Planification et ordonnancement du projet


Comprendre les événements dans la planification et l'ordonnancement des projets : un élément fondamental des réseaux CPM et PERT

Dans le domaine de la gestion de projets, une planification et un ordonnancement méticuleux sont essentiels au succès. Deux techniques largement utilisées, la méthode du chemin critique (CPM) et la technique d'évaluation et de revue du programme (PERT), s'appuient fortement sur le concept d'événements. Cet article examinera l'importance des événements dans ces réseaux, en explorant leur définition, leurs caractéristiques et leur rôle crucial dans l'optimisation des délais de réalisation des projets.

Que sont les événements dans la planification des projets ?

Dans les réseaux CPM et PERT, un événement représente un point précis dans le temps où une ou plusieurs activités sont achevées. Il représente un jalon, marquant la transition d'une phase du projet à une autre. Imaginez la construction d'une maison : un événement pourrait être l'achèvement des fondations, l'installation du toit ou la peinture finale.

Caractéristiques clés des événements :

  • Non consommateurs : Les événements eux-mêmes ne consomment aucune ressource ni aucun temps. Ils marquent simplement l'achèvement des activités précédentes et le lancement des suivantes.
  • Identifiants uniques : Chaque événement se voit attribuer un identifiant unique (souvent un nombre) pour faciliter le suivi et l'analyse.
  • Dépendance : Les événements sont interconnectés, l'achèvement d'un événement déclenchant le lancement d'un autre. Cette dépendance forme la structure centrale du réseau.

Le rôle des événements dans CPM et PERT :

1. Définir le calendrier du projet : Les événements agissent comme des nœuds dans les réseaux CPM et PERT, formant le cadre pour visualiser et gérer le calendrier du projet. Ils délimitent clairement la progression du projet de sa création à sa réalisation.

2. Identifier le chemin critique : Le chemin critique, la séquence d'activités qui influence directement la durée totale du projet, est déterminé en analysant les événements et leurs dépendances. Comprendre le chemin critique est crucial pour une gestion efficace des projets, car il permet d'identifier les goulets d'étranglement et les priorités d'allocation des ressources.

3. Suivi de la progression et gestion des risques : Au fur et à mesure que le projet progresse, l'achèvement de chaque événement fournit une mesure tangible de la progression et permet d'identifier rapidement les retards ou les risques potentiels. Cette approche axée sur les données permet une gestion proactive et des ajustements pour garantir le succès du projet.

Exemples d'événements :

  • Projet de construction :
    • Événement 1 : Les fondations sont coulée.
    • Événement 2 : La charpente est terminée.
    • Événement 3 : La toiture est installée.
  • Projet de développement de logiciels :
    • Événement 1 : La documentation de conception est finalisée.
    • Événement 2 : La phase de codage est terminée.
    • Événement 3 : Les tests bêta sont terminés.
  • Projet de campagne marketing :
    • Événement 1 : La cible est définie.
    • Événement 2 : Les supports marketing sont développés.
    • Événement 3 : La campagne est lancée.

Conclusion :

Les événements sont les éléments constitutifs fondamentaux des réseaux CPM et PERT, fournissant un cadre structuré pour la planification, l'ordonnancement et la gestion de projets complexes. En définissant et en analysant clairement ces jalons, les chefs de projet peuvent suivre efficacement la progression, identifier les dépendances critiques et optimiser l'allocation des ressources pour mener à bien la réalisation du projet.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Events in Project Planning & Scheduling

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is an event in the context of CPM and PERT networks?

a) A specific activity that consumes resources and time. b) A point in time marking the completion of one or more activities. c) A person responsible for a particular task. d) A resource allocation plan for a project.


b) A point in time marking the completion of one or more activities.

2. Which of these characteristics is NOT a key feature of events in CPM and PERT?

a) Non-consuming. b) Unique identifiers. c) Dependency on resources. d) Dependency on preceding events.


c) Dependency on resources.

3. What is the primary role of events in defining the project timeline?

a) They represent the duration of each activity. b) They act as nodes forming the framework of the project timeline. c) They define the resources required for each activity. d) They determine the critical path of the project.


b) They act as nodes forming the framework of the project timeline.

4. How do events help in identifying the critical path?

a) By analyzing the duration of each activity. b) By analyzing the dependencies between events. c) By calculating the total project duration. d) By identifying the most expensive activities.


b) By analyzing the dependencies between events.

5. How do events contribute to tracking project progress and managing risks?

a) By providing a visual representation of the project timeline. b) By identifying potential delays or risks early on. c) By determining the required resources for each activity. d) By calculating the project's cost-effectiveness.


b) By identifying potential delays or risks early on.

Exercise: Event Mapping

Instructions: Consider a project to launch a new mobile app. Identify 5 key events in the project timeline and explain their significance in the context of CPM and PERT.

Exercice Correction

Here are some potential key events in a mobile app launch project, along with their significance:

  1. Event 1: App Design Completion: This event marks the end of the design phase and the initiation of development. It establishes the foundation for the app's functionality and user experience. This event has a dependency on the previous design activities and triggers the start of development tasks.
  2. Event 2: Development Phase Completion: This event marks the completion of coding, testing, and debugging the app. It's a crucial milestone as it indicates the app's core functionality is ready for further refinement and testing. The dependencies here involve all development tasks and the event triggers the next phase of testing and deployment.
  3. Event 3: Beta Testing Completion: This event signifies the completion of user feedback gathering and bug fixing based on beta testing. It's a critical step in ensuring the app's quality and usability before official release. This event depends on the development phase and the results of beta testing and triggers the preparation for the final release.
  4. Event 4: App Launch: This event marks the official public release of the app. This is the culmination of all previous efforts and involves uploading the app to app stores. It depends on the successful completion of beta testing and the final preparation tasks.
  5. Event 5: Marketing Campaign Completion: This event signals the end of the initial marketing and promotion efforts for the app launch. It helps establish the app's presence in the market and drive initial user downloads. It depends on the app launch event and could have dependencies on specific marketing activities.


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: A classic text covering various project management methodologies, including CPM and PERT, with in-depth discussions on events, activities, and network analysis.
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by the Project Management Institute (PMI): The industry standard for project management practices, containing a dedicated section on scheduling and time management, where events are explained in detail.
  • Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, and Hybrid Approaches by Jeffrey K. Pinto: This book provides a balanced approach to project management methodologies, including CPM and PERT, and delves into the practical applications of events in managing project timelines.


  • Critical Path Method (CPM) by Project Management Institute (PMI): This article offers a concise explanation of the CPM methodology, highlighting the role of events in defining the project timeline and identifying critical path activities.
  • Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) by Project Management Institute (PMI): Similar to the CPM article, this piece focuses on the PERT methodology, explaining how events are used to estimate project durations and manage uncertainties.
  • The Importance of Events in Project Planning and Scheduling by PM World Today: An insightful article that elaborates on the significance of events in project planning and scheduling, emphasizing their role in tracking progress and managing dependencies.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI website provides a plethora of resources on project management, including articles, webinars, and certifications. You can find comprehensive information on CPM, PERT, and the importance of events in project planning.
  • MindTools: Project Management: This website offers a collection of articles and tools covering various aspects of project management, including a detailed explanation of CPM and PERT, with practical examples and real-world applications.
  • Project Planning Tools: Explore online project planning tools such as Asana, Trello, and Microsoft Project. These platforms often incorporate event-based scheduling functionalities, providing practical experience with applying events in real-world projects.

Search Tips

  • "Critical Path Method" + "events": This search will retrieve articles and resources specifically focusing on the role of events in CPM networks.
  • "Program Evaluation and Review Technique" + "milestones": This search will lead you to information on how events, as milestones, are used within PERT methodologies.
  • "Project Management" + "event-driven scheduling": This broad search will reveal various resources on event-driven scheduling approaches, including CPM, PERT, and other project management methodologies.
  • "Event-based project management": This search will bring up articles and resources on the broader concept of event-based project management, where events are considered central to the project lifecycle.


Understanding Events in Project Planning & Scheduling: A Cornerstone of CPM and PERT Networks

This expanded version breaks down the provided text into separate chapters.

Chapter 1: Techniques

This chapter focuses on the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), highlighting how they utilize events for project planning and scheduling.

CPM (Critical Path Method): CPM is a deterministic technique, meaning it assumes activity durations are known with certainty. Events in CPM mark the completion of activities and are crucial for identifying the critical path—the longest sequence of activities that determines the shortest possible project duration. Any delay on the critical path directly impacts the overall project completion time. CPM relies on a network diagram where nodes represent events and arrows represent activities.

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique): PERT is a probabilistic technique that accounts for uncertainty in activity durations. Each activity is assigned a range of possible durations (optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic), allowing for a more realistic project schedule. Events in PERT still function as milestones marking activity completion, but the probabilistic nature of the technique allows for better risk management and more accurate estimations of project completion time. The critical path in PERT is also calculated, but with consideration for the probability distributions of activity durations.

Comparison: Both CPM and PERT use events as fundamental building blocks. CPM is suitable for projects with well-defined and predictable activity durations, while PERT is better suited for projects with inherent uncertainty.

Chapter 2: Models

This chapter elaborates on the visual representation of events within project networks.

Network Diagrams: Events are depicted as nodes (circles or rectangles) in network diagrams used for both CPM and PERT. These nodes are connected by arrows, which represent activities. Each node is typically labeled with a unique identifier (e.g., a number) representing a specific event. The sequence of nodes and arrows visually represents the dependencies between activities and the overall project flow.

Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM): PDM is a widely used approach for creating network diagrams. It uses different arrow types to represent various dependencies between activities, providing a clearer representation of the logical relationships between events.

Activity-on-Arrow (AOA) vs. Activity-on-Node (AON): The chapter would distinguish between AOA and AON network diagrams, showing how events are represented differently in each. AOA places activities on the arrows and events at the nodes, while AON places activities at the nodes and uses arrows to show dependencies. The choice between these depends on the complexity and preferences of the project team.

Gantt Charts: While not directly a network diagram, Gantt charts can incorporate events as milestones. These milestones visualize the scheduled completion times of significant events and provide a timeline-oriented view of the project.

Chapter 3: Software

This chapter discusses the software tools commonly used for managing events in project planning.

Microsoft Project: A widely used commercial software offering features for creating CPM and PERT networks, managing events, and tracking project progress. It allows for creating various views of the project including Gantt charts, network diagrams, and resource allocation views.

Primavera P6: A powerful enterprise-level project management software often used for large and complex projects. It provides advanced features for managing events, resources, and risks.

Open-Source Alternatives: The chapter mentions open-source options like LibreOffice Calc (for simpler projects) or more robust solutions like OpenProject, highlighting their capabilities for handling events and creating project schedules.

Specific Features: The chapter should focus on the features within these software applications that are directly relevant to event management, such as:

  • Creating and labeling events
  • Defining dependencies between events
  • Calculating the critical path
  • Tracking progress against events
  • Generating reports related to events

Chapter 4: Best Practices

This chapter focuses on effective strategies for working with events in project planning.

  • Clear Definition of Events: Ensure that each event is clearly defined, measurable, and unambiguous. Vague event descriptions can lead to confusion and errors.

  • Consistent Identification: Use a consistent and logical numbering system for identifying events to avoid ambiguity.

  • Accurate Dependency Definition: Establish clear and accurate dependencies between events. Incorrect dependencies can lead to inaccurate critical path calculations and flawed scheduling.

  • Regular Monitoring and Updates: Regularly monitor progress against planned events and update the schedule as needed to reflect any changes in the project.

  • Risk Management tied to Events: Identify potential risks associated with each event and develop mitigation strategies.

  • Communication: Effectively communicate event schedules and progress to all stakeholders.

  • Using Milestones Effectively: Employ milestones strategically, focusing on key events that are significant for progress tracking and decision making, rather than over-using them.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

This chapter provides real-world examples illustrating the application of events in project management.

  • Construction Project: Describing a specific construction project, such as a large building or infrastructure project, and how events like “foundation complete,” “structural steel erected,” and “roofing completed” were used to manage the project schedule and identify critical path delays.

  • Software Development Project: Showing how events such as “requirements finalized,” “design complete,” “coding complete,” “testing complete” were instrumental in managing a complex software development project, and how delays in one event impacted subsequent events.

  • Marketing Campaign: Illustrating a marketing campaign where events such as "market research completed," "campaign materials finalized," "campaign launched," and "initial results analyzed" were used to measure progress and make necessary adjustments.

Each case study should detail how events helped with planning, scheduling, risk management, and overall project success. The use of specific software, techniques (CPM or PERT), and the challenges faced should be incorporated.

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