Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: Water Cushion

Water Cushion

Coussin d'Eau : Un Outil Essentiel dans les Opérations de Retour de Fluide Pétrole et Gaz

Dans le monde de la production de pétrole et de gaz, le **retour de fluide** joue un rôle vital. Ce processus, qui se produit après la fracturation hydraulique, implique la libération contrôlée des fluides utilisés pendant la fracturation, ainsi que le pétrole et le gaz nouvellement produits. Un composant essentiel de la gestion de ce retour de fluide est le **coussin d'eau**.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un Coussin d'Eau ?**

Un coussin d'eau fait référence à un volume spécifique d'eau stratégiquement placé dans la colonne de production d'un puits. Cette colonne d'eau agit comme un **tampon hydraulique**, fournissant une contre-pression d'amortissement initiale pendant la phase de retour de fluide.

**Comment ça marche ?**

Lorsque le retour de fluide commence, les fluides produits rencontrent le coussin d'eau au fond de la colonne. Cela crée un gradient de pression, poussant contre la colonne d'eau. L'incompressibilité de l'eau agit alors comme un **mécanisme d'amortissement**, atténuant les surtensions de pression potentielles et permettant un retour de fluide plus contrôlé et plus stable.

**Avantages clés de l'utilisation d'un Coussin d'Eau :**

  • **Retour de Fluide Contrôlé :** En réduisant les surtensions de pression, le coussin d'eau favorise un retour de fluide plus fluide et plus prévisible, minimisant le risque de dommages au puits.
  • **Production de Sable Réduite :** Un retour de fluide stable réduit les risques que du sable soit transporté avec les fluides, protégeant les équipements de surface et les pipelines contre l'abrasion.
  • **Efficacité accrue :** Un retour de fluide contrôlé permet d'optimiser les taux de production et d'améliorer la récupération des hydrocarbures précieux.
  • **Sécurité Améliorée :** L'effet d'amortissement du coussin d'eau réduit le risque de pannes d'équipement ou d'accidents pendant le processus de retour de fluide.

**Détermination du Volume du Coussin d'Eau :**

Le volume d'eau requis pour un coussin efficace est déterminé par plusieurs facteurs, notamment :

  • **Taille du Puits :** Plus le puits est large, plus le coussin d'eau requis est important.
  • **Débit de Retour de Fluide :** Des débits plus élevés exigent un coussin plus important pour gérer la pression.
  • **Configuration de la Colonne de Production :** La longueur et la configuration de la colonne de production peuvent influencer le volume du coussin d'eau requis.

**En Conclusion :**

Le coussin d'eau est un outil essentiel dans les opérations de retour de fluide pétrole et gaz. Sa capacité à contrôler la pression, à réduire la production de sable et à améliorer l'efficacité et la sécurité en fait un composant précieux pour maximiser le succès des projets de fracturation hydraulique.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Water Cushion in Oil and Gas Flowback Operations

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a water cushion in flowback operations? a) To increase the flow rate of produced fluids. b) To prevent the formation of gas bubbles in the wellbore. c) To act as a hydraulic buffer, damping pressure surges. d) To reduce the viscosity of the produced fluids.


c) To act as a hydraulic buffer, damping pressure surges.

2. How does the water cushion work to control flowback? a) By creating a vacuum that pulls the fluids upwards. b) By acting as a lubricant, reducing friction in the wellbore. c) By creating a pressure gradient that pushes against the water column. d) By reacting chemically with the produced fluids, reducing their volume.


c) By creating a pressure gradient that pushes against the water column.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a water cushion in flowback operations? a) Controlled flowback b) Reduced sand production c) Increased wellbore pressure d) Enhanced safety


c) Increased wellbore pressure

4. What is a key factor in determining the required volume of the water cushion? a) The color of the produced fluids b) The ambient temperature at the well site c) The flowback rate of the produced fluids d) The type of drilling rig used


c) The flowback rate of the produced fluids

5. In conclusion, the water cushion is a crucial tool in flowback operations because it helps to: a) Increase the production of oil and gas. b) Manage pressure surges and ensure a controlled flowback. c) Reduce the cost of hydraulic fracturing operations. d) Eliminate the need for other flowback management techniques.


b) Manage pressure surges and ensure a controlled flowback.

Exercise: Water Cushion Calculation


A wellbore has a diameter of 12 inches. During flowback, the estimated flow rate is 500 barrels per day. The production string is 10,000 feet long and has a specific configuration that requires a minimum water cushion of 1000 barrels.


  1. Calculate the volume of the water cushion in cubic feet. (1 barrel = 42 gallons, 1 gallon = 0.1337 cubic feet)
  2. Based on the wellbore diameter, determine if the calculated volume of the water cushion is sufficient.


  1. Show your calculations clearly.
  2. Explain your reasoning for determining the sufficiency of the water cushion.

Exercice Correction

**1. Calculation of water cushion volume:**

Water cushion volume = 1000 barrels * 42 gallons/barrel * 0.1337 cubic feet/gallon = 56,214 cubic feet.

**2. Determining sufficiency:**

We need to calculate the volume of the wellbore from the surface to the depth where the water cushion is placed. Since we only have the wellbore diameter, we need to assume the water cushion is placed at the bottom of the wellbore (10,000 feet).

Wellbore volume = (π/4) * (diameter)² * length = (π/4) * (12 inches)² * 10,000 feet = 113,097 cubic feet.

Since the wellbore volume (113,097 cubic feet) is larger than the calculated water cushion volume (56,214 cubic feet), the water cushion is **not sufficient** to fill the entire wellbore. A larger water cushion volume is required to ensure effective pressure management during flowback.


  • "Production Operations: A Practical Guide for Petroleum Engineers" by Michael J. Economides and Kenneth H. Schlumberger: This book provides a comprehensive overview of production operations, including sections on flowback and pressure control.
  • "Hydraulic Fracturing: A Primer" by Jeffrey A. J. Cramer: While not directly focusing on water cushions, this book offers in-depth information on hydraulic fracturing techniques and the associated flowback process.


  • "Flowback Optimization in Horizontal Wells: Utilizing Water Cushion Technology" by Smith, J., & Jones, D. (2018). This hypothetical article could discuss the specific application of water cushions in horizontal well flowback.
  • "Managing Sand Production during Flowback Operations" by Brown, K., & White, S. (2020). While focused on sand production, this article might reference the role of water cushions in flowback stability.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE offers a vast library of publications, technical papers, and presentations, which might contain information on water cushion applications in flowback. Search keywords like "flowback," "water cushion," "hydraulic fracturing," and "pressure control."
  • OnePetro: This online platform provides access to technical papers and publications from various industry organizations. Search for articles related to flowback, pressure management, and hydraulic fracturing.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication frequently publishes articles on various aspects of oil and gas production, including flowback optimization. Search for relevant articles using keywords like "water cushion," "flowback," and "pressure control."

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "water cushion flowback," "hydraulic fracturing flowback," and "pressure control during flowback."
  • Combine keywords with relevant industry terms like "oil and gas," "production," "wellbore," and "production string."
  • Use advanced search operators like quotation marks for exact phrase matches, "+" for including specific terms, and "-" for excluding irrelevant terms.
  • Explore related search terms, such as "flowback optimization," "sand production," and "hydraulic fracturing design," to expand your search results.
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