Planification et ordonnancement du projet

Resource Histogram

Histrogrammes de ressources : un outil visuel pour la réussite des projets pétroliers et gaziers

Dans le monde trépidant de l'exploration et de la production de pétrole et de gaz, une planification méticuleuse et une gestion rigoureuse des ressources sont essentielles à la réussite des projets. Un outil crucial dans cette entreprise est l'histogramme de ressources, une représentation visuelle qui offre une vue d'ensemble des besoins en ressources, de leur utilisation et de leur disponibilité sur une période donnée.

Comprendre le concept :

Imaginez un diagramme en barres où l'axe des x représente le temps et l'axe des y représente la quantité d'une ressource spécifique. Chaque barre du diagramme représente la demande ou la disponibilité de la ressource pendant une période particulière. Cette visualisation simple offre une mine d'informations qui peuvent être utilisées pour :

  • Identifier les goulots d'étranglement potentiels en ressources : En analysant l'histogramme de ressources, les chefs de projet peuvent anticiper les pénuries ou les excédents potentiels à des étapes spécifiques du projet.
  • Optimiser l'allocation des ressources : L'histogramme permet d'identifier les périodes où l'utilisation des ressources est faible, ce qui permet de réaffecter efficacement la main-d'œuvre, l'équipement ou les matériaux à d'autres domaines du projet.
  • Améliorer la planification des projets : La compréhension des besoins en ressources à différentes phases du projet permet d'affiner le calendrier, d'anticiper les retards potentiels et de prendre des décisions éclairées concernant l'approvisionnement en ressources.
  • Faciliter la communication : La nature visuelle de l'histogramme facilite la compréhension des besoins et de la disponibilité des ressources par les parties prenantes du projet, favorisant ainsi une collaboration et une communication plus fluides.

Types de ressources représentées :

Les histogrammes de ressources peuvent être utilisés pour visualiser un large éventail de ressources, notamment :

  • Personnel : Suivi du nombre de travailleurs qualifiés nécessaires pour différentes tâches pendant des phases spécifiques du projet.
  • Équipement : Surveillance de la disponibilité et de l'utilisation des machines lourdes, des plateformes de forage ou des équipements spécialisés.
  • Matériaux : Visualisation des calendriers de consommation et de livraison des consommables comme le ciment, l'acier ou les fluides de forage.
  • Ressources financières : Suivi du budget alloué et des schémas de dépenses tout au long du cycle de vie du projet.

Avantages de l'utilisation d'histogrammes de ressources :

  • Visibilité accrue : Offre une vue d'ensemble claire et concise des besoins et de la disponibilité des ressources.
  • Planification améliorée : Aide à identifier et à résoudre les contraintes potentielles en ressources avant qu'elles ne deviennent critiques.
  • Utilisation améliorée des ressources : Permet une meilleure allocation et optimisation des ressources pour atteindre les objectifs du projet.
  • Réduction des risques : Aide à atténuer les retards et les dépassements de coûts potentiels en gérant proactivement la disponibilité des ressources.

Défis et considérations :

Bien que les histogrammes de ressources soient des outils puissants, il existe quelques défis potentiels :

  • Précision des données : L'efficacité de l'histogramme repose sur la saisie de données précises concernant les besoins et la disponibilité des ressources.
  • Complexité : La gestion de plusieurs ressources et de leurs besoins respectifs peut être complexe, nécessitant des capacités robustes de gestion et d'analyse des données.
  • Nature dynamique des projets : Les changements d'envergure du projet ou les retards imprévus peuvent affecter les besoins en ressources, nécessitant des mises à jour fréquentes de l'histogramme.

Conclusion :

L'histogramme de ressources est un outil précieux pour les chefs de projet dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. En fournissant une représentation visuelle des besoins et de la disponibilité des ressources, il facilite la prise de décisions éclairées, l'allocation efficace des ressources et contribue finalement à la réussite de l'exécution des projets pétroliers et gaziers. Les avantages de l'utilisation de cet outil l'emportent largement sur les défis, ce qui en fait un élément essentiel de toute stratégie complète de gestion de projet dans ce secteur exigeant.

Test Your Knowledge

Resource Histogram Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a resource histogram? a) To track the progress of a project over time. b) To visualize resource requirements and availability over time. c) To calculate the total cost of a project. d) To identify potential risks and uncertainties.


b) To visualize resource requirements and availability over time.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using resource histograms? a) Increased visibility of resource needs. b) Improved project planning and scheduling. c) Enhanced communication among stakeholders. d) Guaranteed project success.


d) Guaranteed project success.

3. What type of resource can be visualized using a resource histogram? a) Only equipment. b) Only personnel. c) Only materials. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

4. Which of the following is a potential challenge when using resource histograms? a) The need for frequent updates due to project changes. b) The complexity of analyzing large amounts of data. c) The reliance on accurate resource data input. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Resource histograms are particularly useful for: a) Understanding the overall budget allocation for a project. b) Identifying potential resource bottlenecks during specific project phases. c) Tracking the progress of individual tasks. d) Assessing the impact of environmental regulations on the project.


b) Identifying potential resource bottlenecks during specific project phases.

Resource Histogram Exercise

Scenario: You are the project manager for an offshore oil drilling project. Your team needs to construct a resource histogram to visualize the requirements for drilling equipment over the next 6 months.


| Month | Drilling Rig | Support Vessels | Diving Equipment | |---|---|---|---| | Month 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | | Month 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | | Month 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | | Month 4 | 2 | 3 | 1 | | Month 5 | 1 | 2 | 1 | | Month 6 | 1 | 1 | 1 |


  1. Create a simple resource histogram using a drawing tool or spreadsheet software to represent the data above.
  2. Analyze the histogram and identify any potential resource bottlenecks or areas of surplus.
  3. Propose a strategy to address the identified bottlenecks or surpluses.

Exercice Correction

**Histogram:** (You would need to create a visual representation of the data here. This can be done with a simple bar chart for each resource type.) **Analysis:** - **Bottleneck:** Month 3 shows a significant increase in demand for drilling rigs and support vessels. This could lead to delays if sufficient resources are not available. - **Surplus:** Months 4 and 5 show a surplus of support vessels and diving equipment. This suggests that some resources may be underutilized during these months. **Proposed Strategy:** - **Bottleneck:** - Negotiate with equipment rental companies to secure additional drilling rigs and support vessels for Month 3. - Consider subcontracting some tasks to alleviate pressure on the existing resources. - **Surplus:** - Re-allocate surplus vessels and diving equipment to other projects or maintenance activities. - Investigate opportunities to utilize these resources for other tasks that may arise during the project.


  • Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry: This book covers various aspects of project management, including resource planning and management. It might feature chapters on visual tools like resource histograms.
  • Resource Management in Construction: Techniques for Optimizing Resources: While focused on construction, this book covers general principles of resource management that can be applied to oil and gas projects. It may delve into the use of resource histograms for optimizing resource allocation.
  • The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide): This comprehensive guide, published by the Project Management Institute (PMI), covers various project management tools and techniques, including resource management. While it may not explicitly discuss resource histograms, it offers a broader framework for understanding resource planning.


  • "Resource Histogram: A Powerful Tool for Project Planning and Control" (Search for this title on platforms like ResearchGate or Google Scholar) – This article, if it exists, would likely explore the benefits and use cases of resource histograms in project management.
  • "Effective Resource Management: A Key to Successful Oil and Gas Projects" (Similar search strategy) – This article, if it exists, might discuss the importance of resource management in the oil and gas industry and could mention resource histograms as a helpful tool.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The website offers various resources, including articles and webinars, related to project management and resource management. Explore their content for relevant information on resource histograms.
  • Construction and Engineering Resources: Search for online resources dedicated to construction and engineering, as they often feature information on resource planning and management that applies to oil and gas projects.
  • Resource Management Software Vendors: Websites of software vendors specializing in resource management might provide articles, blog posts, or webinars discussing best practices and tools like resource histograms.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "resource histogram", "oil and gas", "project management", "resource planning", "resource allocation", "visual tools", etc., to refine your search.
  • Explore different search engines: Use Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and other academic search engines to find peer-reviewed articles.
  • Check for case studies: Search for case studies of successful oil and gas projects that utilized resource histograms to understand how they were implemented and their impact.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Creating Resource Histograms

This chapter delves into the techniques involved in crafting effective resource histograms for oil and gas projects.

1.1 Data Collection and Analysis

  • Identifying Resources: Begin by identifying all critical resources required for the project, including personnel, equipment, materials, and financial resources.
  • Gathering Resource Data: Collect accurate data regarding the quantity, availability, and consumption rates of each resource. Utilize historical data, project specifications, and expert estimates.
  • Analyzing Resource Requirements: Analyze the resource needs for different project phases, considering factors like work packages, duration, and resource dependencies.
  • Estimating Resource Availability: Consider factors like resource procurement timelines, potential delays, and existing commitments when estimating resource availability.

1.2 Data Visualization and Presentation

  • Choosing the Right Chart Type: Opt for a standard bar chart or a stacked bar chart for a clear visual representation of resource demand and availability.
  • Defining Axes: Assign time (project schedule) to the x-axis and resource quantity to the y-axis.
  • Color Coding: Use different colors to represent different types of resources for easier identification.
  • Legend: Include a legend to explain the colors and resource types.
  • Additional Information: Include information like resource unit of measure, project phase names, and any critical milestones.

1.3 Software Tools for Resource Histograms

  • Spreadsheet Software: Excel or Google Sheets are versatile tools for basic resource histogram creation, offering built-in charting capabilities.
  • Project Management Software: Tools like Primavera P6, Microsoft Project, and Oracle Primavera Unifier offer advanced features for creating dynamic and interactive resource histograms.
  • Specialized Resource Management Software: Software designed specifically for resource management, such as Resource Guru or Planview, can provide more robust analysis and visualization options.

1.4 Updating and Maintaining the Histogram

  • Regular Review: Regularly review the histogram for accuracy and update it based on project changes, resource availability updates, and actual consumption data.
  • Real-Time Updates: Utilize software tools that enable real-time data updates to ensure the histogram reflects the current project status.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Share the histogram with relevant stakeholders for better communication and coordination.

1.5 Best Practices for Resource Histograms

  • Keep it Simple: Avoid overwhelming the histogram with excessive detail. Prioritize key resources and critical phases.
  • Focus on Clarity: Ensure the chart is easily understandable by all stakeholders.
  • Use Consistent Units: Maintain consistency in units of measure across all resources.
  • Integrate with Other Project Documents: Connect the histogram to other project documents, like the schedule, resource allocation plan, and risk register.

Chapter 2: Models for Resource Histograms

This chapter explores different models and approaches for creating resource histograms, highlighting their benefits and limitations.

2.1 Baseline Resource Histogram

  • Purpose: Represents the initial resource plan based on the project scope and schedule.
  • Key Elements: Includes planned resource needs for each project phase.
  • Benefits: Provides a clear starting point for resource management.
  • Limitations: May not accurately reflect actual resource needs due to uncertainties and unforeseen changes.

2.2 Rolling Wave Resource Histogram

  • Purpose: Allows for a dynamic approach, updating resource requirements as the project progresses and more information becomes available.
  • Key Elements: Focuses on the current project phase and a few upcoming phases, updating resources as needed.
  • Benefits: Adapts to project changes and uncertainties, enhancing resource allocation accuracy.
  • Limitations: Requires continuous monitoring and updates, potentially increasing administrative effort.

2.3 Resource Allocation Matrix

  • Purpose: Combines resource histogram data with other project information, such as resource skills, cost estimates, and availability.
  • Key Elements: Presents a table format that displays resource allocation across different phases and tasks.
  • Benefits: Provides a comprehensive view of resource usage and project progress.
  • Limitations: Can be complex to manage and maintain, requiring significant data input.

2.4 Multi-Resource Histograms

  • Purpose: Visualizes the allocation and availability of multiple resource types simultaneously.
  • Key Elements: Uses stacked bars to represent different resource categories within each project phase.
  • Benefits: Provides a clear overview of resource dependencies and potential bottlenecks across multiple resource types.
  • Limitations: Can become cluttered with too many resources, making it difficult to analyze specific resources.

2.5 Cumulative Resource Histogram

  • Purpose: Shows the total cumulative resource requirements over time.
  • Key Elements: Accumulates resource demand from the beginning of the project up to any given point in time.
  • Benefits: Helps assess overall resource needs and track potential cumulative resource shortages.
  • Limitations: May not be as informative for analyzing resource allocation in specific project phases.

Chapter 3: Software for Resource Histograms

This chapter discusses commonly used software tools for creating and managing resource histograms, outlining their features and suitability for different project needs.

3.1 Spreadsheet Software

  • Excel and Google Sheets: Provide basic charting capabilities for creating simple resource histograms.
  • Benefits: User-friendly interface, readily available, cost-effective.
  • Limitations: Limited customization options, may not be suitable for large or complex projects.

3.2 Project Management Software

  • Primavera P6: A comprehensive project management software with advanced features for creating dynamic and interactive resource histograms.
  • Microsoft Project: Offers a user-friendly interface and basic resource management capabilities for creating histograms.
  • Oracle Primavera Unifier: Provides a cloud-based solution with collaborative features and integration with other project management tools.
  • Benefits: Advanced planning and scheduling features, integrated resource management functionalities.
  • Limitations: Can be expensive, requires training for effective use.

3.3 Specialized Resource Management Software

  • Resource Guru: Offers robust resource planning and scheduling features, including resource histogram creation.
  • Planview: Provides enterprise-grade resource management solutions with advanced analytics and visualization options.
  • Benefits: Specialized features for resource management, real-time data updates, integration with other systems.
  • Limitations: Can be complex and require significant investment.

3.4 Open-Source Software

  • OpenProj: A free, open-source project management software that offers basic resource management capabilities.
  • TaskJuggler: Another free, open-source project management software with advanced features for resource management and visualization.
  • Benefits: Cost-effective, customizable, community support.
  • Limitations: May lack enterprise-level features and integrations.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Using Resource Histograms

This chapter presents best practices for effectively utilizing resource histograms to achieve project success.

4.1 Data Quality and Accuracy

  • Reliable Data Sources: Ensure the data used to create the histogram is accurate and comes from reliable sources.
  • Data Verification: Regularly verify the data for accuracy and update the histogram as needed.
  • Data Management Processes: Establish robust processes for collecting, storing, and managing resource data.

4.2 Collaboration and Communication

  • Share with Stakeholders: Share the histogram with relevant stakeholders, including project managers, resource managers, and team members.
  • Regular Updates: Provide regular updates on the histogram to reflect project changes and actual resource usage.
  • Transparent Communication: Utilize the histogram to facilitate open communication about resource needs and potential challenges.

4.3 Proactive Resource Management

  • Identify Potential Bottlenecks: Use the histogram to identify potential resource constraints and plan proactively to address them.
  • Optimize Resource Allocation: Analyze the histogram to optimize resource allocation across different project phases.
  • Resource Procurement Planning: Utilize the histogram to plan for resource procurement and ensure timely availability.

4.4 Continuous Improvement

  • Regular Review and Evaluation: Regularly review the effectiveness of the histogram and identify areas for improvement.
  • Feedback and Suggestions: Encourage feedback from stakeholders on the histogram and incorporate suggestions for enhancing its utility.
  • Adapt to Project Needs: Adjust the histogram and related processes as the project evolves and new challenges arise.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

This chapter provides real-world examples of how resource histograms have been used successfully in oil and gas projects.

5.1 Offshore Oil Platform Construction

  • Challenge: Managing a complex project involving a large number of personnel, equipment, and materials.
  • Solution: A comprehensive resource histogram was created to track the requirements for different project phases, including construction, installation, and commissioning.
  • Results: The histogram enabled proactive resource allocation, identified potential bottlenecks, and contributed to the successful completion of the project within budget and timeline.

5.2 Onshore Oil Well Drilling

  • Challenge: Managing the availability of specialized drilling equipment and skilled personnel.
  • Solution: A resource histogram was used to track the usage and availability of drilling rigs, drilling fluids, and specialized crew members.
  • Results: The histogram facilitated efficient equipment allocation, optimized crew schedules, and minimized delays due to resource constraints.

5.3 Pipeline Construction

  • Challenge: Coordinating the availability of pipeline materials, welding crews, and specialized equipment along a long pipeline route.
  • Solution: A multi-resource histogram was used to track the requirements for different resource types, including pipeline sections, welding crews, and construction equipment, across different pipeline segments.
  • Results: The histogram enabled efficient resource allocation, minimized transportation costs, and ensured timely completion of the pipeline construction.

By analyzing these case studies, project managers can learn valuable insights into how resource histograms can be effectively used to optimize resource utilization, mitigate risks, and drive successful project outcomes in the oil and gas industry.

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