Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Lifting & Rigging: derrick


The Derrick: A Giant's Hand in Oil and Gas Exploration

In the world of oil and gas exploration, the derrick stands as a towering symbol of human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of energy resources. This massive, load-bearing structure plays a crucial role in both drilling and well completion operations, acting as a vital component in the intricate process of extracting hydrocarbons from beneath the earth's surface.

A Giant Frame for a Critical Process:

The derrick is essentially a large, bolted structure designed to handle the immense weight and forces involved in drilling and well completion. It consists of four sturdy legs, positioned at the corners of a substructure, extending upwards to a crown block. This crown block acts as the apex of the derrick, supporting numerous pulleys and ropes that are essential for hoisting and lowering drilling equipment and pipe.

The Importance of the Substructure:

The substructure is a critical element of the derrick. It comprises a robust assembly of heavy beams, which not only elevate the derrick to a suitable height but also provide valuable space for installing essential equipment like blowout preventers (BOPs) and casingheads. BOPs act as a safety mechanism to control well pressure and prevent uncontrolled blowouts, while casingheads are used to secure the well casing, which helps to stabilize the wellbore and prevent the collapse of the surrounding formations.

A Symphony of Movement:

The derrick plays a vital role in the smooth operation of drilling operations. It facilitates the hoisting and lowering of heavy drilling equipment, including drill pipe, drilling mud pumps, and various other machinery. The derrick's robust design and its powerful hoisting system ensure the safe and efficient movement of these essential components during drilling and well completion operations.

Types of Derricks:

While the basic concept of a derrick remains the same, different types of derricks are employed based on specific requirements and drilling environments. Some common types include:

  • Mast: A simpler, lighter version of a derrick, typically used in smaller drilling rigs or for shallow drilling.
  • Guyed Mast: This type utilizes guy wires to provide additional support and stability, making it suitable for drilling in challenging conditions.
  • Portable Derrick: As the name suggests, portable derricks can be easily transported and assembled on location, making them ideal for exploration in remote areas.

The Derrick's Legacy:

The derrick has played an indispensable role in the development of the oil and gas industry since its inception. Its unwavering strength and reliable performance have enabled the extraction of vast quantities of hydrocarbons, fueling global energy consumption and driving technological advancements. While drilling technologies continue to evolve, the derrick remains a vital cornerstone of the industry, a testament to the ingenuity and innovation of engineers and the unwavering pursuit of energy resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Derrick: A Giant's Hand in Oil and Gas Exploration

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a derrick in oil and gas exploration?

a) To pump oil and gas from the well. b) To store and transport drilling mud. c) To hoist and lower drilling equipment and pipe. d) To monitor and control well pressure.


c) To hoist and lower drilling equipment and pipe.

2. Which component of the derrick acts as the apex, supporting pulleys and ropes?

a) Substructure b) Crown block c) Guy wires d) Casinghead


b) Crown block

3. What is the main purpose of blowout preventers (BOPs) in drilling operations?

a) To stabilize the wellbore. b) To secure the well casing. c) To control well pressure and prevent blowouts. d) To hoist and lower drilling equipment.


c) To control well pressure and prevent blowouts.

4. Which type of derrick is designed for easy transportation and assembly in remote areas?

a) Mast b) Guyed Mast c) Portable Derrick d) Substructure


c) Portable Derrick

5. What is a key reason why the derrick remains a vital part of the oil and gas industry despite advancements in drilling technology?

a) Its ability to extract oil and gas from deep offshore wells. b) Its low cost compared to newer drilling technologies. c) Its unwavering strength and reliability in handling heavy loads. d) Its compatibility with automated drilling systems.


c) Its unwavering strength and reliability in handling heavy loads.

Exercise: The Derrick's Role in Well Completion

Scenario: Imagine you are a drilling engineer overseeing the completion of an oil well. The derrick is crucial to several key operations during this phase.

Task: List three specific tasks during well completion where the derrick is vital and explain how it facilitates these tasks.

Exercice Correction

Here are three examples of how the derrick is crucial during well completion:

  1. **Running Casing:** The derrick is used to lower sections of casing pipe into the wellbore. This is essential to provide structural support, prevent wellbore collapse, and isolate different zones. The derrick's hoisting system ensures the casing is safely and accurately lowered to the desired depth.
  2. **Installing Production Tubing:** After casing is run, production tubing is lowered through the casing to carry oil or gas to the surface. The derrick's hoisting system is used to handle the tubing and ensure it is properly installed and connected to the surface equipment.
  3. **Installing Downhole Equipment:** Well completion often involves installing equipment like downhole pumps, valves, or packers. The derrick facilitates the safe and efficient lowering and positioning of these components within the wellbore.


  • Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Treatment by Robert M. Stewart - Covers the fundamentals of drilling, including derrick design and operation.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed - This comprehensive handbook provides detailed information on various aspects of petroleum engineering, including drilling and well completion.
  • Oil Well Drilling Technology by M.P. Sharma - A practical guide to oil well drilling, featuring chapters on derrick design, erection, and operation.


  • "The Evolution of Derrick Design" by J. D. Smith - A historical account of the development of derrick design and its impact on drilling operations.
  • "Derrick Safety and Maintenance" by K. L. Brown - An article focusing on the importance of derrick safety and maintenance practices for efficient and safe drilling operations.
  • "Drilling Rig Components: A Guide to the Derricks" by J. M. Davies - A detailed description of the various components of a derrick and their respective functions.

Online Resources

  • Oil & Gas Technology - Derrick - This website offers a comprehensive overview of derricks, including their types, applications, and engineering principles.
  • DrillingInfo - Provides a wealth of data and information about drilling operations, including technical specifications and performance metrics of various derrick types.
  • PetroWiki - Derrick - This wiki page offers a detailed explanation of derricks, their role in drilling, and associated safety considerations.

Search Tips

  • "Derrick drilling rig" - This search will provide results related to the specific application of derricks in drilling operations.
  • "Derrick design standards" - This search will reveal information on the design standards and regulations governing the construction and operation of derricks.
  • "Types of derricks used in oil and gas exploration" - This search will provide a comprehensive list of derrick types used in different drilling environments.
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