Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Backward Pass

Backward Pass

Le Passage Inversé : Naviguer dans les Délais des Projets Pétroliers et Gaziers

Dans le monde trépidant du pétrole et du gaz, la réussite de la livraison d'un projet repose sur une planification et une exécution minutieuses. Un élément crucial de ce processus est l'analyse temporelle, qui aide les chefs de projet à comprendre la durée des activités individuelles, leurs dépendances et le calendrier global du projet. Un composant essentiel de l'analyse temporelle est le passage inversé, une procédure qui calcule méticuleusement les dates de début tardif et de fin tardive pour chaque activité d'un projet.

Comprendre le Passage Inversé

Le passage inversé fonctionne à l'envers, en commençant par la date limite globale du projet et en remontant à travers le réseau d'activités. C'est une étape cruciale dans la création d'une analyse de la chemin critique, qui identifie la séquence d'activités la plus longue qui a un impact direct sur la date de fin du projet.

Voici comment cela fonctionne :

  1. Fixer la Date Limite du Projet : Le passage inversé commence par fixer la date limite globale du projet comme date de fin tardive pour la dernière activité.
  2. Calculer les Dates de Fin Tardive : En remontant à partir de la date limite, la date de fin tardive de chaque activité est calculée en soustrayant sa durée de la date de début tardif de son successeur immédiat.
  3. Déterminer les Dates de Début Tardive : La date de début tardif de chaque activité est calculée en soustrayant sa durée de sa date de fin tardive.
  4. Identifier les Activités Critiques : Les activités avec des dates de début précoce et de début tardif égales, ainsi que des dates de fin précoce et de fin tardive égales, sont considérées comme critiques. Ces activités sont sur le chemin critique et tout retard dans leur exécution retardera l'achèvement du projet.

Pourquoi le Passage Inversé est-il Important ?

Le passage inversé joue un rôle essentiel dans :

  • Planification du Projet : Il fixe des dates limites réalistes pour chaque activité et identifie les goulots d'étranglement potentiels ou les zones nécessitant plus d'attention.
  • Allocation des Ressources : Comprendre les dates de début tardif et de fin tardif permet une meilleure allocation des ressources et garantit que les ressources sont disponibles au besoin.
  • Gestion des Risques : Le passage inversé permet d'identifier les activités critiques qui nécessitent une surveillance plus étroite pour atténuer les retards potentiels et assurer la réussite du projet.
  • Contrôle du Projet : Il fournit un cadre pour suivre les progrès et identifier tout écart par rapport au calendrier planifié, permettant une intervention proactive et une correction de cap.

Le Passage Inversé dans le Pétrole et le Gaz

Dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier, où les projets impliquent souvent des échéances complexes et longues, le passage inversé est un outil précieux pour :

  • Projets de Forage : Il aide à planifier les activités telles que la planification du puits, la mobilisation du matériel et les opérations de forage, garantissant une fin dans les temps et réduisant les temps d'arrêt.
  • Construction de Pipelines : Il assure l'achèvement dans les temps des activités de relevé, de pose de tuyaux, de soudage et de tests, maximisant l'efficacité et minimisant les retards du projet.
  • Projets de Raffinage et de Pétrochimie : Il permet une planification et une exécution efficaces de tâches complexes telles que la construction, l'installation d'équipements et la mise en service, minimisant l'impact des retards sur l'achèvement global du projet.


Le passage inversé est une technique fondamentale dans l'analyse temporelle des projets pétroliers et gaziers, fournissant un cadre crucial pour la planification, l'allocation des ressources et la gestion des risques. En comprenant les dates de début tardif et de fin tardif de chaque activité, les chefs de projet peuvent planifier, exécuter et surveiller efficacement les projets, garantissant une fin dans les temps et maximisant l'efficacité dans ce secteur dynamique et exigeant.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Backward Pass

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the backward pass in project management?

a) To determine the earliest possible start and finish dates for each activity.


Incorrect. This is the purpose of the forward pass.

b) To identify the critical path of a project.


Correct! The backward pass helps determine the critical path by calculating late start and finish dates.

c) To estimate the project budget.


Incorrect. Budgeting is a separate process from time analysis.

d) To assess the project's risk profile.


Incorrect. While the backward pass helps identify potential bottlenecks, risk assessment is a broader process.

2. In the backward pass, the late finish date of an activity is determined by:

a) Adding its duration to the late start date of its predecessor.


Incorrect. This describes calculating the late start date.

b) Subtracting its duration from the late start date of its successor.


Correct! This is how the late finish date is calculated in the backward pass.

c) Subtracting its duration from its early start date.


Incorrect. This is not relevant to the backward pass.

d) Adding its duration to the early finish date of its successor.


Incorrect. This is not relevant to the backward pass.

3. Which of the following activities would be considered critical based on the backward pass analysis?

a) An activity with a late start date that is earlier than its early start date.


Incorrect. This indicates a non-critical activity with some flexibility in its schedule.

b) An activity with a late finish date that is later than its early finish date.


Incorrect. This indicates a non-critical activity with some flexibility in its schedule.

c) An activity with equal early start and late start dates.


Correct! This is a characteristic of critical activities.

d) An activity with a late start date that is equal to its early finish date.


Incorrect. This doesn't necessarily indicate a critical activity.

4. In the oil & gas industry, the backward pass is particularly helpful for:

a) Estimating the cost of drilling equipment.


Incorrect. This is related to budgeting, not time analysis.

b) Scheduling drilling operations and ensuring timely completion.


Correct! The backward pass helps optimize drilling operations and minimize downtime.

c) Analyzing the geological formation of oil and gas reserves.


Incorrect. This is related to geological studies, not project management.

d) Assessing the environmental impact of oil and gas exploration.


Incorrect. This is related to environmental assessment, not time analysis.

5. What is a key benefit of using the backward pass for project management?

a) It identifies activities that can be completed in parallel.


Incorrect. This is more related to the forward pass.

b) It helps to avoid costly delays by identifying potential bottlenecks.


Correct! The backward pass helps identify critical activities that could delay the entire project.

c) It eliminates the need for risk assessment.


Incorrect. The backward pass complements risk assessment, not eliminates it.

d) It guarantees that projects will always be completed on time.


Incorrect. While the backward pass aids in planning, external factors can still cause delays.

Exercise: The Backward Pass in Action

Scenario: You are managing a pipeline construction project with the following activities and durations:

| Activity | Description | Duration (Days) | |---|---|---| | A | Site preparation | 10 | | B | Pipe laying | 20 | | C | Welding and testing | 15 | | D | Environmental impact assessment | 5 | | E | Project closure | 3 |

The project deadline is 50 days from now.


  1. Use the backward pass technique to calculate the late start and late finish dates for each activity.
  2. Identify the critical path of the project.
  3. What would happen if Activity B (Pipe laying) is delayed by 5 days? How would it affect the overall project timeline?

Exercice Correction

**Late Start and Late Finish Dates:** | Activity | Duration (Days) | Late Start | Late Finish | |---|---|---|---| | E | 3 | 47 | 50 | | C | 15 | 32 | 47 | | B | 20 | 12 | 32 | | A | 10 | 2 | 12 | | D | 5 | 0 | 5 | **Critical Path:** D - A - B - C - E **Impact of Delay in Activity B:** If Activity B is delayed by 5 days, the late finish date for Activity C will also be pushed back by 5 days to 42 (37 + 5). The critical path will still be D - A - B - C - E, and the overall project completion will be delayed by 5 days to 55 days (50 + 5).


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Seventh Edition. Project Management Institute. This comprehensive guide covers project management methodologies, including time analysis, critical path analysis, and the backward pass.
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2018). Project Management: A Managerial Approach. John Wiley & Sons. This textbook provides a thorough explanation of project management concepts, including the backward pass, with real-world examples.
  • Cleland, D. I., & Ireland, L. R. (2016). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation. McGraw-Hill Education. This book focuses on strategic project management, including the importance of time analysis and the backward pass in achieving project success.
  • Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. John Wiley & Sons. This book offers a systems approach to project management, emphasizing the role of the backward pass in effective planning and control.


  • "Critical Path Analysis: A Practical Guide for Project Managers" by Project Management Institute. This article provides a detailed overview of critical path analysis, including the backward pass, and its application in project management.
  • "The Backward Pass: A Powerful Tool for Project Scheduling" by Project Management Tools. This article outlines the benefits of using the backward pass in project scheduling and provides a step-by-step guide on how to perform it.
  • "Time Analysis Techniques in Project Management" by Emerald Insight. This research paper explores various time analysis techniques used in project management, including the backward pass, and their impact on project performance.
  • "Using the Backward Pass in Oil and Gas Projects" by Oil & Gas Engineering Magazine. This industry-specific article discusses the importance of the backward pass in managing the complexities of oil and gas projects.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): - PMI offers resources, training materials, and certifications related to project management, including the backward pass.
  • Project Management Tools: - This website provides various tools, templates, and articles on project management, including the backward pass.
  • Smartsheet: - Smartsheet offers a cloud-based project management platform with built-in features for critical path analysis and the backward pass.
  • Microsoft Project: - Microsoft Project is a popular project management software that includes functionalities for creating Gantt charts, performing critical path analysis, and implementing the backward pass.

Search Tips

  • "Backward pass project management" - This search will provide resources on the backward pass technique in the context of project management.
  • "Backward pass critical path analysis" - This search will focus on the connection between the backward pass and critical path analysis.
  • "Backward pass oil and gas projects" - This search will return articles and resources specifically related to the backward pass in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Backward pass Gantt chart" - This search will help you find information on how to implement the backward pass using Gantt charts.
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