Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Sub-optimization


Les Périls de la Sous-Optimisation : Quand les Gains Locaux Entraînent des Pertes Globales

Dans le monde de la gestion de projet et de la conception de systèmes, l'attrait de l'optimisation des composants individuels est fort. Après tout, qui ne voudrait pas d'une séquence de tâches plus efficace ou d'un calendrier parfaitement équilibré ? Cependant, cette approche apparemment sensée peut conduire à un piège dangereux appelé la **sous-optimisation**.

La **sous-optimisation** fait référence au processus d'optimisation d'un composant ou d'une partie spécifique d'un système ou d'un projet sans tenir compte de son impact sur le plan global. Bien qu'il puisse sembler bénéfique d'améliorer les éléments individuels de manière isolée, cela peut souvent entraîner des conséquences imprévues qui affectent négativement le système dans son ensemble.

**Imaginez ceci :** Vous êtes en train de construire une voiture. Vous pouvez décider d'optimiser le moteur pour une puissance maximale. Bien que cela rende le moteur incroyablement puissant, cela pourrait se faire au détriment de l'efficacité énergétique ou de la stabilité globale du véhicule. Dans ce cas, l'optimisation du moteur de manière isolée a des effets négatifs sur d'autres aspects cruciaux de la voiture.

**Voici quelques scénarios courants où la sous-optimisation peut se produire :**

  • **Séquencement des tâches :** Se concentrer uniquement sur l'optimisation de l'efficacité des tâches individuelles au sein d'un projet sans tenir compte de leurs interdépendances peut entraîner des retards et des inefficacités dans le flux de travail global.
  • **Allocation des ressources :** Privilégier les besoins d'un département par rapport à un autre peut entraîner des pénuries de ressources et des retards dans d'autres domaines, affectant finalement le calendrier du projet.
  • **Amélioration des processus :** L'optimisation d'un processus au sein d'un système plus large sans tenir compte de son impact sur les autres processus peut créer des goulets d'étranglement et réduire l'efficacité globale du système.

**Les dangers de la sous-optimisation :**

  • **Performance globale réduite :** En vous concentrant sur les composants individuels, vous pouvez négliger la vision d'ensemble, conduisant à une baisse des performances globales du système.
  • **Complexité accrue :** L'optimisation de différentes parties de manière isolée peut conduire à des systèmes complexes et incompatibles qui sont difficiles à gérer.
  • **Occasions manquées :** En vous concentrant sur les composants individuels, vous pouvez manquer des opportunités d'améliorations holistiques qui pourraient profiter considérablement à l'ensemble du système.

**Comment éviter la sous-optimisation :**

  • **Adopter une approche de pensée systémique :** Considérer l'interdépendance des différents composants et leur impact sur le système global.
  • **Se concentrer sur les objectifs globaux :** Garder à l'esprit les objectifs du projet plus larges lors de l'optimisation des parties individuelles.
  • **S'engager dans une collaboration interfonctionnelle :** Encourager la collaboration entre les différentes équipes et les différents départements afin de s'assurer que chacun travaille vers des objectifs communs.
  • **Utiliser des outils analytiques :** Utiliser des outils tels que la modélisation et la simulation de systèmes pour évaluer l'impact des changements sur l'ensemble du système.

En comprenant les pièges potentiels de la sous-optimisation et en adoptant une approche holistique de la conception de systèmes et de la gestion de projet, vous pouvez éviter les conséquences imprévues et obtenir des performances optimales pour vos projets. N'oubliez pas qu'un système bien fonctionnant n'est pas simplement la somme de ses parties, mais le résultat d'un ensemble bien coordonné et interconnecté.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Perils of Sub-Optimization

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is sub-optimization?

a) Optimizing a specific component of a system without considering its impact on the overall system. b) Optimizing all components of a system for maximum efficiency. c) Optimizing a system for a specific goal, even if it means neglecting other important goals. d) Optimizing a system based on the most recent data, even if it means ignoring historical trends.


a) Optimizing a specific component of a system without considering its impact on the overall system.

2. Which of the following is NOT a potential danger of sub-optimization?

a) Reduced overall performance b) Increased complexity c) Improved communication between teams d) Missed opportunities


c) Improved communication between teams

3. Which of the following is an example of sub-optimization?

a) A company focuses on improving its customer service by implementing a new chatbot, without considering its potential impact on the workload of human customer service agents. b) A company focuses on improving its product development process by using a new software tool, leading to faster and more efficient product launches. c) A company implements a new marketing campaign that targets a specific demographic group, leading to a significant increase in sales. d) A company adopts a new hiring process that streamlines the application process, leading to a faster and more efficient way to hire new employees.


a) A company focuses on improving its customer service by implementing a new chatbot, without considering its potential impact on the workload of human customer service agents.

4. How can you avoid sub-optimization?

a) By focusing on the goals of individual components rather than the overall system goals. b) By encouraging collaboration between different teams and departments. c) By neglecting the interconnectedness of different components. d) By ignoring the potential consequences of optimizing individual components.


b) By encouraging collaboration between different teams and departments.

5. What is a systems thinking approach?

a) Focusing on individual components in isolation. b) Considering the interconnectedness of different components and their impact on the overall system. c) Analyzing data to identify trends and patterns. d) Developing a plan to achieve specific goals.


b) Considering the interconnectedness of different components and their impact on the overall system.

Exercise: The Overworked Assembly Line


A factory produces widgets. The assembly line has five stages:

  1. Material Handling: Raw materials are delivered and moved to the next stage.
  2. Part Assembly: Parts are assembled to create sub-assemblies.
  3. Sub-Assembly Integration: Sub-assemblies are combined to create the final product.
  4. Quality Control: Widgets are inspected for defects.
  5. Packaging: Widgets are packaged and shipped.

The Problem:

The factory manager is concerned about the efficiency of the assembly line. He decides to optimize each stage independently. He hires a team of experts for each stage, and they implement changes to increase efficiency. As a result:

  • Material Handling: The time it takes to move materials is significantly reduced.
  • Part Assembly: The time it takes to assemble parts is also reduced.
  • Sub-Assembly Integration: The time it takes to integrate sub-assemblies is improved.
  • Quality Control: The number of defects is reduced significantly.
  • Packaging: The time it takes to package widgets is minimized.

The Result:

The factory manager is initially pleased with the results. Each stage is more efficient than before. However, he soon discovers that the overall production rate has actually decreased!


Explain why the overall production rate decreased, despite the individual improvements to each stage of the assembly line. What went wrong?

Exercice Correction

The overall production rate decreased due to sub-optimization. By focusing on optimizing each stage individually, the factory manager created bottlenecks in the system. Here's why:

  • Increased Pace, Decreased Flow: Improving the efficiency of individual stages means that each stage is working faster. However, the faster pace of each stage may not be synchronized with the others. If the next stage cannot keep up with the increased output of the previous stage, it creates a bottleneck. For example, if the material handling team is significantly faster than the part assembly team, a pile of raw materials will build up, slowing down the entire process.
  • Unbalanced Flow: The improvements made to each stage may have created an imbalance in the overall flow of production. For example, if quality control is significantly faster than packaging, a backlog of inspected widgets will accumulate, reducing the overall output.
  • Overlooking Interdependence: The manager overlooked the fact that the assembly line is a system, and each stage is interconnected. Optimizing one stage in isolation can create unintended consequences for other stages, leading to a decrease in overall system efficiency.

The lesson here is that optimizing individual components of a system in isolation can lead to a decrease in overall system performance. To avoid this, it's crucial to consider the system as a whole and optimize the flow of work across all stages.


  • The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization by Peter Senge: This book focuses on systems thinking, emphasizing the interconnectedness of various elements and the dangers of sub-optimization.
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman: Though not directly focused on sub-optimization, this book explores cognitive biases and how they can lead to suboptimal decision-making.
  • The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt: This book highlights the importance of identifying and addressing system constraints to improve overall performance, essentially advocating against sub-optimization.


  • The Perils of Sub-Optimization: When Local Gains Lead to Global Losses by [Your Name]: This article presents a clear and concise explanation of sub-optimization, its consequences, and ways to avoid it.
  • The Sub-Optimization Trap by Harvard Business Review: This article discusses the concept of sub-optimization in detail, highlighting its implications in various business contexts.
  • Systems Thinking for Project Management by Project Management Institute: This article explores the importance of systems thinking in project management, including how it can help avoid sub-optimization.

Online Resources

  • Systems Thinking by The Systems Thinker: This website provides a comprehensive overview of systems thinking principles and their application in various fields.
  • Sub-optimization by Wikipedia: This Wikipedia page provides a detailed explanation of sub-optimization, including its causes, consequences, and examples.
  • The Suboptimization Trap by BetterUp: This blog post offers practical advice on how to avoid sub-optimization in business settings.

Search Tips

  • "Sub-optimization" AND "systems thinking": This search will return articles and resources that explore the relationship between sub-optimization and systems thinking.
  • "Sub-optimization" AND "project management": This search will focus on articles and resources relevant to the impact of sub-optimization in project management.
  • "Sub-optimization" AND "case studies": This search will provide real-world examples of sub-optimization and its consequences.
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