Planification et ordonnancement du projet

Deterministic Network

Réseaux Déterministes dans le Pétrole et le Gaz : Une Approche Simple de la Planification

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, où les projets complexes impliquent souvent des échéances complexes et de nombreuses dépendances, une planification efficace est essentielle. Deux outils courants pour visualiser et gérer ces projets sont les diagrammes de flèches (également connus sous le nom de réseaux d'activités sur flèches (AOA)) et les diagrammes de précédence (également connus sous le nom de réseaux d'activités sur nœuds (AON)). Une caractéristique clé de ces deux méthodes est leur nature déterministe.

Que signifie déterministe dans ce contexte ?

Essentiellement, les réseaux déterministes supposent que toutes les activités se dérouleront comme prévu, sans tenir compte des retards potentiels ou des incertitudes. Cela signifie que chaque activité se voit attribuer une durée fixe, et le réseau suppose que ces durées seront strictement respectées.

Pourquoi cette approche est-elle utile ?

  • Simplicité et facilité d'utilisation : Les réseaux déterministes sont relativement simples à créer et à comprendre. Cela les rend adaptés aux étapes de planification initiales et aux projets comportant des activités bien définies et des durées prévisibles.
  • Représentation visuelle claire : Les diagrammes de flèches et de précédence fournissent une représentation visuelle claire des dépendances du projet et du chemin critique.
  • Efficace pour la planification précoce : Aux premiers stades d'un projet, lorsque les informations sont encore en cours de collecte et que les incertitudes sont élevées, l'utilisation d'une approche déterministe peut aider à établir une base de référence pour la planification du projet.

Limitations des réseaux déterministes

Cependant, la reliance exclusive sur un modèle déterministe pour les projets complexes de pétrole et de gaz présente des limites :

  • Manque de flexibilité : Ils ne peuvent pas tenir compte des événements imprévus, tels que les pannes d'équipement, les retards dus aux conditions météorologiques ou les changements dans les exigences réglementaires.
  • Estimations trop optimistes : Supposer des durées fixes peut conduire à des estimations trop optimistes des délais d'achèvement du projet.
  • Gestion des risques limitée : Les réseaux déterministes ne fournissent pas de cadre pour gérer les risques associés aux incertitudes et aux retards potentiels.

Aller au-delà des réseaux déterministes

Pour pallier les limites des modèles déterministes, il est essentiel d'intégrer des éléments probabilistes à la planification des projets. Cela peut être réalisé grâce à des techniques telles que :

  • Simulation de Monte Carlo : Cette méthode utilise des variables aléatoires pour simuler différents scénarios, permettant une évaluation plus réaliste de la durée et du coût du projet.
  • Gestion de projet à chaîne critique (CCPM) : Cette approche reconnaît l'importance des tampons pour absorber les retards potentiels et contribue à gérer les risques du projet plus efficacement.


Les réseaux déterministes restent un outil précieux pour la planification initiale des projets et pour les projets à faible incertitude. Cependant, pour les projets de pétrole et de gaz complexes et à grande échelle, il est essentiel d'aller au-delà des approches déterministes et d'intégrer des éléments probabilistes pour une planification de projet plus réaliste et plus robuste. En comprenant les forces et les limites des méthodes déterministes et probabilistes, les chefs de projet peuvent élaborer des stratégies complètes qui répondent efficacement aux défis uniques de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Deterministic Networks in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary assumption of deterministic networks in project planning?

a) All activities will be completed within their estimated time frame. b) Activities can be delayed with no impact on the overall project schedule. c) Project risks are negligible and can be ignored. d) Project timelines are flexible and can be adjusted as needed.


a) All activities will be completed within their estimated time frame.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using deterministic networks for project planning?

a) Clear visual representation of project dependencies. b) Simple and easy to understand. c) Effective for initial planning stages. d) Robust risk management capabilities.


d) Robust risk management capabilities.

3. What is a key limitation of deterministic networks when applied to complex oil and gas projects?

a) They are too complex to use for large-scale projects. b) They cannot account for unforeseen events and delays. c) They require specialized software that is expensive. d) They are not compatible with current project management methodologies.


b) They cannot account for unforeseen events and delays.

4. Which of the following techniques addresses the limitations of deterministic networks by incorporating probabilistic elements?

a) Critical Path Method (CPM) b) Monte Carlo Simulation c) Gantt Chart d) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)


b) Monte Carlo Simulation

5. Why is it essential to move beyond deterministic approaches for complex oil and gas projects?

a) To simplify project planning and reduce costs. b) To increase the accuracy and reliability of project estimates. c) To eliminate the need for risk management processes. d) To ensure the project is completed on time, regardless of unforeseen events.


b) To increase the accuracy and reliability of project estimates.

Exercise: Applying Deterministic Networks

Scenario: You are planning a new oil well drilling project. The project involves the following activities:

  • Activity A: Site preparation (duration: 2 weeks)
  • Activity B: Drilling the well (duration: 4 weeks)
  • Activity C: Installation of wellhead equipment (duration: 1 week)
  • Activity D: Testing and commissioning (duration: 2 weeks)


  • Activity B depends on Activity A
  • Activity C depends on Activity B
  • Activity D depends on Activity C


  1. Create a deterministic network diagram using either an arrow diagram (AOA) or a precedence diagram (AON) to represent the project activities and dependencies.
  2. Identify the critical path of the project.
  3. Calculate the total project duration based on the deterministic network.

Exercise Correction

**1. Network Diagram (using AON):** ``` A (2) -> B (4) -> C (1) -> D (2) ``` **2. Critical Path:** A -> B -> C -> D **3. Total Project Duration:** 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 9 weeks


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: This comprehensive book covers various project management methodologies, including deterministic networks.
  • Project Management for Engineering and Construction by William A. J. Golze: This book emphasizes the application of project management techniques in the engineering and construction industry, including deterministic network analysis.
  • Critical Chain Project Management: The New Critical Path Method for Achieving Breakthrough Performance by Eliyahu M. Goldratt: This book explores the limitations of deterministic networks and introduces the concept of Critical Chain Project Management, a probabilistic approach to project planning.


  • "Deterministic and Probabilistic Approaches to Project Network Analysis" by William B. Ledbetter, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2005: This article compares and contrasts deterministic and probabilistic approaches to project network analysis.
  • "Critical Chain Project Management: A Review of Literature" by K.S. Suresh and R.K.P. Singh, International Journal of Project Management, 2007: This review explores the theoretical foundations and practical implications of Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM).
  • "Risk Management in Oil and Gas Projects: A Critical Review" by T. O. Olajide and A. A. Olanrewaju, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2013: This article examines the importance of risk management in oil and gas projects and discusses various methodologies, including the use of deterministic and probabilistic network models.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): This website offers numerous resources, including articles and guides, on project management methodologies and tools. You can search for information related to deterministic networks, project scheduling, and risk management.
  • PMBOK Guide (Project Management Body of Knowledge): The PMBOK Guide, published by the PMI, provides a comprehensive framework for project management, including sections on project planning, scheduling, and risk management. It explains various network diagrams and their application in different contexts.
  • MindTools: This website provides practical resources on various project management topics, including network diagrams, critical path analysis, and risk management.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use keywords like "deterministic networks," "oil and gas," "project management," "critical path analysis," "risk management," and "project scheduling" in your search.
  • Use quotation marks: Put specific terms in quotation marks to refine your search and find more relevant results. For example, "deterministic networks in oil and gas."
  • Explore related topics: Use terms like "probabilistic networks," "Monte Carlo simulation," "Critical Chain Project Management," "risk assessment," and "project uncertainty" to expand your search and find relevant information.


Deterministic Networks in Oil & Gas: A Straightforward Approach to Planning

Chapter 1: Techniques

Deterministic network analysis relies on two primary visual techniques for representing project schedules and dependencies:

  • Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM) or Activity on Arrow (AOA): In AOA networks, activities are represented by arrows, and nodes (circles or boxes) represent events marking the start and finish of activities. The length of the arrow doesn't necessarily reflect the duration of the activity. This method clearly shows the dependencies between activities. However, it can become complex for large projects.

  • Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) or Activity on Node (AON): In AON networks, activities are represented by nodes (usually boxes or circles), and dependencies are shown using connecting arrows. The duration of an activity is often indicated within the node. AON networks are generally easier to understand and manage for larger, more complex projects than AOA.

Both AOA and AON networks are used to identify the critical path. The critical path is the sequence of activities that determines the shortest possible project duration. Any delay on an activity within the critical path directly impacts the overall project completion time. Deterministic techniques assume that activity durations are known with certainty and will be adhered to. Calculations for the critical path and project duration are straightforward using these techniques.

Chapter 2: Models

The core model for deterministic networks is a simple representation of the project as a network of interconnected activities. Each activity has a predefined duration, and dependencies between activities are explicitly defined. The model's simplicity is its strength and weakness. The simplicity makes it easy to understand and use, particularly in the initial stages of planning. However, this simplicity ignores uncertainty and variability inherent in real-world projects.

Mathematically, a deterministic network can be represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Nodes represent activities, and directed edges represent the precedence relationships. Each node is assigned a weight (duration). Algorithms like Dijkstra's algorithm or critical path method (CPM) can be applied to find the longest path (critical path) and the project's total duration.

The model’s limitations become apparent when unexpected delays or variations in activity durations occur. The model provides no mechanism for handling these uncertainties, resulting in inaccurate project completion time predictions.

Chapter 3: Software

Several software packages can assist in creating and analyzing deterministic networks. While many project management software applications incorporate both deterministic and probabilistic methods, some specifically focus on the basics of deterministic network analysis. These may include:

  • Spreadsheet Software (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets): Simple projects can be managed effectively using spreadsheets to create and manually calculate the critical path. However, this method becomes cumbersome for large projects.

  • Dedicated Project Management Software (e.g., Microsoft Project, Primavera P6): These applications offer sophisticated features for creating both AOA and AON networks, calculating the critical path, and generating Gantt charts. Though they often include probabilistic features, their deterministic capabilities are fundamental.

  • Specialized Network Analysis Software: While less common, some specialized software focuses specifically on network analysis and can handle large, complex networks efficiently.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Effective use of deterministic networks involves careful planning and execution:

  • Detailed Activity Definition: Each activity should be clearly defined, with its duration accurately estimated based on historical data and expert judgment.

  • Accurate Dependency Identification: Correctly identifying dependencies between activities is critical for accurate critical path determination.

  • Regular Monitoring and Updates: The project schedule should be monitored regularly, and any deviations from the plan should be promptly addressed.

  • Use as a Baseline: Recognize that a deterministic network is a baseline plan. It provides a starting point for more detailed planning incorporating risk and uncertainty.

  • Communication and Collaboration: Clear communication among team members is crucial to ensure that everyone understands the project schedule and their roles and responsibilities.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

(Note: Specific case studies require confidential project data and would not be appropriate to include here. However, example case studies could be illustrative.)

A hypothetical case study could illustrate the use of deterministic networks in the initial planning phase of a pipeline construction project. The AON method could be used to depict activities such as land acquisition, pipeline material procurement, site preparation, welding, and testing. The critical path would identify the activities that directly influence the overall project duration, allowing for focused resource allocation and monitoring. This example would then highlight how the deterministic model’s limitations become evident when unforeseen issues such as permitting delays or equipment malfunctions occur. This would then serve as a transition to discuss the need for probabilistic models for more accurate and robust project planning in subsequent stages of the project. Another example could involve the construction of an offshore platform. A similar approach could be used to illustrate the strengths and limitations of using deterministic networks in planning the project's various phases.

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