Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: On Structure

On Structure

On Structure: Unlocking the Secrets of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

Summary: "On Structure" refers to the location of an oil or gas reservoir in relation to the geological structures that contain it. It specifically indicates that the reservoir is located at or near the top of the structure that forms the trap or the cap rock. This location is crucial for successful exploration and production, as it maximizes the chances of finding and extracting hydrocarbons.

Delving Deeper:

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding geological structures is paramount. These structures, formed over millions of years through tectonic activity, create traps that can hold valuable hydrocarbons. One critical aspect of these traps is the cap rock, an impermeable layer that prevents the hydrocarbons from escaping.

"On Structure" signifies that the reservoir is located at or near the highest point of this geological structure, often where the cap rock forms the seal. This location offers several advantages:

  • Maximum Hydrocarbon Concentration: The highest point of a structure typically experiences the greatest accumulation of oil and gas, as these lighter substances migrate upwards due to buoyancy.
  • Improved Reservoir Quality: "On Structure" reservoirs often exhibit better reservoir quality, with higher porosity and permeability, facilitating easier flow of hydrocarbons.
  • Optimized Production: Locating the reservoir "on structure" allows for efficient drilling and production, as it minimizes the need for complex directional drilling techniques.

However, there are challenges associated with "on structure" drilling:

  • Complex Structures: The top of complex structures can be difficult to pinpoint accurately, requiring sophisticated geological and geophysical analysis.
  • Competition: "On Structure" locations are often highly sought-after, leading to potential competition amongst exploration companies.
  • Risk of Reservoir Depletion: As "on structure" locations tend to be prolific, they are also more susceptible to rapid depletion, necessitating careful production management.

Beyond the Terminology:

The concept of "on structure" goes beyond just a location descriptor. It signifies a strategic approach to exploration and production, prioritizing areas with the highest potential for hydrocarbon discovery. Understanding the nuances of "on structure" exploration is crucial for maximizing success in the challenging world of oil and gas.

In conclusion, "on structure" is a fundamental concept in oil and gas exploration, guiding drilling efforts and maximizing the chances of discovering and producing valuable hydrocarbons. By understanding this key terminology and its associated challenges, industry professionals can navigate the complex world of subsurface exploration with greater precision and success.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: On Structure

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the term "On Structure" refer to in oil and gas exploration?

a) The location of a reservoir in relation to surrounding geological structures. b) The specific type of rock formation where hydrocarbons are found. c) The depth at which a reservoir is located. d) The amount of oil and gas contained within a reservoir.


a) The location of a reservoir in relation to surrounding geological structures.

2. What is the significance of the "cap rock" in "On Structure" reservoirs?

a) It acts as a source rock for hydrocarbons. b) It provides a pathway for hydrocarbons to migrate. c) It prevents hydrocarbons from escaping the reservoir. d) It determines the overall size of the reservoir.


c) It prevents hydrocarbons from escaping the reservoir.

3. Which of these is NOT an advantage of "On Structure" drilling?

a) Maximum hydrocarbon concentration. b) Improved reservoir quality. c) Optimized production. d) Increased risk of reservoir depletion.


d) Increased risk of reservoir depletion.

4. What is a potential challenge associated with "On Structure" drilling?

a) The need for complex directional drilling techniques. b) The difficulty in identifying the top of complex structures. c) The potential for environmental damage. d) The limited availability of suitable drilling equipment.


b) The difficulty in identifying the top of complex structures.

5. What is the main implication of the concept of "On Structure" for oil and gas exploration?

a) It eliminates the need for geological and geophysical analysis. b) It guarantees the discovery of commercially viable oil and gas reserves. c) It provides a strategic approach to prioritize areas with high hydrocarbon potential. d) It simplifies the drilling process and reduces production costs.


c) It provides a strategic approach to prioritize areas with high hydrocarbon potential.

Exercise: On Structure and Exploration Strategy

Scenario: You are an exploration geologist working for an oil and gas company. You have identified a potential reservoir located at the top of an anticlinal fold (a type of geological structure). The reservoir is sealed by a layer of shale, acting as the cap rock.


  1. Explain why this location is considered "On Structure".
  2. Describe at least three advantages of drilling in this location.
  3. Outline at least two potential challenges associated with drilling in this location.

Exercise Correction

**1. Explanation:** This location is considered "On Structure" because the reservoir is located at or near the highest point of the anticlinal fold, where the shale cap rock forms a seal. The reservoir benefits from the upward migration of hydrocarbons due to buoyancy, leading to a higher concentration at the top of the structure. **2. Advantages:** * **Maximum Hydrocarbon Concentration:** The highest point of the anticline typically experiences the greatest accumulation of oil and gas. * **Improved Reservoir Quality:** Reservoirs "On Structure" often exhibit better reservoir quality, with higher porosity and permeability, facilitating easier flow of hydrocarbons. * **Optimized Production:** Drilling "On Structure" minimizes the need for complex directional drilling techniques, leading to efficient production. **3. Challenges:** * **Complex Structures:** The top of complex structures can be difficult to pinpoint accurately, requiring sophisticated geological and geophysical analysis. * **Competition:** "On Structure" locations are highly sought-after, leading to potential competition amongst exploration companies.


  • Petroleum Geology by John M. Hunt (This comprehensive text covers structural traps and the importance of "on structure" drilling.)
  • Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas by John M. Reynolds (This book delves into the principles of oil and gas reservoir formation and provides in-depth explanations of "on structure" exploration.)
  • Reservoir Characterization by A.C.M. Durlofsky (This book discusses the methods for analyzing reservoir properties, which is crucial for understanding the "on structure" concept.)


  • "The Role of Structure in Petroleum Exploration" by R.E. Sheriff (This article emphasizes the significance of structural traps in hydrocarbon accumulation and the concept of "on structure" exploration.)
  • "On Structure Exploration: A Modern Perspective" by J.A. Peterson (This article discusses the latest advancements in "on structure" exploration techniques, including seismic imaging and advanced geological modeling.)
  • "The Challenges of On Structure Drilling" by M.R. Smith (This article highlights the potential risks and complexities associated with drilling in "on structure" locations.)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a vast library of articles, technical papers, and presentations related to oil and gas exploration and production, including discussions on "on structure" drilling.
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): The AAPG website provides resources and information on geological structures, reservoir characterization, and the role of "on structure" in exploration.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This online glossary defines key terms related to oil and gas exploration, including "on structure" and related concepts.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use "on structure" along with terms like "oil and gas", "exploration", "reservoir", "structure trap", and "cap rock" for targeted results.
  • Use Boolean operators: Combine keywords with "AND" or "OR" to refine your search, for example "on structure AND reservoir characterization".
  • Explore related topics: Use "related search" features provided by search engines to discover relevant articles and resources beyond the initial results.
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