Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Cost Estimation & Control: Carryover Type 1

Carryover Type 1

Carryover Type 1: Navigating the Fiscal Labyrinth in Oil & Gas Projects

In the complex world of oil & gas project finance, managing fiscal expenditures requires careful attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of various terms. One such term, "Carryover Type 1," plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth financial operations and adherence to budget constraints.

Understanding Carryover Type 1:

Carryover Type 1 represents a specific category of financial commitments that extend beyond the current fiscal period. It encompasses the sum of contractual obligations incurred during the current fiscal year that must be paid in the following fiscal period. This includes not only direct project costs but also associated engineering and support costs.

Key Components of Carryover Type 1:

  1. Outstanding Obligations: This refers to all contractual commitments made during the current fiscal year that haven't been fully settled. These may include payments for materials, equipment, services, or labor.
  2. Associated Engineering & Support Costs: This category encompasses expenses related to the design, planning, and technical support associated with the project. These might include salaries of engineers, consultants, and other professionals involved in the project's execution.

Significance of Carryover Type 1:

  • Financial Planning: Carryover Type 1 provides crucial information for budgeting and financial planning in the next fiscal year. By accurately forecasting these carryover commitments, companies can ensure sufficient funds are allocated for fulfilling these obligations.
  • Budget Control: Understanding the extent of Carryover Type 1 allows for more effective budget management. By incorporating these commitments into future budgets, companies can avoid exceeding allocated funds and ensure financial stability.
  • Contractual Compliance: Failure to account for Carryover Type 1 commitments can lead to breach of contract, impacting project timelines and potentially jeopardizing the project's success.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Carryover Type 1 fosters transparency in financial reporting, providing stakeholders with a clear understanding of the project's financial status and future obligations.

Practical Example:

Consider an oil & gas company that contracts a drilling service provider for a specific period. The contract spans across two fiscal years. While the company has already incurred some expenses in the current fiscal year, the remaining payment for the service is due in the following fiscal year. This outstanding payment, along with any associated engineering or support costs, would be categorized as Carryover Type 1.


Carryover Type 1 is a vital concept in oil & gas project fiscal expenditure management. By accurately identifying and quantifying these commitments, companies can ensure financial stability, maintain budget control, and comply with contractual obligations. Understanding and effectively managing Carryover Type 1 empowers companies to navigate the complex financial landscape of oil & gas projects with greater precision and success.

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