Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Imposed Finish

Imposed Finish

Fin de date imposée : lorsque des contraintes externes dictent votre calendrier

En planification et en ordonnancement de projets, la réussite d'un projet repose sur la gestion efficace des dépendances et des échéances. Bien que nous nous efforcions d'optimiser nos calendriers en fonction des facteurs internes, des contraintes externes dictent parfois le rythme du projet. C'est là qu'intervient le concept de "fin de date imposée".

Une fin de date imposée fait référence à une date de fin spécifique pour une activité qui est déterminée par des facteurs externes indépendants du contrôle de l'équipe du projet. Ces contraintes peuvent être dues à :

  • Dépendances externes : Activités reposant sur des livrables externes, des approbations ou des ressources provenant d'autres projets ou organisations.
  • Obligations contractuelles : Accords contractuels qui imposent des dates d'achèvement spécifiques pour certaines phases ou certains livrables.
  • Exigences réglementaires : Mandats légaux ou réglementaires exigeant le respect de délais spécifiques.
  • Événements externes : Événements imprévus tels que des catastrophes naturelles, des ralentissements économiques ou une instabilité politique qui peuvent avoir un impact sur les échéanciers des projets.

Impact des fins de date imposées :

Les fins de date imposées peuvent influencer considérablement les calendriers des projets, conduisant souvent à :

  • Chemins critiques hypercritiques : Les activités avec des fins de date imposées deviennent cruciales, car tout retard peut compromettre l'ensemble du calendrier du projet. Cela se traduit par un chemin critique plus strict et plus exigeant, laissant peu de marge d'erreur.
  • Marge négative : Les fins de date imposées peuvent créer une marge négative pour les activités, ce qui signifie que leur date de fin prévue tombe avant leur achèvement prévu. Cela indique un conflit potentiel, nécessitant des ajustements au calendrier ou un risque de retard.
  • Stress et pression accrus : La pression pour respecter les délais imposés peut entraîner une augmentation du stress pour les équipes de projet, nécessitant une coordination étroite, une allocation des ressources et potentiellement des heures supplémentaires.

Gestion des fins de date imposées :

Gérer efficacement les fins de date imposées nécessite une planification et une communication proactives :

  1. Identifier et documenter : Identifier clairement et documenter toutes les dates de fin imposées, y compris la source et la raison de leur imposition.
  2. Communiquer efficacement : Communiquer les fins de date imposées à toutes les parties prenantes, en veillant à ce que chacun comprenne l'impact sur le calendrier du projet.
  3. Ajustement du calendrier : Ajuster les calendriers des projets pour tenir compte des fins de date imposées, en tenant compte de l'impact sur les chemins critiques et la marge. Cela peut impliquer de prioriser les tâches, de réallouer les ressources ou de négocier des délais révisés.
  4. Évaluation des risques et atténuation : Réaliser une évaluation des risques pour identifier les retards potentiels et élaborer des stratégies d'atténuation pour les traiter de manière proactive.
  5. Surveillance et mises à jour régulières : Surveiller en permanence les progrès par rapport aux fins de date imposées et communiquer tout risque ou écart potentiel aux parties prenantes.

Conclusion :

Les fins de date imposées sont une réalité inévitable dans la gestion de projet, exigeant une attention particulière et une gestion proactive. En comprenant leur impact, en planifiant de manière proactive et en communiquant efficacement avec les parties prenantes, les équipes de projet peuvent relever ces défis et livrer des projets réussis dans les contraintes imposées par les forces externes.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Imposed Finish

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is an imposed finish?

a) A deadline set by the project team based on internal factors. b) A specific finish date for an activity determined by external factors. c) A flexible deadline that can be adjusted based on project progress. d) A target date for project completion that is aspirational but not mandatory.


b) A specific finish date for an activity determined by external factors.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common source of imposed finishes?

a) Contractual obligations b) External dependencies c) Project team preferences d) Regulatory requirements


c) Project team preferences

3. How can imposed finishes impact project schedules?

a) They can create more flexibility and freedom for the project team. b) They can lead to a less demanding critical path, allowing for more leeway. c) They can create negative float for activities, indicating potential conflicts. d) They have no impact on project schedules, as they are external factors.


c) They can create negative float for activities, indicating potential conflicts.

4. What is the best way to manage imposed finishes?

a) Ignore them and hope for the best. b) Proactively identify and document them, then communicate them to stakeholders. c) Negotiate with external parties to remove them completely. d) Adjust the project schedule to accommodate them after they occur.


b) Proactively identify and document them, then communicate them to stakeholders.

5. Which of the following is NOT a recommended step for managing imposed finishes?

a) Conducting risk assessment to identify potential delays. b) Communicating imposed finishes to all stakeholders. c) Prioritizing tasks and reallocating resources to accommodate them. d) Ignoring the impact of imposed finishes on critical paths and float.


d) Ignoring the impact of imposed finishes on critical paths and float.

Exercise: Managing an Imposed Finish

Scenario: You are managing a software development project with a contractual deadline of December 15th for the release of a key feature. This deadline is an imposed finish, as it is determined by the client's marketing campaign launch date. However, your team estimates that the feature will be ready for testing by December 1st, leaving a potential two-week buffer.


  1. Identify and document: Describe the imposed finish, including the source and reason for its imposition.
  2. Communicate: How would you communicate this imposed finish to your team and stakeholders?
  3. Schedule adjustment: How would you adjust your project schedule to accommodate this imposed finish?
  4. Risk assessment: What potential risks could arise from this imposed finish?

Exercise Correction

**1. Identify and document:** The imposed finish is December 15th for the release of the key feature. This is determined by the client's marketing campaign launch date, as specified in the contract. **2. Communicate:** * **Team:** Hold a team meeting to clearly communicate the imposed finish date and its importance. Explain the client's requirements and the impact of missing this deadline. * **Stakeholders:** Send a formal notification to the client, project sponsor, and other relevant stakeholders about the imposed finish date and its impact on the project schedule. Ensure everyone understands the deadlines and potential risks involved. **3. Schedule adjustment:** * **Prioritize tasks:** Ensure that the key feature is a top priority in the project schedule, allocating sufficient resources and time for its development and testing. * **Buffer management:** Utilize the two-week buffer to address any potential delays or unforeseen issues that may arise during development or testing. This buffer can also be used for pre-release activities like user acceptance testing or documentation. * **Resource allocation:** Ensure sufficient resources are available for the development team to meet the deadline, potentially requiring additional resources or overtime if needed. **4. Risk assessment:** Potential risks associated with the imposed finish include: * **Unforeseen delays:** There might be unexpected technical challenges or delays during development or testing, pushing back the completion date. * **Client expectations:** The client might have unrealistic expectations about the feature's functionality or have additional requests that could impact the development timeline. * **Resource constraints:** The availability of skilled developers and testers might be limited, causing delays in the project. **Mitigation strategies:** * **Contingency planning:** Develop backup plans for addressing potential delays, such as utilizing additional resources, adjusting the feature's scope, or negotiating a revised deadline with the client. * **Regular communication:** Maintain clear and consistent communication with the client, project sponsor, and team members about progress, risks, and any potential challenges. * **Flexible scheduling:** Create a flexible schedule that allows for adjustments based on the project's progress and any unforeseen circumstances.


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (7th ed.). PMI.
    • This comprehensive guide covers various project management concepts, including scheduling and managing dependencies. It discusses the concept of imposed finishes implicitly within the context of constraints and critical path analysis.
  • Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. Wiley.
    • This classic textbook delves into project scheduling techniques and explores the impact of external constraints on project timelines. It provides practical guidance on managing imposed finishes.
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2018). Project Management: A Managerial Approach. Wiley.
    • This textbook covers the fundamentals of project management, including scheduling, risk management, and communication. It discusses the challenges and strategies for managing imposed finishes within the broader context of project planning.


  • "Imposed Finishes in Project Scheduling" by [Your Name] (You can write this article!)
    • This article can focus on the concept of imposed finishes, its impact on project schedules, and effective management strategies. It could be tailored for a specific industry or project type.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI) Website:
    • The PMI website offers a wealth of resources, including articles, research papers, and webinars on various aspects of project management, including scheduling and managing constraints.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) Knowledge Center:
    • This dedicated knowledge center provides insights and practical guidance on project management topics, including managing external dependencies and deadlines.
  • MindTools: Project Management - Dealing with External Constraints:
    • This article offers practical tips for handling external constraints, including imposed finishes, within project management.
  • Blog: Project Constraints: Understanding the Impact:
    • This blog post discusses various types of project constraints, including imposed deadlines, and their impact on project success.

Search Tips

  • "Imposed deadlines project management"
  • "External constraints project scheduling"
  • "Managing dependencies project plan"
  • "Critical path analysis imposed finishes"
  • "Negative float project management"
  • "Project schedule adjustments"
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