Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: come out of the hole

come out of the hole

"Come Out of the Hole" - A Vital Maneuver in Drilling and Well Completion

In the world of oil and gas exploration, the phrase "come out of the hole" (often shortened to "TOH" or "trip out") holds a significant place. This maneuver involves pulling the drill string, the long column of pipes that connect the drill bit to the surface, out of the wellbore. While seemingly simple, TOH is a crucial operation, facilitating various tasks essential to drilling and well completion.

Why "Come Out of the Hole"?

The drill string needs to be pulled out of the well for various reasons:

  • Bit Change: As the drill bit wears down, it needs to be replaced. ToH allows the drill string to be brought to the surface, the worn bit detached, and a new one attached.
  • Core Barrel Change: When core samples are required to analyze the geological formations, a special tool called a core barrel is attached to the drill string. After collecting core samples, the core barrel needs to be removed and the bit reattached.
  • Electric Logs: Logging tools are used to gather information about the formation properties (e.g., porosity, permeability, resistivity). These tools are run down the wellbore, requiring the drill string to be pulled out first.
  • Drill Stem Test (DST): To assess the reservoir's producibility, a DST is conducted. This involves isolating a section of the wellbore and using pressure gauges to measure fluid flow. TOH allows for the necessary equipment to be installed for the test.
  • Casing Running: Casing, strong steel pipes, are installed in the wellbore to provide structural support and prevent wellbore collapse. ToH enables the casing to be lowered into the well.
  • Other Operations: TOH is also necessary for running cement, performing other wellbore interventions, or simply allowing for inspection and maintenance of equipment.

The "Trip Out" Process:

TOH is a carefully planned and executed operation that involves several steps:

  1. Disconnecting the Drilling Mud System: The mud circulation system is disconnected to prevent mud from flowing into the wellbore.
  2. Pulling the Drill String: The drill string is slowly lifted out of the hole using a drilling rig's hoisting system. This process is controlled and monitored to ensure safety.
  3. Disconnecting the Drill String: The drill string is disconnected at the surface, allowing the bit or other attached tools to be removed.
  4. Making the Necessary Changes: The bit is replaced, the core barrel is removed, or the appropriate equipment is installed for the next operation.
  5. Lowering the Drill String Back Down: Once the necessary changes have been made, the drill string is lowered back into the wellbore, ready to continue drilling or perform the intended operation.

Challenges and Risks:

While TOH is a common operation, it can present challenges and risks:

  • Stuck Pipe: The drill string can become stuck in the wellbore due to various reasons (e.g., tight formations, debris).
  • Equipment Failure: Equipment malfunction (hoist, wireline) can pose risks during TOH.
  • Wellbore Instability: The wellbore can become unstable, leading to potential collapse or damage.

Safety Precautions:

Safety is paramount during TOH. Rigorous procedures, constant monitoring, and well-trained personnel are crucial to mitigate risks.


"Come out of the hole" is a vital maneuver in the drilling and well completion process, allowing for numerous essential tasks to be performed. This operation requires careful planning, precise execution, and a strong focus on safety to ensure successful completion of the well.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: "Come Out of the Hole"

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main reason for performing a "Trip Out" (TOH) maneuver in drilling operations?

a) To rotate the drill bit and advance the hole b) To circulate drilling mud and remove cuttings c) To retrieve core samples from the well d) To bring the drill string to the surface for various tasks


d) To bring the drill string to the surface for various tasks

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason for a "Trip Out"?

a) Bit Change b) Core Barrel Change c) Cementing the wellbore d) Electric Logs


c) Cementing the wellbore

3. What is the first step in the "Trip Out" process?

a) Lowering the drill string back down b) Disconnecting the drill string at the surface c) Disconnecting the drilling mud system d) Making the necessary changes


c) Disconnecting the drilling mud system

4. Which of the following is a potential challenge during a "Trip Out"?

a) Stuck pipe b) Successful bit replacement c) Excessive drilling fluid circulation d) Smooth operation of the drilling rig


a) Stuck pipe

5. What is the primary focus during a "Trip Out" maneuver?

a) Safety b) Speed of operation c) Optimizing drilling fluid circulation d) Minimizing equipment wear


a) Safety

Exercise: "Trip Out" Scenario

Scenario: You are the drilling supervisor on a rig. The drill bit has reached its end of life and needs to be replaced.

Task: Outline the steps involved in a "Trip Out" maneuver to replace the drill bit, ensuring safety is prioritized throughout the process.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible outline for the "Trip Out" maneuver:

  1. Safety Briefing: Hold a safety briefing with the crew, emphasizing the importance of following procedures and communicating effectively.
  2. Disconnecting Mud System: Safely disconnect the mud circulation system to prevent mud flow into the wellbore.
  3. Pulling the Drill String: Slowly and carefully pull the drill string out of the hole using the drilling rig's hoisting system. Constant monitoring is crucial.
  4. Disconnecting the Drill String: Once the drill string reaches the surface, disconnect it, allowing removal of the worn bit.
  5. Bit Replacement: Remove the worn bit and attach a new one, ensuring it is securely fastened.
  6. Lowering the Drill String: Lower the drill string back into the wellbore, maintaining control and monitoring the process.
  7. Reconnecting Mud System: Reconnect the mud circulation system, ensuring it is operational and functioning properly.
  8. Resume Drilling: Once the drill string is back in position and the mud system is operational, resume drilling.

Safety Considerations:

  • Constant Communication: Maintain open communication between the crew and the drilling supervisor throughout the operation.
  • Equipment Inspection: Ensure all equipment (hoist, wireline, etc.) is in good working order.
  • Wellbore Monitoring: Regularly monitor the wellbore for signs of instability or potential problems.
  • Emergency Procedures: Have a clear plan for handling any emergencies that may arise during the operation.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of drilling and well completion, including TOH procedures.
  • Drilling Engineering: A textbook by Robert C. Earlougher Jr. that provides in-depth knowledge on drilling operations, including trip out procedures.
  • Well Completion Design and Operations: A book by S.A. Holditch that discusses the design and execution of well completion operations, which often involves TOH.
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Production Engineering: A book by Jon M. Campbell that covers the fundamentals of well completion and production, including trip out operations.


  • "Stuck Pipe: Causes, Prevention, and Solutions" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - This article addresses a common issue associated with TOH.
  • "Drilling and Well Completion Operations: A Practical Guide" by Oil & Gas Journal - This article provides an overview of drilling and completion operations, including TOH.
  • "Trip Out Operations in Oil and Gas Drilling" by World Oil - A specific article discussing TOH procedures and challenges.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources on drilling and well completion, including technical papers and presentations.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API website provides industry standards and guidelines related to drilling and well completion, including safety procedures for TOH.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: An industry publication offering articles and news on drilling and completion operations.
  • Schlumberger: A major oilfield service company with a website offering technical information on drilling and completion operations, including TOH.
  • Halliburton: Another major oilfield service company with a website that provides technical resources on drilling and completion operations.

Search Tips

  • "Come out of the hole" drilling: This search will provide results focused on the term "TOH" in the context of drilling.
  • "Trip out" oil and gas: This search will bring up articles and resources specifically addressing the trip out procedure.
  • "Stuck pipe" prevention: This search will help you understand and prevent a common problem during TOH.
  • "Wellbore instability" drilling: This search will provide information on wellbore instability and its impact on TOH.
  • "Drilling rig safety" TOH: This search will bring up articles and resources on safety procedures during TOH.
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