Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: chain tongs

chain tongs

Chain Tongs: A Workhorse in Drilling & Well Completion

Chain tongs are a staple tool in the oil and gas industry, used extensively in drilling and well completion operations. These hand-operated tools are invaluable for tightening and loosening pipe, making them essential for numerous tasks throughout the well's lifecycle.

Understanding Chain Tongs

Chain tongs, as their name suggests, consist of a handle and a chain. The chain, similar to a bicycle chain, wraps around the pipe and is secured by a pair of jaws. The handle, with its built-in leverage mechanism, allows operators to exert significant force on the pipe, tightening or loosening it as needed.

Key Applications in Drilling & Well Completion

Chain tongs are used in a variety of applications throughout the drilling and well completion process, including:

  • Running and Pulling Casing: This crucial step in well construction involves installing steel casing to provide support and prevent the wellbore from collapsing. Chain tongs are vital for ensuring the casing is securely attached to the wellhead.
  • Connecting and Disconnecting Tubing: Tubing is responsible for transporting oil and gas from the reservoir to the surface. Chain tongs are used to connect and disconnect tubing strings, ensuring a leak-free connection.
  • Working with Drill Pipe: During drilling operations, chain tongs are used to handle drill pipe, including making connections and disconnecting sections as needed.
  • Well Completion Equipment: Chain tongs are also employed in assembling and dismantling various well completion equipment, such as packers, valves, and other components.

Types of Chain Tongs

Chain tongs come in various sizes and designs to accommodate different pipe diameters and applications. Common types include:

  • Standard Chain Tongs: These are the most basic type, featuring a single handle and chain.
  • Double-Handle Chain Tongs: These tongs offer increased leverage, making them ideal for handling large diameter pipe.
  • Ratcheting Chain Tongs: These tongs incorporate a ratchet mechanism, allowing for precise tightening and loosening of pipe.
  • Hydraulic Chain Tongs: These tongs are powered by hydraulic pressure, providing even greater force for challenging applications.

Benefits and Considerations

Chain tongs offer several advantages:

  • Versatility: They are suitable for a wide range of pipe sizes and applications.
  • Durability: Chain tongs are built to withstand the rigors of the oilfield environment.
  • Manufacturability: They are relatively inexpensive and readily available.

However, it's important to consider:

  • Risk of Injury: If used improperly, chain tongs can pose a risk of injury to operators.
  • Potential for Pipe Damage: Improper use can lead to damage to the pipe.


Chain tongs are indispensable tools in drilling and well completion operations, providing efficient and reliable means of tightening and loosening pipe. Their versatility, durability, and affordability make them a staple in the industry. However, proper training and safe operating practices are crucial to ensure worker safety and prevent damage to equipment.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Oil Well Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Treatise" by Robert F. Stewart and J.B. Allred - A comprehensive text covering drilling and well completion techniques, including sections on pipe handling and tools like chain tongs.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Marcel J. Economides and John E. Nolte - This handbook includes detailed information on drilling and completion operations, providing insights into the use and importance of chain tongs.
  • "The Well Completion Manual" by Harold J. Vinegar - Focuses on well completion practices, with relevant sections on tools and equipment, including chain tongs.


  • "Chain Tongs: An Essential Tool in Oil & Gas Operations" by [Author Name] - Search for articles online and in industry journals focusing specifically on chain tongs. Look for publications from reputable sources like SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) or other industry associations.
  • "Safety Considerations for Using Chain Tongs in Oilfield Operations" by [Author Name] - Find articles addressing safety procedures and best practices associated with chain tong usage.
  • "Evolution of Chain Tongs in Oil & Gas Drilling" by [Author Name] - Look for articles tracing the development and improvement of chain tongs over time.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: SPE offers a vast library of technical papers, articles, and presentations related to drilling and well completion. Search for specific terms like "chain tongs" or "pipe handling" to find relevant content.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication often features articles discussing various aspects of drilling and well completion, including tool usage.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Companies specializing in oilfield equipment, including chain tongs, often have detailed product information, specifications, and user manuals on their websites.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms like "chain tongs drilling," "chain tongs well completion," or "chain tongs types" for targeted results.
  • Include relevant keywords related to the specific application or type of chain tongs you're interested in.
  • Use quotation marks around exact phrases to refine your search. For example, "chain tongs safety precautions".
  • Explore related search suggestions offered by Google to discover additional relevant information.
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