Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: CO 2 Injection

CO 2 Injection

CO2 Injection: A Secondary Recovery Technique for Oil and Gas


As oil and gas reservoirs mature, production rates decline. To extract more oil from these reservoirs, various techniques are employed, broadly categorized as primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery methods. Secondary recovery techniques focus on injecting fluids into the reservoir to enhance oil mobility and production. One of the most promising secondary recovery techniques is CO2 injection.

How CO2 Injection Works:

CO2 injection works by utilizing the unique properties of CO2 gas. When injected into an oil reservoir, CO2:

  • Reduces oil viscosity: CO2 dissolves into the oil, lowering its viscosity (thickness). This makes the oil flow more easily through the reservoir rock, enhancing production.
  • Increases reservoir pressure: CO2 injection increases the pressure within the reservoir, pushing more oil towards the production well.
  • Miscible displacement: In certain cases, CO2 can become miscible with oil, meaning they mix completely. This creates a highly efficient displacement process, as the CO2 "pushes" the oil ahead of it towards the well.

Advantages of CO2 Injection:

  • Increased oil recovery: CO2 injection can significantly increase the amount of oil recovered from a reservoir, often extending the life of a well.
  • Reduced environmental impact: By using CO2, a greenhouse gas, in the oil recovery process, it can potentially be sequestered in the reservoir, reducing emissions. This is known as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
  • Cost-effective: CO2 injection can be a more cost-effective way to increase production compared to other enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques.

Challenges of CO2 Injection:

While promising, CO2 injection does come with certain challenges:

  • Asphaltene and scale precipitation: CO2 injection can trigger the precipitation of asphaltenes (heavy hydrocarbon molecules) and scale (mineral deposits) within the reservoir. This can cause production problems by plugging the flow paths in the rock.
  • CO2 leakage: There is always the risk of CO2 leaking from the reservoir, potentially contaminating groundwater or escaping into the atmosphere. Careful monitoring and well integrity are crucial to minimize this risk.
  • CO2 availability: Finding a reliable and cost-effective source of CO2 is essential for the success of this technique.

The Future of CO2 Injection:

Despite the challenges, CO2 injection is considered a viable and promising secondary recovery technique, particularly in the context of increasing global energy demand and the need for sustainable practices. Ongoing research and development aim to improve the efficiency of CO2 injection and address its associated risks.


CO2 injection is a valuable tool in secondary oil recovery, offering significant potential for increased oil production. However, careful consideration of potential challenges like asphaltene and scale precipitation, as well as CO2 leakage, is crucial for successful implementation. As technology advances and our understanding of CO2 injection deepens, this method is likely to play an increasingly important role in meeting future energy demands while minimizing environmental impact.

Test Your Knowledge

CO2 Injection Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary mechanism by which CO2 injection enhances oil recovery?

a) Increasing the temperature of the reservoir b) Dissolving the oil, making it easier to extract c) Reducing the viscosity of the oil d) Directly reacting with the oil to produce a more easily extracted product


c) Reducing the viscosity of the oil

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of CO2 injection?

a) Increased oil recovery b) Potential for carbon sequestration c) Relatively low cost compared to other EOR techniques d) Reduced risk of groundwater contamination


d) Reduced risk of groundwater contamination

3. What is a major challenge associated with CO2 injection?

a) The need for high temperatures to activate CO2 b) The risk of CO2 leaking into the atmosphere or groundwater c) CO2's ability to react with the rock, forming harmful byproducts d) Difficulty in transporting CO2 to the injection site


b) The risk of CO2 leaking into the atmosphere or groundwater

4. What does the term "miscible displacement" refer to in the context of CO2 injection?

a) CO2 completely dissolving in the oil, forming a single phase b) CO2 reacting with oil to form a new, more easily extracted compound c) CO2 pushing the oil towards the production well without mixing d) CO2 increasing the reservoir pressure, forcing the oil out


a) CO2 completely dissolving in the oil, forming a single phase

5. Which of the following is NOT a potential environmental concern related to CO2 injection?

a) Asphaltene and scale precipitation b) Greenhouse gas emissions from CO2 leakage c) Increased risk of seismic activity in the area d) Groundwater contamination from CO2 leakage


c) Increased risk of seismic activity in the area

CO2 Injection Exercise:


An oil company is considering using CO2 injection to enhance oil recovery from a mature reservoir. They are concerned about the potential for asphaltene and scale precipitation, which could significantly reduce production.


Research and describe two strategies that the oil company could implement to mitigate the risk of asphaltene and scale precipitation during CO2 injection. Explain how each strategy works and why it is effective.

Exercice Correction

Here are two strategies to mitigate asphaltene and scale precipitation during CO2 injection:

1. Chemical Inhibitors:

  • How it works: Chemical inhibitors are specifically designed to prevent or minimize the formation of asphaltene and scale deposits. These inhibitors can be injected alongside the CO2, or even pre-treated into the CO2 stream, before injection.
  • Why it is effective: Inhibitors work by altering the chemical environment in the reservoir, making it less favorable for asphaltenes and scale to precipitate. Some inhibitors may directly interact with these molecules, preventing their aggregation and deposition.

2. Reservoir Monitoring and Control:

  • How it works: This strategy involves closely monitoring the reservoir conditions during CO2 injection, including pressure, temperature, and fluid composition. This information can be used to adjust the injection rate and other parameters to minimize the risk of asphaltene and scale formation.
  • Why it is effective: By monitoring the reservoir and identifying areas prone to precipitation, the company can take proactive measures, such as injecting inhibitors selectively or even temporarily stopping CO2 injection in problematic zones. This allows for more targeted and efficient use of resources, minimizing unnecessary risks and improving the overall success of the CO2 injection project.


  • Enhanced Oil Recovery: By D.W. Green and G. Willhite (2nd Edition, 2006) - Provides a comprehensive overview of EOR techniques, including CO2 injection.
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook: By Tarek Ahmed (4th Edition, 2017) - Contains a dedicated chapter on CO2 injection and its applications in reservoir engineering.
  • Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage: By IPCC (2005) - A comprehensive report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, discussing CO2 capture and storage technology, including its use in enhanced oil recovery.


  • "CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery: A review" by J.P. Duan et al. (2014, Energy & Fuels) - A comprehensive review of CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery, covering aspects like reservoir characteristics, injection methods, and challenges.
  • "The role of CO2 injection in enhanced oil recovery" by A.J. Maharjan et al. (2016, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering) - Focuses on the economic feasibility and environmental impact of CO2 injection in EOR.
  • "Asphaltene precipitation during CO2 injection: A review" by M. Soltanpour et al. (2019, Fuel) - Discusses the phenomenon of asphaltene precipitation during CO2 injection, its causes, and mitigation strategies.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): - The SPE website offers numerous publications, technical papers, and research related to CO2 injection and enhanced oil recovery.
  • The Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF): - Provides valuable resources and information on carbon capture and storage, including CO2 injection for EOR.
  • U.S. Department of Energy (DOE): - The DOE's website offers information on their research and funding initiatives related to carbon capture, utilization, and storage, including CO2 injection projects.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use terms like "CO2 injection," "enhanced oil recovery," "secondary recovery," "EOR," "reservoir engineering," "carbon capture and storage" in your searches.
  • Specify publication type: Add "pdf," "article," "book," or "report" to your search to narrow down results.
  • Include specific parameters: Use keywords like "asphaltene precipitation," "CO2 leakage," "miscible displacement," or "injection methods" to focus on specific aspects of CO2 injection.
  • Explore different sources: Use the advanced search options on Google Scholar, Google Books, or research databases to filter results by source, publication date, or author.
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