Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Imposed Finish

Imposed Finish

Fin de projet imposée : naviguer les contraintes externes dans les planifications de projet

Dans le domaine de la planification et de la programmation des projets, le terme "fin de projet imposée" fait référence à une date de fin qui est dictée par des facteurs externes, souvent hors du contrôle de l'équipe du projet. Ces contraintes peuvent être des échéances imposées par les clients, les organismes de réglementation, ou même des dépendances envers d'autres projets. Comprendre et gérer les fins imposées est crucial pour la réussite de la livraison du projet, car elles peuvent affecter considérablement le calendrier du projet et l'allocation des ressources.

Comprendre l'impact des fins imposées

Les fins imposées ne sont pas simplement des échéances arbitraires; elles représentent souvent des jalons critiques qui influencent le succès global du projet. Par exemple, une date de lancement pour un nouveau produit peut être dictée par la sortie d'un concurrent, ou une date limite d'approbation réglementaire peut affecter la mise en œuvre d'un nouveau système logiciel. Ces contraintes introduisent un sentiment d'urgence et nécessitent un examen minutieux du plan du projet pour en garantir la faisabilité.

Stratégies pour gérer les fins imposées

  • Identification précoce : Reconnaître les fins imposées tôt dans le processus de planification est essentiel. Cela implique une communication approfondie avec les parties prenantes et une analyse des dépendances externes.
  • Évaluation de l'impact : Analyser l'impact de la fin imposée sur la portée, les ressources et le budget du projet. Cela peut impliquer d'identifier les risques potentiels et de développer des stratégies d'atténuation.
  • Ajustement du calendrier : Le calendrier du projet doit être ajusté pour tenir compte de la fin imposée. Cela peut impliquer de prioriser les tâches, de suivre de près certaines activités ou d'utiliser les ressources plus efficacement.
  • Communication : Une communication ouverte et transparente est essentielle. Assurez-vous que toutes les parties prenantes sont conscientes de la fin imposée et de ses implications pour le projet.
  • Planification d'urgence : Élaborer des plans d'urgence pour faire face aux retards potentiels ou aux défis imprévus qui pourraient affecter la date de fin imposée.

Exemples de scénarios :

  • Lancement de produit : Une nouvelle date de lancement de produit est dictée par la sortie d'un concurrent. L'équipe du projet doit prioriser les activités menant à la finalisation du produit et s'assurer qu'il répond à toutes les normes de qualité avant la date de lancement.
  • Implémentation logicielle : Une date limite d'approbation réglementaire pour un nouveau système logiciel affecte le calendrier du projet. L'équipe doit prioriser les tâches liées à la conformité et s'assurer que le logiciel est prêt pour l'approbation avant la date limite.


Les fins imposées font partie intégrante de la planification et de la programmation des projets. En identifiant, évaluant et gérant proactivement ces contraintes, les équipes de projet peuvent s'assurer que leurs projets sont livrés à temps et dans les limites du budget. Une communication efficace, des ajustements de calendrier et une planification d'urgence sont cruciaux pour surmonter les défis posés par les fins imposées et, en fin de compte, réussir le projet.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Imposed Finish

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is an "imposed finish" in project management?

a) A deadline set by the project team based on their own assessment.


Incorrect. An imposed finish is not set by the project team.

b) A finish date dictated by external factors outside the project team's control.


Correct. This is the definition of an imposed finish.

c) A flexible deadline that can be adjusted based on project progress.


Incorrect. Imposed finishes are typically fixed deadlines.

d) A deadline set by a project sponsor or stakeholder.


Incorrect. While stakeholders can influence deadlines, an imposed finish is specifically driven by external factors.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common example of an imposed finish?

a) A regulatory approval deadline for a new medical device.


Incorrect. This is a common example of an imposed finish.

b) A client-requested launch date for a new software product.


Incorrect. This is a common example of an imposed finish.

c) A project team's target completion date for a marketing campaign.


Correct. This is a target date set by the team, not an imposed finish.

d) A deadline set by a government agency for the completion of a construction project.


Incorrect. This is a common example of an imposed finish.

3. What is the primary impact of an imposed finish on a project?

a) It allows for increased flexibility in resource allocation.


Incorrect. Imposed finishes typically limit flexibility.

b) It reduces the need for contingency planning.


Incorrect. Imposed finishes often require more thorough contingency planning.

c) It creates a sense of urgency and necessitates schedule adjustments.


Correct. Imposed finishes force prioritization and adaptation to the deadline.

d) It eliminates the need for communication with stakeholders.


Incorrect. Open communication is essential when dealing with imposed finishes.

4. Which of these is NOT a strategy for managing an imposed finish?

a) Identifying the imposed finish as early as possible.


Incorrect. This is a crucial strategy for managing imposed finishes.

b) Assessing the impact of the imposed finish on the project's scope and budget.


Incorrect. This is a necessary step in managing imposed finishes.

c) Ignoring the imposed finish and proceeding as planned.


Correct. Ignoring an imposed finish is a poor strategy and will likely lead to project failure.

d) Developing contingency plans to address potential delays.


Incorrect. This is an important strategy for managing imposed finishes.

5. What is the most important element for successful management of imposed finishes?

a) Extensive resource allocation.


Incorrect. While resources are important, communication is paramount.

b) Advanced project management software.


Incorrect. Software is helpful, but communication is more crucial.

c) Clear and consistent communication among stakeholders.


Correct. Open and transparent communication is essential for managing imposed finishes effectively.

d) A highly experienced project manager.


Incorrect. While experience is helpful, communication is the key driver of success.

Exercise: Managing an Imposed Finish

Scenario: You are managing the development of a new mobile app for a client. The client has requested a launch date of December 1st. However, the development team estimates that they will need until December 15th to complete the app's core functionalities.

Task: Describe how you would approach this situation.

  • Identify the problem: What is the imposed finish? What is the challenge?
  • Strategies: What steps would you take to address the situation?
  • Communication: How would you communicate this challenge to the client?
  • Contingency: What contingency plans could be implemented in case further delays arise?

Exercice Correction

**Problem:** The imposed finish is December 1st. The challenge is that the development team estimates they will need until December 15th to complete the core functionalities, which means the project is currently behind schedule. **Strategies:** * **Negotiate:** Discuss with the client the possibility of extending the launch date to December 15th. Explain the rationale behind the delay and the potential impact of launching a partially functional app. * **Prioritization:** Review the app's functionalities and prioritize the most critical features for the December 1st launch. * **Resource Allocation:** Explore ways to increase resources, such as adding developers or working overtime to meet the December 1st deadline. * **Fast-Tracking:** Identify tasks that can be done in parallel or overlapped to shorten the overall timeline. **Communication:** * **Transparency:** Be open and honest with the client about the delay and the current status of the project. * **Collaboration:** Involve the client in the decision-making process to find a solution that works for both parties. * **Regular Updates:** Provide regular updates on project progress and any changes to the timeline. **Contingency Plans:** * **Backup Team:** Identify a team that could be brought in to assist if further delays occur. * **Simplified Launch:** Prepare a plan for a minimal viable product launch on December 1st, with additional functionalities released later. * **Delayed Features:** Identify less critical features that could be delayed to a later release if needed.


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (7th ed.). Project Management Institute. This comprehensive guide covers various project management concepts, including schedule management, and explains the importance of understanding and managing constraints like imposed finishes.
  • Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. John Wiley & Sons. This book delves into the complexities of project scheduling, including the impact of imposed finishes on resource allocation and risk management.
  • Cleland, D. I., & Ireland, L. R. (2016). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation. McGraw-Hill Education. This textbook provides a detailed exploration of project management, focusing on how to develop effective project schedules, manage external constraints, and adjust plans to accommodate imposed finishes.


  • "Imposed Finish Dates: How to Manage External Constraints in Project Planning," by [Author Name]. This article could provide specific strategies and case studies on navigating imposed finishes in project scheduling. Look for relevant articles in industry journals like PM Network, Project Management Journal, or Harvard Business Review.
  • "The Impact of Imposed Finishes on Project Success," by [Author Name]. This article could analyze the consequences of neglecting imposed finishes and emphasize the importance of proper planning and communication to mitigate potential risks.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): This website offers a wealth of information about project management, including resources, articles, and best practices for managing constraints like imposed finishes.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) Knowledge Center: The Knowledge Center provides access to research, publications, and case studies on various aspects of project management, including schedule management and dealing with imposed deadlines.
  • Stanford Project Management (SPM): SPM offers online courses and resources on project management, including modules on scheduling, risk management, and communication.
  • Project Management Today (PMT): PMT provides articles, interviews, and insights on current trends in project management, which might include discussions about managing imposed finishes.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching "imposed finish," try more detailed phrases like "managing imposed finishes in project scheduling," "impact of imposed deadlines on project success," or "strategies for dealing with external constraints."
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches. For example, "imposed finish date" will return results containing that exact phrase.
  • Refine your search by specifying the website: If you're looking for information from a specific website, like the PMI website, add "" to your search query.
  • Combine keywords with related terms: Use Boolean operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to narrow your search results. For example, "imposed finish AND project scheduling AND risk management" will find articles that address all three terms.
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