Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Bearden Unit of Consistency

Bearden Unit of Consistency

The Bearden Unit of Consistency: A Different Perspective on Slurry Flow

In the oil and gas industry, moving slurries – mixtures of solids and liquids – is a common practice. Whether it's transporting drilling mud, cementing wells, or handling produced sand, the ability to predict and control slurry flow is critical for efficient and safe operations. While viscosity is often the primary focus, another important factor comes into play: the Bearden Unit of Consistency (BUC).

The BUC, named after its creator, E.F. Bearden, is a unique and valuable measurement tool in the world of oil and gas. Unlike viscosity, which measures a fluid's resistance to flow, the BUC quantifies the pumpability of a slurry. It considers both the solid content and particle size distribution, providing a more comprehensive understanding of how a slurry will behave in a pumping system.

Understanding the BUC:

  • The BUC is not directly correlated to viscosity. A slurry with a high viscosity may still be easily pumpable if its solid content and particle size distribution are favorable. Conversely, a low-viscosity slurry can be difficult to pump if it contains a high percentage of fine particles.
  • The BUC is determined experimentally. It involves measuring the pressure drop across a known length of pipe while pumping the slurry at a constant flow rate. The higher the pressure drop, the lower the BUC and the harder it is to pump.
  • The BUC provides valuable insights for slurry handling. It helps engineers optimize pump selection, design pipelines, and predict the energy required to move the slurry.

Benefits of Using the BUC:

  • Improved pump selection: The BUC helps engineers choose pumps with the right capacity and horsepower for the specific slurry being pumped.
  • Optimized pipeline design: By understanding the BUC, engineers can design pipelines that minimize pressure losses and ensure efficient slurry transport.
  • Reduced energy consumption: Knowing the BUC allows for adjustments to the pumping process, minimizing energy usage and reducing costs.
  • Improved safety: Understanding the pumpability of a slurry helps to avoid potential problems such as plugging, erosion, and damage to equipment.

The BUC is a valuable tool for anyone working with slurries in the oil and gas industry. It provides a more complete understanding of slurry flow behavior, leading to improved efficiency, safety, and cost savings. While viscosity remains an important consideration, the BUC offers a different perspective, focusing specifically on the pumpability of the slurry and its impact on the overall pumping process.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Bearden Unit of Consistency

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the Bearden Unit of Consistency (BUC) primarily measure?

a) The resistance of a fluid to flow. b) The solid content of a slurry. c) The pumpability of a slurry. d) The particle size distribution of a slurry.


c) The pumpability of a slurry.

2. How is the BUC determined?

a) By measuring the viscosity of the slurry. b) By analyzing the slurry's chemical composition. c) By measuring the pressure drop across a pipe during pumping. d) By calculating the slurry's density.


c) By measuring the pressure drop across a pipe during pumping.

3. Which of these factors DOES NOT influence the BUC?

a) Solid content of the slurry. b) Particle size distribution of the slurry. c) Temperature of the slurry. d) Viscosity of the slurry.


d) Viscosity of the slurry.

4. How can understanding the BUC help optimize pipeline design?

a) By determining the optimal pipe diameter for the slurry. b) By predicting the pressure losses during slurry transport. c) By ensuring efficient slurry flow through the pipeline. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. What is one benefit of using the BUC in slurry handling?

a) Reducing the cost of slurry disposal. b) Improving the efficiency of slurry mixing. c) Preventing corrosion in pumping equipment. d) Reducing energy consumption during slurry transport.


d) Reducing energy consumption during slurry transport.

Exercise: Slurry Pumping Problem

Scenario: You are tasked with pumping a slurry of drilling mud with a high solid content and a wide particle size distribution. The BUC of this slurry is measured to be 0.8.


  • You have two pumps available for the job:

    • Pump A: High flow rate, low pressure capacity
    • Pump B: Low flow rate, high pressure capacity
  • Which pump would be the most suitable for this specific slurry?

  • Explain your choice and why the other pump might not be suitable.

Exercice Correction

The most suitable pump for this slurry would be **Pump B: Low flow rate, high pressure capacity.** Here's why: * **High BUC (0.8) indicates a difficult-to-pump slurry.** This means that the slurry will require a higher pressure to overcome its resistance and flow through the pipeline. * **Pump A (high flow rate, low pressure capacity)** is not ideal because it may not be able to generate enough pressure to efficiently move the slurry, resulting in poor flow or even plugging. * **Pump B (low flow rate, high pressure capacity)** is better suited because it can generate the required pressure to move the slurry effectively, even though it will have a lower flow rate. **In conclusion,** while Pump A might be able to move the slurry at a higher volume, it might not be able to overcome the resistance caused by the high solid content and particle size distribution of the slurry. Pump B, with its higher pressure capacity, is the better choice for this scenario.


  • "The Bearden Unit of Consistency (BUC)" by E.F. Bearden (if available): This would be the most direct source, but it may be difficult to find due to its age and specific focus.
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Bourgoyne Jr., et al.: This textbook, widely used in petroleum engineering, may include sections on slurry handling and the BUC.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: This comprehensive handbook may also contain information on slurry transportation and the BUC.
  • "Oil and Gas Production Operations" by P.K.D. Reddy: This book covers various aspects of oil and gas production, potentially including slurry flow characteristics.


  • Search databases like OnePetro, SPE, and Google Scholar: Use keywords like "Bearden Unit of Consistency," "slurry flow," "pumpability," "pressure drop," "particle size distribution," "drilling mud," and "cementing."
  • "A New Method for Predicting Slurry Pumpability" by E.F. Bearden (if available): This article may be a starting point, although it may be challenging to locate.
  • Articles on "slurry rheology" or "slurry transport": These articles may indirectly address the BUC or mention the concept of slurry pumpability.

Online Resources

  • Oil and gas industry websites (e.g., Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes): These websites may offer technical papers or manuals related to slurry handling.
  • ResearchGate and These platforms allow you to find research papers and connect with experts in the field.
  • Engineering forums (e.g., ASME, AIChE): Search for discussions on slurry flow, pumpability, and related topics.

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords: Combine keywords like "Bearden Unit of Consistency," "slurry pumpability," "pressure drop," and "oil and gas."
  • Use quotation marks: For specific phrases, such as "Bearden Unit of Consistency," use quotation marks to refine your search.
  • Try different variations: Experiment with different keyword combinations to find relevant articles and resources.
  • Explore related topics: Search for information on "slurry rheology," "particle size distribution," "pressure drop in pipes," and "pump selection for slurries."
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