Planification et ordonnancement du projet

Deliverable Breakdown Structure

Structure de Décomposition des Livrables (SDL) : Décomposer les Projets Pétroliers et Gaziers pour le Succès

L'industrie pétrolière et gazière est connue pour ses projets complexes, souvent s'étendant sur de vastes zones géographiques et impliquant de multiples parties prenantes. Pour gérer efficacement ces projets et assurer leur livraison réussie, une approche structurée est cruciale. Un outil qui joue un rôle essentiel dans ce processus est la **Structure de Décomposition des Livrables (SDL)**.

Qu'est-ce qu'une Structure de Décomposition des Livrables (SDL) ?

La SDL est une représentation hiérarchique de tous les éléments livrables d'un projet, organisés en fonction de leurs relations et dépendances. Elle fournit une feuille de route claire pour le projet, décrivant ce qui doit être produit, livré ou réalisé à chaque étape.

Relation avec la Structure de Décomposition du Travail (SDT) :

La SDL est étroitement liée à la Structure de Décomposition du Travail (SDT), qui se concentre sur les tâches nécessaires pour produire les livrables. Alors que la SDT décompose le travail en tâches plus petites et gérables, la SDL se concentre sur les **sorties tangibles** de ces tâches. En substance, la SDL est un document de **"quoi"**, tandis que la SDT est un document de **"comment"**.

Principaux Avantages de l'utilisation d'une SDL dans les Projets Pétroliers et Gaziers :

  • Définition Claire de la Portée du Projet : La SDL offre une vue complète des objectifs et des livrables du projet, garantissant que tous les participants comprennent ce qui doit être réalisé.
  • Communication et Collaboration Améliorées : Le cadre structuré de la SDL facilite une communication claire entre les membres de l'équipe, les sous-traitants et les parties prenantes.
  • Contrôle et Suivi du Projet Renforcés : En décomposant le projet en livrables gérables, les progrès peuvent être suivis plus efficacement, permettant des ajustements opportuns et une atténuation des risques.
  • Allocation Efficace des Ressources : La SDL aide à identifier les ressources nécessaires pour chaque livrable, permettant une allocation et une gestion efficaces.
  • Estimation et Budgétisation des Coûts Améliorées : La SDL facilite une estimation précise des coûts en identifiant tous les livrables requis et leurs dépenses associées.

Exemple d'une SDL dans un Projet Pétrolier et Gazier :

Imaginez un projet de développement d'un nouveau champ pétrolier. La SDL pourrait être structurée comme suit :

  • Niveau 1 : Développement du Champ Pétrolier
  • Niveau 2 :
    • Construction de la Plateforme de Production
    • Installation des Pipelines Sous-marins
    • Développement des Installations de Traitement à Terre
  • Niveau 3 :
    • Construction de la Plateforme :
      • Fabrication de la Structure de la Plateforme
      • Installation de l'Équipement de Production
    • Installation des Pipelines :
      • Approvisionnement des Matériaux des Pipelines
      • Installation des Sections de Pipelines
    • Développement des Installations de Traitement :
      • Construction des Unités de Traitement
      • Installation des Systèmes de Contrôle

Conclusion :

La Structure de Décomposition des Livrables est un outil indispensable pour la gestion de projets pétroliers et gaziers complexes. En définissant clairement les livrables du projet, elle favorise une communication efficace, améliore le contrôle du projet et facilite une allocation efficace des ressources, conduisant à des résultats de projet réussis.

Test Your Knowledge

Deliverable Breakdown Structure (DBS) Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Deliverable Breakdown Structure (DBS)?

(a) To break down project tasks into smaller, manageable units. (b) To outline the tangible outputs of a project, organized hierarchically. (c) To schedule project activities and allocate resources. (d) To identify and assess project risks.


(b) To outline the tangible outputs of a project, organized hierarchically.

2. How does the DBS differ from the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?

(a) The DBS focuses on tasks, while the WBS focuses on deliverables. (b) The DBS focuses on deliverables, while the WBS focuses on tasks. (c) The DBS is used for project planning, while the WBS is used for project execution. (d) There is no significant difference between the DBS and WBS.


(b) The DBS focuses on deliverables, while the WBS focuses on tasks.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a DBS in oil & gas projects?

(a) Improved project scope definition. (b) Enhanced risk assessment. (c) Improved communication and collaboration. (d) Efficient resource allocation.


(b) Enhanced risk assessment.

4. In the example DBS for an oil field development project, which level represents the most specific deliverables?

(a) Level 1 (b) Level 2 (c) Level 3 (d) All levels are equally specific.


(c) Level 3

5. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the DBS and project success?

(a) The DBS has a minimal impact on project success. (b) The DBS is a helpful tool, but not essential for project success. (c) The DBS is a crucial tool for ensuring successful project outcomes. (d) The DBS guarantees project success.


(c) The DBS is a crucial tool for ensuring successful project outcomes.

Deliverable Breakdown Structure (DBS) Exercise:

Scenario: You are tasked with developing a DBS for a project to construct a new natural gas processing plant.


  1. Identify at least 5 major deliverables for this project. These could include physical structures, equipment, systems, or documentation.
  2. Create a basic Level 1 and Level 2 hierarchy for your DBS, outlining the major deliverables and their sub-components.


  • Level 1: Construction of Natural Gas Processing Plant
  • Level 2:
    • Construction of Processing Units
    • Installation of Compression Systems
    • Development of Control Systems
    • Construction of Supporting Infrastructure

Note: You can add more sub-components to the Level 2 hierarchy as needed.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution for the exercise: **Level 1:** Construction of Natural Gas Processing Plant **Level 2:** * **Construction of Processing Units:** * Fabrication and Installation of Separation Units * Fabrication and Installation of Dehydration Units * Fabrication and Installation of Sweetening Units * **Installation of Compression Systems:** * Procurement and Installation of Gas Compressors * Installation of Piping and Controls for Compression Systems * **Development of Control Systems:** * Design and Implementation of Process Control Systems * Integration of Safety Systems and Alarm Systems * Training and Documentation for Control Systems Operation * **Construction of Supporting Infrastructure:** * Construction of Pipelines and Valves for Gas Flow * Construction of Power Generation and Distribution Systems * Construction of Wastewater Treatment Facilities * Construction of Administrative Buildings and Support Structures * **Procurement and Delivery of Equipment:** * Procurement of All Processing Equipment (Separators, Dehydrators, Compressors, etc.) * Procurement of Control Systems, Instrumentation, and Software * Procurement of Piping, Valves, and Other Mechanical Components * **Project Management and Documentation:** * Development of Project Schedule and Budget * Risk Management and Mitigation Planning * Construction Management and Supervision * Documentation of Project Deliverables and Technical Specifications * **Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigation:** * Conducting Environmental Studies and Assessments * Developing Mitigation Plans for Air, Water, and Noise Pollution * Obtaining Environmental Permits and Approvals


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Seventh Edition. PMI. This comprehensive guide covers project management methodologies, including WBS and DBS, though it may not have specific examples for the oil and gas industry.**
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2018). Project Management: A Managerial Approach. John Wiley & Sons. This book offers a thorough overview of project management principles, including WBS, and can be helpful for understanding the concept of DBS.**


  • "Deliverable Breakdown Structure (DBS): A Practical Guide" by This article provides a good introduction to the concept of DBS and its benefits in various industries.**
  • "Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A Comprehensive Guide" by This article focuses on WBS, which is essential for understanding DBS as they are closely related.**
  • "The Importance of Deliverable Breakdown Structure (DBS) for Project Success" by PM Solutions. This article highlights the importance of DBS in project planning and execution, providing examples from different industries.**

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI website offers resources, articles, and training materials related to project management best practices, including WBS and DBS.
  • This website provides a wealth of information on project management topics, including articles, templates, and tools for creating WBS and DBS.**
  • Wikipedia: The Wikipedia page on "Work Breakdown Structure" provides a comprehensive overview of WBS and its relationship to other project management tools, including DBS.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Search for "Deliverable Breakdown Structure oil and gas" or "DBS project management oil and gas" to find relevant resources.
  • Include industry terms: Use keywords like "upstream," "downstream," or "exploration and production" in your search to focus on the oil and gas context.
  • Explore case studies: Search for "DBS case studies oil and gas" to find examples of how DBS has been successfully implemented in real-world projects.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, minus signs to exclude irrelevant results, and "site:edu" or "site:gov" to limit your search to academic or government websites.


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