Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Structural Casing

Structural Casing

Tubage structure : L'épine dorsale de l'intégrité des puits

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, le **tubage structurel** joue un rôle crucial pour garantir le fonctionnement sûr et efficace d'un puits. Ce type de tubage spécialisé, souvent fabriqué en acier, est conçu pour fournir un soutien structurel et isoler différentes zones à l'intérieur du puits.

**Comprendre le tubage structurel**

Essentiellement, le tubage structurel sert d'épine dorsale au puits. Il forme la structure permanente et rigide qui empêche l'effondrement du puits, en particulier dans les formations où la roche environnante est instable ou faible. Ceci est crucial pour maintenir l'accès au réservoir ciblé et garantir l'intégrité à long terme du puits.

**Fonctions clés du tubage structurel :**

  • **Soutien et stabilité :** Le tubage structurel fournit un soutien robuste au puits, empêchant les effondrements et garantissant des opérations de forage sûres et stables.
  • **Isolation des zones :** En isolant différentes zones à l'intérieur du puits, le tubage structurel empêche la migration des fluides et protège le réservoir de la contamination.
  • **Protection contre la corrosion :** Le tubage agit comme une barrière contre les fluides corrosifs dans le puits, prolongeant la durée de vie du puits.
  • **Confinement de la pression :** Le tubage structurel résiste aux pressions immenses rencontrées dans les formations profondes, empêchant les éruptions et garantissant la sécurité.

**Chaîne de tubage conducteur : La fondation d'un puits**

Le **tubage conducteur** est la première chaîne de tubage à être installée dans un puits. Il joue un rôle crucial dans la définition du diamètre initial du puits et fournit de la stabilité à la surface.

**Rôles clés du tubage conducteur :**

  • **Stabilisation de la surface :** Il ancre le puits à la surface, empêchant les mouvements latéraux et assurant la stabilité pendant les opérations de forage.
  • **Protection contre la contamination de surface :** Il isole le puits des contaminants de surface, assurant un forage propre et sûr.
  • **Établir les fondations :** Il établit les fondations pour les chaînes de tubage suivantes et fournit une base sécurisée pour la tête de puits.

**En conclusion**

Le tubage structurel et les chaînes de tubage conducteur sont des composants intégrés de la construction des puits. Leur conception robuste et leurs fonctionnalités spécialisées garantissent l'intégrité des puits, la sécurité et une production efficace. En fournissant un soutien structurel, en isolant les zones et en protégeant contre la corrosion et la pression, ces chaînes de tubage jouent un rôle vital dans l'extraction durable de ressources précieuses des profondeurs de la Terre.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Structural Casing - The Backbone of Well Integrity

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of structural casing in a wellbore? a) To guide the drill bit during drilling operations b) To provide structural support and isolate zones within the wellbore c) To transport extracted oil and gas to the surface d) To protect the wellbore from corrosion


b) To provide structural support and isolate zones within the wellbore

2. Which of the following is NOT a key function of structural casing? a) Support and Stability b) Isolation of Zones c) Protection from Corrosion d) Increasing the flow rate of oil and gas


d) Increasing the flow rate of oil and gas

3. What is the first string of casing installed in a wellbore called? a) Production casing b) Intermediate casing c) Conductor casing d) Surface casing


c) Conductor casing

4. What is the main reason for using conductor casing? a) To isolate the wellbore from surface contaminants b) To withstand the high pressure in the reservoir c) To transport produced fluids to the surface d) To prevent the wellbore from collapsing


a) To isolate the wellbore from surface contaminants

5. What is a significant advantage of using structural casing in a wellbore? a) It reduces the risk of blowouts b) It increases the volume of oil and gas extracted c) It simplifies the drilling process d) It eliminates the need for well maintenance


a) It reduces the risk of blowouts

Exercise: Choosing the Right Casing String

Scenario: You are the engineer in charge of planning a new oil well in a region with a challenging geological formation. The formation is known for its unstable shale layers and high pressure zones.

Task: Based on the information provided, choose the appropriate casing strings to ensure the well's integrity and safety.

  • Formation: Unstable shale layers with high pressure zones
  • Depth: 10,000 feet
  • Target Reservoir: Oil-bearing formation at 8,000 feet
  • Existing Casing Options:
    • Conductor Casing: 20-inch diameter, high strength steel
    • Surface Casing: 13-inch diameter, high-grade steel
    • Intermediate Casing: 9-inch diameter, corrosion-resistant steel
    • Production Casing: 7-inch diameter, high-pressure resistant steel

Justify your choices for each casing string, explaining how they address the specific challenges of the formation.

Exercice Correction

**1. Conductor Casing: 20-inch diameter, high strength steel** * Justification: The large diameter provides initial stability and anchors the wellbore at the surface, especially important in unstable shale formations. The high strength steel ensures resistance to the initial drilling forces. **2. Surface Casing: 13-inch diameter, high-grade steel** * Justification: This casing string serves to isolate the wellbore from surface contaminants and provides structural support in the shallow section of the well. The high-grade steel ensures longevity and resistance to potential corrosive environments. **3. Intermediate Casing: 9-inch diameter, corrosion-resistant steel** * Justification: This casing string will be set just above the targeted reservoir at a depth of approximately 7,500 feet to isolate the unstable shale formations and high pressure zones from the reservoir. The corrosion-resistant steel is important for long-term well integrity. **4. Production Casing: 7-inch diameter, high-pressure resistant steel** * Justification: The production casing is set within the reservoir to allow for the extraction of oil. The high-pressure resistant steel is essential to withstand the high pressures encountered in the reservoir and prevent blowouts.


  • "Well Completion Design and Optimization" by M.J. Economides & J.E. Nolte: This comprehensive book covers well completion design principles, including structural casing, wellbore stability, and zonal isolation.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by J.P. Brill & K.W. Hege: Another detailed resource on drilling and completion practices, with dedicated chapters on casing design, selection, and installation.
  • "Fundamentals of Petroleum Production Engineering" by D.R. Matthews & J.P. Russell: This textbook provides a thorough foundation in petroleum engineering, including sections on wellbore stability, casing design, and well integrity.


  • "Structural Casing: The Backbone of Well Integrity" by SPE: This technical article published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) delves into the importance of structural casing in well integrity and provides insights into design considerations.
  • "Conductor Casing: Setting the Foundation for Well Integrity" by Schlumberger: Schlumberger's technical publication explores the crucial role of conductor casing in surface stability, contamination prevention, and overall well integrity.
  • "Casing Design Considerations for Unconventional Reservoirs" by SPE: This article focuses on the unique challenges of casing design in unconventional formations and highlights the importance of structural integrity.

Online Resources

  • SPE website: The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) provides a wealth of technical information, including numerous publications and presentations on wellbore stability, casing design, and well integrity.
  • Schlumberger website: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield services company, offers a range of online resources on well completion technologies, including casing design, installation, and cementing.
  • Halliburton website: Halliburton, another major oilfield services provider, has a dedicated section on well completion services, including details on structural casing and conductor casing.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information on structural casing, use specific terms like "structural casing design," "conductor casing installation," "wellbore stability," and "casing integrity."
  • Combine keywords: Combine relevant keywords to narrow your search results, such as "structural casing AND wellbore stability."
  • Use quotation marks: To find exact phrases, enclose them in quotation marks, like "structural casing AND well integrity."
  • Include publication sources: To find scholarly articles and technical publications, include terms like "SPE," "Schlumberger," or "Halliburton" in your search.
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