Field Clarification

Field Clarification: Bridging the Gap Between Drawings and Reality in Oil & Gas Construction

In the high-stakes world of oil and gas construction, precision and clarity are paramount. Even the smallest misinterpretation of a design can lead to costly rework, delays, and safety hazards. This is where field clarification comes into play – a vital tool for ensuring smooth and successful project execution.

What is Field Clarification?

A field clarification is a formal document, typically in the form of a Site Instruction, issued by the project owner or engineer to a construction contractor. Its purpose is to address discrepancies or ambiguities arising on-site between the contract drawings and specifications and the actual conditions encountered during construction. This document clarifies the intended design, interpretation, or implementation, ensuring everyone involved is working from the same understanding.

Why is Field Clarification Necessary?

  • Addressing unforeseen conditions: Construction projects often encounter unexpected situations like soil variations, existing utilities, or environmental constraints. Field clarifications help adapt the design to these real-world challenges.
  • Clarifying ambiguities: Drawings and specifications can sometimes be open to interpretation. Field clarifications provide a definitive answer, eliminating potential confusion and misinterpretation.
  • Maintaining consistency: A field clarification ensures all stakeholders, including the contractor, subcontractors, and inspectors, are working from the same understanding of the project requirements.
  • Minimizing disputes: By addressing potential issues proactively, field clarifications prevent costly disputes and legal battles down the line.

Key Features of Field Clarifications:

  • Formal Document: Issued in writing with a clear reference to the contract drawings and specifications.
  • No Change in Contract Price: A field clarification should only clarify existing contract requirements, not alter the scope of work or increase the contract price.
  • Detailed Explanation: The document should clearly describe the discrepancy or ambiguity, the intended solution, and any necessary revisions to the drawings or specifications.
  • Approved by Stakeholders: The field clarification must be reviewed and approved by both the contractor and the project owner or engineer to ensure acceptance and implementation.

Examples of Field Clarifications:

  • Clarifying the type of material to be used for a specific component.
  • Adjusting the installation method for a particular piece of equipment due to site constraints.
  • Providing detailed instructions for a specific construction technique.
  • Defining the acceptable tolerances for a particular dimension or measurement.

Field Clarifications are a crucial element of successful oil and gas construction projects. By proactively addressing discrepancies and ambiguities, they ensure that projects are built according to the original design intent, minimizing costly rework, delays, and safety risks. As the industry continues to evolve, utilizing field clarifications will remain essential for achieving efficient and effective construction outcomes.

Test Your Knowledge

Field Clarification Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a field clarification?

a) To change the scope of work in a construction project. b) To address discrepancies between drawings and actual site conditions. c) To increase the contract price due to unforeseen circumstances. d) To introduce new design elements not originally specified.


b) To address discrepancies between drawings and actual site conditions.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of a field clarification?

a) It is issued in writing. b) It alters the original contract price. c) It provides a detailed explanation of the issue and solution. d) It requires approval from both the contractor and the project owner.


b) It alters the original contract price.

3. Why are field clarifications important in oil and gas construction?

a) They help avoid costly rework and delays. b) They ensure all stakeholders are working from the same understanding. c) They minimize potential disputes and legal issues. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

4. Which of these scenarios would likely require a field clarification?

a) Discovering an unexpected underground utility during excavation. b) Finding a minor error in a drawing that can be easily corrected. c) Deciding to use a different paint color than the one specified. d) Requesting a change in the delivery schedule for a specific material.


a) Discovering an unexpected underground utility during excavation.

5. What is the typical format of a field clarification?

a) A verbal discussion between the contractor and engineer. b) A brief email outlining the issue and solution. c) A formal document called a Site Instruction. d) An informal memo between the project stakeholders.


c) A formal document called a Site Instruction.

Field Clarification Exercise


You are the construction manager on a new oil pipeline project. During the excavation process, you discover a large rock formation that was not indicated on the original drawings. This formation will require additional blasting and excavation work, which will impact the project timeline and budget.


  1. Identify the issue: Briefly describe the discrepancy between the drawings and the actual site conditions.
  2. Propose a solution: Outline a potential solution to address the issue, considering the impact on the project timeline and budget.
  3. Write a draft field clarification: Create a formal document outlining the issue, proposed solution, and any necessary revisions to the drawings or specifications. Ensure it is written in a clear and concise manner.

Exercice Correction

**1. Issue:** The original drawings did not indicate the presence of a large rock formation in the excavation area, which was discovered during the excavation process. This unexpected geological feature will require additional blasting and excavation work. **2. Proposed Solution:** To address the discovered rock formation, we propose the following: * **Blasting and Excavation:** Employ a qualified blasting crew to safely remove the rock formation. * **Revised Timeline:** Adjust the project timeline to accommodate the additional time required for blasting and excavation. * **Budget Adjustment:** Negotiate a revised budget with the project owner to account for the increased costs associated with the additional work. **3. Draft Field Clarification:** **Site Instruction:** [Insert Site Instruction Number] **Project:** [Insert Project Name] **Date:** [Insert Date] **Subject:** Discrepancy in Excavation Area – Rock Formation This Site Instruction addresses a discrepancy discovered during the excavation process in the [Insert Excavation Area Location] area. **Discrepancy:** The original contract drawings [Insert Drawing Numbers] did not indicate the presence of a large rock formation in the excavation area. However, during excavation, a significant rock formation was discovered, requiring additional blasting and excavation work. **Solution:** To address this discrepancy, we propose the following: 1. **Blasting and Excavation:** Employ a qualified blasting crew to safely remove the rock formation. The blasting plan will be submitted for approval prior to implementation. 2. **Revised Timeline:** The project timeline will be adjusted to accommodate the additional time required for blasting and excavation. A revised schedule will be submitted for approval. 3. **Budget Adjustment:** The project budget will be adjusted to account for the increased costs associated with the additional blasting and excavation work. A revised budget proposal will be submitted for approval. **Approval:** This Site Instruction must be reviewed and approved by both the contractor and the project owner to ensure acceptance and implementation. **Signatures:** [Insert Contractor Signature and Date] [Insert Project Owner Signature and Date]


  • Construction Engineering and Management by C.W. Harris: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of construction management, including contract administration, which encompasses field clarification processes.
  • Project Management for Construction by Michael A. Vorster: This book dives into the practical aspects of project management, emphasizing the importance of communication and documentation, key elements in field clarification.
  • Handbook of Oil and Gas Construction by K.E. Gray: This handbook provides a detailed overview of oil & gas construction practices, including best practices for managing site conditions and resolving design discrepancies, both key components of field clarification.


  • "Field Change Orders: A Practical Guide" by Construction Management Consulting: This article delves into the practical aspects of managing field changes, including the documentation and approval processes, relevant to field clarifications.
  • "Avoiding Construction Disputes: The Importance of Clear Communication" by Engineering News-Record: This article highlights the significance of clear communication and documentation in preventing construction disputes, directly linking to the role of field clarifications in resolving ambiguities.
  • "Construction Site Instructions: Best Practices for Success" by Construction Executive: This article provides practical guidelines for creating and managing site instructions, which are often used for field clarifications.

Online Resources

  • Construction Specifications Institute (CSI): CSI provides valuable resources for construction professionals, including standards and best practices for contract documentation and management, relevant to field clarifications. (
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): ASCE offers resources and publications focused on construction engineering and management, including guidelines for resolving design discrepancies and managing changes on construction projects. (
  • Oil & Gas Construction Magazine: This magazine regularly features articles on construction projects, including best practices for managing design issues and changes on oil & gas projects. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "field clarification," try searching for "field clarification oil and gas," "field clarification construction documents," or "site instructions oil and gas."
  • Combine keywords with specific project types: For example, "field clarification offshore platform construction" or "field clarification pipeline construction."
  • Include relevant industry terms: Use terms like "construction management," "contract administration," "design discrepancy," and "change order" to refine your search.
  • Explore industry forums and online communities: Websites like LinkedIn or specialized forums dedicated to oil & gas construction often have discussions and resources related to field clarification practices.
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