Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Communication & Reporting: Project Data Document ("PDD")

Project Data Document ("PDD")

Document de Données du Projet (DDP) dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier : Un plan pour le succès

Le Document de Données du Projet (DDP) est un document essentiel dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. Il sert de référentiel central pour toutes les informations du projet, offrant une vue d'ensemble complète et guidant le projet de sa création à sa finalisation. Imaginez-le comme un plan, décrivant la portée, les objectifs et la stratégie d'exécution d'un projet pétrolier et gazier.

Descriptions sommaires

Que contient-il ?

Le DDP contient une mine d'informations, notamment :

  • Objectifs du projet : Définit clairement les objectifs et les cibles du projet, en décrivant les résultats souhaités.
  • Portée du projet : Spécifie les limites et les livrables du projet, s'assurant que tous comprennent ce qui est et n'est pas inclus.
  • Détails techniques : Fournit les spécifications techniques, les paramètres de conception et les exigences d'ingénierie pour le projet.
  • Estimations des coûts : Présente une ventilation détaillée des coûts du projet, y compris les dépenses d'investissement, les frais d'exploitation et les imprévus.
  • Calendrier et chronologie : Décrit le calendrier du projet, les jalons et les dates clés, s'assurant que tous sont alignés sur le calendrier du projet.
  • Évaluation des risques : Identifie les risques potentiels et les stratégies d'atténuation, minimisant les risques de problèmes imprévus.
  • Besoins en ressources : Spécifie le personnel, l'équipement et les matériaux nécessaires à la bonne exécution du projet.
  • Gestion des parties prenantes : Définit les rôles et les responsabilités de toutes les parties impliquées, favorisant une communication et une collaboration efficaces.

Pourquoi est-il important ?

Le DDP joue un rôle essentiel dans plusieurs domaines clés :

  • Communication : Sert de source unique de vérité, s'assurant que toutes les parties prenantes sont sur la même longueur d'onde concernant les détails du projet.
  • Prise de décision : Fournit une base solide pour une prise de décision éclairée tout au long du cycle de vie du projet.
  • Gestion des risques : Aide à identifier et à atténuer les risques potentiels, favorisant une exécution de projet plus sûre et plus prévisible.
  • Contrôle du projet : Offre un cadre pour le suivi des progrès, la gestion des coûts et la garantie que le projet reste sur la bonne voie.

Avantages pour le bureau d'affaires :

Le DDP est un outil précieux pour le bureau d'affaires, offrant :

  • Clarté financière : Des estimations de coûts détaillées et des projections budgétaires permettent une prévision financière précise et une allocation efficace des ressources.
  • Atténuation des risques : Identifie les dépassements de coûts et les retards potentiels, permettant de prendre des mesures proactives pour minimiser l'impact financier.
  • Suivi du projet : Le calendrier et les jalons du DDP permettent au bureau d'affaires de surveiller les progrès du projet et de garantir une finalisation en temps opportun.
  • Justification des investissements : Les informations complètes du DDP fournissent une justification solide pour les investissements du projet et aident à obtenir des financements.

Conclusion :

Le Document de Données du Projet est un élément fondamental de tout projet pétrolier et gazier réussi. Sa nature complète garantit une communication efficace, une prise de décision éclairée et une exécution efficace du projet. Pour le bureau d'affaires, le DDP offre une clarté financière, une atténuation des risques, un suivi du projet et une justification solide pour les investissements, contribuant ainsi au succès global du projet.

Test Your Knowledge

Project Data Document (PDD) Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Project Data Document (PDD) in the oil and gas industry?

(a) To outline the environmental impact of a project. (b) To document the legal aspects of a project. (c) To serve as a central repository for all project information. (d) To provide detailed geological data for a project.


The correct answer is (c). The PDD is a comprehensive document that acts as a central source of information for all aspects of a project.

2. Which of the following is NOT typically included in a PDD?

(a) Project objectives (b) Project scope (c) Marketing plan for the project's output (d) Risk assessment


The correct answer is (c). While marketing considerations might be relevant, the PDD primarily focuses on the technical, financial, and operational aspects of the project.

3. How does the PDD contribute to effective communication within a project team?

(a) By providing a single source of truth for all project information. (b) By facilitating communication with government agencies. (c) By outlining the communication strategy for the project. (d) By providing a platform for online project discussions.


The correct answer is (a). The PDD ensures that all team members have access to the same information, minimizing misunderstandings and promoting consistency.

4. How does the PDD benefit the business office in managing project risk?

(a) By providing detailed insurance requirements. (b) By identifying potential cost overruns and delays. (c) By outlining the risk management plan for the project. (d) By providing a platform for reporting incidents.


The correct answer is (b). The PDD's detailed cost estimates, schedule, and risk assessment help the business office anticipate and mitigate potential risks.

5. What is a key benefit of the PDD for securing project funding?

(a) It provides a detailed financial analysis of the project. (b) It outlines the project's environmental impact. (c) It showcases the project's innovative technologies. (d) It provides a timeline for project completion.


The correct answer is (a). The PDD's comprehensive information, including cost estimates, financial projections, and justification of investments, strengthens the case for funding.

Project Data Document (PDD) Exercise

Scenario: You are a project manager for an oil and gas company, and you are tasked with creating a PDD for a new offshore drilling project. The project involves installing a new platform in the Gulf of Mexico and drilling for oil and gas.

Task: Identify five key sections that should be included in the PDD for this project, and briefly explain the importance of each section.

Exercise Correction

Here are five key sections that should be included in the PDD for the offshore drilling project, along with explanations of their importance:

  1. **Project Objectives:** This section should clearly define the goals and targets of the project. For example, the objectives might include extracting a certain amount of oil and gas, achieving a specific production rate, or exploring a specific geological formation. This section helps ensure that all stakeholders are aligned on the project's purpose and desired outcomes.
  2. **Technical Details:** This section should provide detailed technical specifications, design parameters, and engineering requirements for the project. It should cover aspects like platform design, drilling equipment, well construction, and environmental considerations. This section is crucial for ensuring the project is technically feasible and meets industry standards.
  3. **Cost Estimates:** This section should present a comprehensive breakdown of project costs, including capital expenditures, operating expenses, and contingency plans. It should cover all aspects of the project, from platform installation and drilling equipment to personnel costs and environmental mitigation measures. Detailed cost estimates are essential for budgeting, financial forecasting, and securing funding.
  4. **Schedule & Timeline:** This section should outline the project schedule, milestones, and key dates. It should include activities like platform construction, transportation, installation, drilling, and production startup. A clear timeline helps manage project progress, track deadlines, and ensure timely completion.
  5. **Risk Assessment:** This section should identify potential risks and mitigation strategies. It should cover areas like weather conditions, geological hazards, equipment failures, and regulatory approvals. By identifying and addressing risks, the PDD helps ensure the safety and efficiency of the project, minimizing unforeseen delays and cost overruns.


  • "Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry" by Kenneth E. Butcher and Edward F. Valdes: This book provides a comprehensive overview of project management in the oil and gas industry, including sections on project planning, execution, and control.
  • "Oil and Gas Project Management: A Guide to Planning, Execution, and Control" by Bruce A. Keyte: This book offers practical advice and insights for project managers in the oil and gas industry.
  • "The Project Management Institute Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)" by Project Management Institute: This guide is a globally recognized standard for project management practices, providing valuable frameworks and best practices that can be applied to PDD creation and management.


  • "Project Data Document: A Foundation for Success" by Oil & Gas Journal: This article provides an in-depth look at the importance of PDDs and discusses the key elements of a robust document.
  • "Best Practices for Creating and Maintaining a Project Data Document" by Energy Manager Magazine: This article offers practical tips and strategies for creating and managing effective PDDs in the oil and gas industry.
  • "The Role of the PDD in Risk Management" by Upstream Magazine: This article examines the vital role of the PDD in identifying and mitigating risks associated with oil and gas projects.

Online Resources

  • The Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI website offers a wealth of resources on project management, including best practices, templates, and tools for managing projects effectively. Search their website for "oil and gas project management" or "project data document."
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers numerous articles, publications, and resources related to oil and gas exploration, development, and production, including topics related to project management.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This publication offers a wide range of articles, news, and analysis on the oil and gas industry, including topics related to project management and PDDs.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "Project Data Document," "PDD," "Oil and Gas," "Project Management," and "Best Practices" to narrow your search.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose keywords in quotation marks ("Project Data Document") to find exact matches.
  • Include site specific searches: Search for "Project Data Document" or "PDD" to focus on specific websites.
  • Combine search terms: Use "AND" or "OR" to refine your search. For example, "Project Data Document AND oil and gas" or "PDD OR project planning".
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