Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Free Point and Backoff

Free Point and Backoff

Free Point and Backoff: Unlocking Stuck Pipes in Oil and Gas Operations

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, encountering stuck pipes is a common and potentially costly problem. The challenge lies in safely and efficiently retrieving the stuck pipe while minimizing potential damage to the wellbore. One crucial technique in addressing this issue is the "Free Point" and "Backoff" method. This article will delve into the intricacies of this method, its applications, and the steps involved in successfully retrieving a stuck pipe.

Understanding Free Point Analysis

The "Free Point" refers to the point in the wellbore where the stuck pipe is no longer under tension. Identifying the free point is crucial as it allows engineers to determine the exact location where the pipe needs to be unscrewed. The free point is typically found by running a wireline tool down the wellbore and monitoring the tension on the pipe. This analysis can be performed using various tools, including:

  • Tension and Torque Indicators: These tools measure the tension and torque on the pipe as it is lowered into the wellbore.
  • Wireline Logging Tools: Specialized logging tools can identify changes in the pipe's movement, indicating the free point.
  • Acoustic Tools: Acoustic sensors can detect the point where the pipe is free of tension, based on the sounds emitted by the pipe.

Backoff Procedure: Releasing the Stuck Pipe

Once the free point is identified, the "Backoff" procedure commences. This involves unscrewing the pipe coupling above the free point, essentially releasing the pipe from the stuck point. This procedure is typically performed by:

  1. Running a "Backoff" Tool: A specialized tool is run down the wellbore to the coupling above the free point. This tool is designed to unscrew the coupling using hydraulic or mechanical power.
  2. Applying Controlled Torque: The backoff tool applies controlled torque to the coupling, carefully unscrewing it. The process requires careful monitoring of the torque and tension on the pipe to ensure a safe and controlled backoff.
  3. Retrieving the Released Section: Once the coupling is unscrewed, the released section of the pipe can be retrieved using wireline techniques or a fishing tool.

Advantages of Free Point and Backoff

The Free Point and Backoff method offers several advantages:

  • Minimized Risk of Wellbore Damage: By identifying the free point, engineers can target the specific point of unscrewing, reducing the risk of damaging the wellbore.
  • Effective and Efficient Retrieval: The method provides a reliable and efficient way to retrieve stuck pipes, often reducing downtime and costs.
  • Minimized Environmental Impact: By minimizing the need for aggressive intervention, the method helps reduce the environmental impact of stuck pipe situations.


The Free Point and Backoff method is a vital tool in the arsenal of oil and gas professionals dealing with stuck pipe issues. By combining accurate free point analysis and careful backoff procedures, engineers can safely and efficiently retrieve stuck pipes, ensuring continued wellbore productivity and minimizing potential risks. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more sophisticated and efficient methods to address this common challenge in the oil and gas industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Free Point and Backoff

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the "Free Point" in a stuck pipe scenario? a) The point where the pipe breaks. b) The point where the pipe is no longer under tension. c) The point where the pipe is stuck in the wellbore. d) The point where the pipe is connected to the surface equipment.


b) The point where the pipe is no longer under tension.

2. What is the primary purpose of the "Backoff" procedure? a) To apply additional tension to the stuck pipe. b) To remove the pipe from the wellbore completely. c) To unscrew the pipe coupling above the free point. d) To lubricate the stuck pipe to make it easier to move.


c) To unscrew the pipe coupling above the free point.

3. Which of the following tools can be used to identify the Free Point? a) Only wireline logging tools. b) Only tension and torque indicators. c) Only acoustic tools. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

4. What is a major advantage of the Free Point and Backoff method? a) It guarantees the recovery of the stuck pipe. b) It minimizes the risk of damaging the wellbore. c) It eliminates the need for any other recovery methods. d) It requires minimal specialized equipment.


b) It minimizes the risk of damaging the wellbore.

5. What is the main goal of the Free Point and Backoff method? a) To prevent stuck pipes from happening in the first place. b) To safely and efficiently retrieve stuck pipes. c) To identify the exact cause of the stuck pipe. d) To determine the best type of fishing tool to use.


b) To safely and efficiently retrieve stuck pipes.


Scenario: You are working on a well where a drill pipe has become stuck at a depth of 1500 meters. You need to determine the Free Point and execute the Backoff procedure.


  1. Identify the tools and equipment you would need for this operation.
  2. Describe the steps you would take to identify the Free Point.
  3. Outline the steps involved in the Backoff procedure.
  4. What precautions would you take during the Backoff procedure to ensure safety and minimize risk?

Exercice Correction

**1. Tools and Equipment:** * Wireline Logging Tools (with tension and torque indicators) * Acoustic sensors (optional) * Backoff tool (hydraulic or mechanical) * Fishing tools (for retrieving the released section) * Specialized wireline equipment **2. Identifying the Free Point:** * Run a wireline tool with tension and torque indicators down the wellbore to the stuck pipe. * Monitor the tension and torque readings as the tool is lowered. * The point where the tension and torque readings become constant or change significantly indicates the Free Point. * Consider using acoustic tools to corroborate the findings. **3. Backoff Procedure:** * Run the Backoff tool down the wellbore to the coupling above the identified Free Point. * Apply controlled torque to the coupling using the Backoff tool, carefully unscrewing it. * Monitor the tension and torque readings during the Backoff process to ensure a safe and controlled operation. * Once the coupling is unscrewed, retrieve the released section of the pipe using wireline techniques or fishing tools. **4. Safety Precautions:** * Ensure all personnel are properly trained and equipped with safety gear. * Thoroughly inspect the Backoff tool and equipment before operation. * Monitor the tension and torque readings throughout the operation to prevent exceeding safe limits. * Use a clear communication system to coordinate actions between crew members. * Maintain a backup plan in case of unforeseen complications.


  • "Well Completion Engineering" by John L. Campbell: This comprehensive textbook covers well completion techniques, including detailed sections on stuck pipe, free point analysis, and backoff procedures.
  • "Oil and Gas Well Completion Technology" by A.A. Pirson: This book provides in-depth information on various aspects of well completion, including methods for retrieving stuck pipes and the mechanics of the free point and backoff technique.
  • "The Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production" edited by S.J. Pirson: This comprehensive handbook offers insights into various aspects of oil and gas exploration and production, with a dedicated section on well completion and stuck pipe mitigation.


  • "Stuck Pipe: A Comprehensive Review of Causes, Prevention, and Mitigation Techniques" by J.R. Smith (Journal of Petroleum Technology): This article delves into the causes and solutions for stuck pipe situations, including detailed explanations of the free point and backoff method.
  • "The Free Point and Backoff Method: A Practical Approach to Stuck Pipe Retrieval" by M.J. Jones (Oilfield Technology): This article provides a practical overview of the free point and backoff technique, highlighting its applications and advantages.
  • "Free Point Analysis: A Critical Tool for Stuck Pipe Mitigation" by D.K. Brown (SPE Production & Operations): This article focuses on the importance of accurate free point analysis in the successful application of the backoff method.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website provides a vast library of technical publications and presentations, including many related to well completion and stuck pipe issues.
  • Oilfield Glossary (OGI): This online resource offers a comprehensive glossary of oilfield terms, including definitions of "free point," "backoff," and related concepts.
  • *Schlumberger: * Schlumberger's website offers a range of technical articles and case studies on well completion, including topics related to stuck pipe and its solutions.

Search Tips

  • "Stuck pipe free point backoff": This basic search will yield relevant articles, technical papers, and industry discussions on the topic.
  • "Free point analysis well completion": This search will focus on the role of free point analysis in well completion operations.
  • "Stuck pipe retrieval methods": This search will reveal a broader range of methods for retrieving stuck pipes, providing context for the free point and backoff technique.
  • "Free point calculation stuck pipe": This search will lead to resources that provide insights into the methods used for calculating the free point in stuck pipe scenarios.
  • "Backoff tool stuck pipe": This search will help you find information about the specific tools used for the backoff procedure in stuck pipe situations.
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