Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: Manual


Le grain et la graisse du "manuel" dans le pétrole et le gaz

Le mot "manuel" dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière peut évoquer des images d'ouvriers robustes travaillant dans des conditions impitoyables, les mains calleuses et le corps usé par des années de dur labeur. Et si cette image n'est pas entièrement fausse, le terme "manuel" englobe bien plus que l'effort physique.

Au-delà du muscle : Compétence et expertise

Dans le contexte pétrolier et gazier, "manuel" signifie un travail effectué à la main plutôt que par des processus automatisés. Cela implique un haut niveau de compétence et d'expertise, une profonde compréhension de l'équipement et des procédures impliquées. Il ne s'agit pas seulement de force brute ; il s'agit de précision, de jugement et de la capacité de s'adapter aux circonstances changeantes.

Exemples de tâches "manuelles" dans le pétrole et le gaz

  • Le gréement : Cela implique la manipulation sûre et efficace d'équipements lourds, tels que les tiges de forage et les tubages, à l'aide de cordes, de chaînes et de treuils. Les gréeurs expérimentés possèdent les connaissances nécessaires pour évaluer les risques, choisir l'équipement approprié et exécuter les manœuvres avec précision.
  • L'opération des vannes : L'ouverture et la fermeture manuelles des vannes sont une partie essentielle du contrôle du flux de fluide dans les pipelines, les puits et les usines de traitement. Cela nécessite de comprendre les types de vannes, les limites de pression et les conséquences potentielles d'une mauvaise manipulation.
  • L'entretien des puits : Des tâches telles que le nettoyage des puits, la stimulation et les travaux de réparation impliquent l'utilisation manuelle d'outils et d'équipements en fond de trou pour maintenir et optimiser la production des puits. Ces opérations exigent une compréhension approfondie de la mécanique des puits et la capacité de diagnostiquer et de résoudre les problèmes.
  • L'entretien et la réparation : De l'inspection des pipelines à la révision des pompes, le travail "manuel" est essentiel pour maintenir le bon fonctionnement des infrastructures pétrolières et gazières. Cela nécessite un œil attentif aux détails, une compréhension approfondie de l'équipement et la capacité de dépanner et de réparer les dysfonctionnements.

L'évolution du "manuel"

Si l'aspect "manuel" du travail dans le pétrole et le gaz est une caractéristique déterminante depuis des décennies, l'industrie évolue. L'automatisation est de plus en plus répandue, les robots et les systèmes de télécontrôle prenant en charge des tâches autrefois effectuées par des humains. Cependant, l'expertise "manuelle" restera vitale.

  • L'expertise et la surveillance humaines : Si l'automatisation améliore l'efficacité et la sécurité, l'élément humain reste essentiel pour la surveillance et le dépannage des systèmes automatisés.
  • Tâches spécialisées : Certaines opérations nécessiteront toujours la dextérité et le jugement humains. Par exemple, les soudures complexes, les réparations complexes et les tâches spécialisées dans des espaces confinés.

Respecter l'héritage "manuel"

Même si la technologie progresse, il est important de reconnaître le rôle vital des compétences et de l'expertise "manuelles" dans le pétrole et le gaz. Ces compétences représentent des années d'expérience, de connaissances et de dévouement, et elles contribuent directement au bon fonctionnement sûr et efficace de l'industrie. Les travailleurs "manuels" sont l'épine dorsale du secteur pétrolier et gazier, et leurs contributions méritent d'être reconnues et appréciées.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Grit and Grease of "Manual" in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the term "manual" primarily signify in the oil & gas industry?

a) Work that requires physical strength.


This is partially true, but it's not the primary meaning.

b) Tasks performed using automated systems.


This is the opposite of "manual" work.

c) Work done by hand, requiring skill and expertise.


This is the correct definition of "manual" in the oil & gas context.

d) Activities that involve minimal training or knowledge.


This is inaccurate. "Manual" work in oil & gas requires significant skill and knowledge.

2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a "manual" task in oil & gas?

a) Rigging heavy equipment.


Rigging is a classic example of manual work.

b) Operating valves in a pipeline.


Valve operation often involves manual control.

c) Performing a well workover.


Well servicing tasks often require manual intervention.

d) Using software to analyze seismic data.


This involves technology and data analysis, not manual work.

3. What is the significance of "manual" skills in the face of increasing automation in the oil & gas industry?

a) They are becoming obsolete as technology takes over.


While technology is growing, manual skills remain valuable.

b) They are still essential for monitoring and troubleshooting automated systems.


This is a key aspect of the importance of manual skills in a changing industry.

c) They are only relevant for legacy equipment and outdated processes.


Manual skills are still relevant for new equipment and processes.

d) They have no future in the modern oil & gas industry.


This is an incorrect statement. Manual skills will continue to be important.

4. Which of these "manual" skills is MOST likely to be automated in the near future?

a) Valve operation.


Valve operation is a prime candidate for automation.

b) Welding intricate structures.


While robotic welding is growing, intricate tasks are still best done by humans.

c) Troubleshooting complex equipment malfunctions.


Troubleshooting often requires human judgment and problem-solving skills.

d) Performing repairs in confined spaces.


Working in confined spaces still requires human dexterity and awareness.

5. Why is it important to respect the "manual" legacy in the oil & gas industry?

a) Because it represents the history of the industry.


This is true, but there are other reasons as well.

b) Because these skills are essential for safety and efficiency.


This is a key reason to respect manual skills.

c) Because it acknowledges the contributions of those who work with their hands.


This is a crucial aspect of respecting the manual legacy.

d) All of the above.


This is the correct answer. Respecting the manual legacy encompasses all these points.

Exercise: The "Manual" Challenge

Scenario: You are working on a well servicing crew. A critical valve needs to be manually operated to control fluid flow during a workover operation. The valve is located in a confined space with limited visibility and access.


  1. Identify the potential risks associated with operating this valve manually in this situation.
  2. List the safety precautions you would take before and during the operation.
  3. Describe the steps you would follow to operate the valve safely and efficiently.

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

Potential Risks:

  • Confined Space Hazards: Oxygen deficiency, hazardous gases, and limited space for movement.
  • Limited Visibility: Difficulty in accurately assessing the valve's position and potential hazards.
  • Pressure Build-up: Improper valve operation could lead to pressure surges and equipment damage.
  • Ergonomic Strain: Awkward positions and forceful movements could cause injuries.

Safety Precautions:

  • Confined Space Entry Permit: Obtain a permit and follow all confined space entry procedures.
  • Gas Detection: Use a gas detector to monitor for hazardous gases before entering.
  • Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation to prevent oxygen deficiency.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Wear appropriate PPE, including respiratory protection, gloves, and safety footwear.
  • Stand-by Person: Have a standby person outside the confined space ready to assist in case of emergency.

Steps to Operate the Valve:

  • Visual Inspection: Carefully inspect the valve and surrounding area for potential hazards.
  • Pressure Check: Verify the pressure readings on the valve and upstream/downstream equipment.
  • Valve Operation: Use a wrench or lever to slowly and carefully open or close the valve, while monitoring pressure readings and looking for any unusual changes.
  • Confirmation: Confirm the valve's position and ensure the pressure readings are stable before leaving the confined space.
  • Post-operation Inspection: After leaving the confined space, conduct a post-operation inspection to verify the valve's operation and look for any leaks or damage.


  • "Oil Well Drilling Manual" by John M. Campbell: A comprehensive guide to drilling techniques and practices, emphasizing the manual aspects of well construction.
  • "Fundamentals of Petroleum Production Engineering" by L.P. Dake: Covers essential concepts related to oil and gas production, including the manual operations involved in well servicing and maintenance.
  • "The Practical Rigger's Handbook" by John F. Kennedy: A detailed guide to the principles and techniques of rigging, highlighting the manual skills required for handling heavy equipment.


  • "The Importance of Manual Skills in the Oil & Gas Industry" (Published in industry journals or online platforms like Oil & Gas Journal): Articles discussing the continued relevance of manual skills despite automation.
  • "The Future of Manual Work in the Oil & Gas Industry" (Published in industry journals or online platforms like World Oil): Articles exploring the role of human expertise in a rapidly evolving sector.
  • "Automation and the Future of Oil and Gas Jobs" (Published by research organizations like the International Energy Agency): Reports and analysis on the impact of automation on employment within the oil and gas industry.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: Offers a wide range of resources, including articles, publications, and conference proceedings related to oil and gas engineering.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API) website: A hub for industry information, including technical standards, safety guidelines, and resources relevant to manual work.
  • Oil & Gas Journal website: A leading industry news source with articles covering the latest developments in oil and gas operations, including the use of manual labor.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "manual labor oil and gas," "manual skills oil and gas," "manual work oil and gas" to narrow down your search.
  • Combine keywords with specific tasks like "rigging manual," "valve operation manual," or "well servicing manual."
  • Consider using advanced search operators like "+" to include specific keywords or "-" to exclude specific keywords.
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