Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Build


"Build" in Oil & Gas: Constructing Success in the Energy Industry

In the oil and gas industry, the term "build" takes on a powerful meaning, representing the construction of essential infrastructure and assets vital to the exploration, production, and transportation of energy. It's more than just putting bricks and mortar together; it's about bringing complex projects to life and forging a path towards energy security.

Here's a breakdown of how "build" manifests in various facets of the oil and gas industry:

1. Build: Constructing Exploration and Production Assets

  • Drilling Rigs: "Building" a drilling rig involves assembling a complex machinery system that allows for the extraction of oil and gas from underground reservoirs.
  • Wellheads: The "build" process for a wellhead focuses on constructing the surface equipment that controls the flow of oil and gas from the wellbore.
  • Production Platforms: "Building" offshore production platforms involves the construction of massive structures designed to support drilling and production operations in challenging marine environments.
  • Pipeline Networks: "Building" a pipeline network encompasses laying down vast systems of pipes to transport oil and gas from production sites to refineries and processing facilities.

2. Build: Developing Refining and Processing Facilities

  • Refineries: "Building" a refinery requires the construction of a sophisticated complex of processing units that transform crude oil into usable fuels and other products.
  • Gas Processing Plants: "Building" a gas processing plant involves constructing facilities that separate natural gas from other components and prepare it for transportation and use.

3. Build: Expanding the Energy Infrastructure

  • LNG Terminals: "Building" a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal involves constructing facilities for the liquefaction, storage, and export of natural gas, facilitating global energy trade.
  • Storage Tanks: "Building" oil and gas storage tanks provides vital capacity for holding reserves and managing supply and demand.

4. Build: More Than Just Construction, It's about Growth

"Build" in the oil and gas industry also signifies growth and expansion. It represents the industry's commitment to increasing production, developing new technologies, and meeting the evolving energy demands of a growing global population.


"Build" in the oil and gas industry is a multifaceted term, encompassing the construction of vital infrastructure, the development of innovative technologies, and the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions. It embodies the industry's drive to meet the world's energy needs while navigating complex environmental and economic challenges.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: "Build" in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of these is NOT a typical "build" project in the oil and gas exploration and production phase?

a) Drilling rigs b) Wellheads c) Wind turbines d) Production platforms


The correct answer is **c) Wind turbines**. Wind turbines are part of the renewable energy sector, not oil and gas.

2. What is the primary function of a refinery in the oil and gas industry?

a) Extract oil and gas from underground reservoirs b) Transport oil and gas to consumers c) Process crude oil into usable fuels and products d) Store oil and gas reserves


The correct answer is **c) Process crude oil into usable fuels and products**. Refineries transform raw crude oil into gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and other products.

3. What is the purpose of an LNG terminal?

a) Store and process natural gas b) Liquefy natural gas for easier transportation c) Generate electricity from natural gas d) Both b) and c)


The correct answer is **b) Liquefy natural gas for easier transportation**. LNG terminals liquefy natural gas, reducing its volume and making it easier to transport long distances.

4. Which of the following BEST describes the concept of "build" in the oil and gas industry?

a) Only the physical construction of facilities b) Building new technologies and expanding production c) Focusing on environmental sustainability d) Reducing reliance on fossil fuels


The correct answer is **b) Building new technologies and expanding production**. "Build" encompasses both physical construction and technological advancements to meet growing energy demands.

5. Why is "build" considered a key element in ensuring energy security?

a) It reduces reliance on foreign energy sources b) It creates new jobs and economic opportunities c) It helps meet the increasing global energy demands d) All of the above


The correct answer is **d) All of the above**. Building new infrastructure and technologies contributes to energy security by reducing dependence on imports, creating jobs, and fulfilling the growing global energy needs.


Scenario: You are a project manager tasked with overseeing the construction of a new oil pipeline network in a remote area.


  1. Identify at least three potential challenges you might encounter during the "build" phase of this project.
  2. For each challenge, suggest one possible solution or mitigation strategy.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution for the exercise:


  1. Difficult terrain: Remote areas often present challenging terrain, making construction difficult and potentially dangerous.
  2. Environmental concerns: Oil pipeline construction can have environmental impacts, requiring careful mitigation.
  3. Logistics and accessibility: Transporting materials and equipment to a remote site can be expensive and challenging.


  1. Terrain: Employ specialized construction equipment and techniques suited for the challenging terrain.
  2. Environment: Implement strict environmental impact assessments, utilize environmentally friendly materials, and develop a detailed mitigation plan.
  3. Logistics: Optimize transportation routes, utilize specialized equipment, and explore temporary infrastructure solutions (e.g., airstrips, temporary camps) for access.


  • Oil and Gas Exploration and Production by John M. Campbell (This provides a comprehensive overview of the exploration and production processes, including the construction of essential assets.)
  • Petroleum Refining: Technology and Economics by James G. Speight (This book delves into the technology and processes involved in building and operating refineries.)
  • Pipelines: Design and Construction by A.S. Hammitt (This focuses on the engineering and construction aspects of pipeline systems, crucial for transporting oil and gas.)
  • Offshore Engineering for the Oil and Gas Industry by T.L. Shaw (This book addresses the unique challenges and techniques involved in building offshore infrastructure.)


  • "The Future of Oil and Gas: A Focus on Construction" by World Oil (This article explores the role of construction in meeting future energy demands.)
  • "Building a Sustainable Future: How the Oil and Gas Industry is Adapting to a Changing World" by The Economist (This article examines the industry's efforts to balance growth with environmental sustainability.)
  • "The Role of Infrastructure in Energy Security" by The Energy Institute (This article highlights the importance of building robust energy infrastructure for ensuring reliable energy supply.)

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API provides industry standards, technical guidance, and resources for oil and gas construction.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE offers a vast library of publications and resources covering various aspects of oil and gas development, including construction.
  • National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC): NPCC is a leading oil and gas construction company, providing insights into the latest technologies and trends.
  • Oil and Gas Construction Magazine: This online magazine provides news and analysis on oil and gas construction projects and trends.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "oil and gas construction," "pipeline construction," "offshore platform construction," etc.
  • Combine keywords with location: "oil and gas construction projects in Texas," "pipeline construction in Canada," etc.
  • Focus on specific topics: "offshore wind farm construction," "LNG terminal construction," "refinery modernization," etc.
  • Use advanced search operators: " oil and gas construction," "filetype:pdf oil and gas construction," etc.
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