Ingénierie des réservoirs

Reserves, Proved Developed

Démythifier les réserves de pétrole et de gaz : comprendre les réserves prouvées développées et les réserves prouvées non développées

Le monde du pétrole et du gaz regorge de termes spécialisés. L'un de ces termes, « réserves », joue un rôle crucial dans la détermination de la valeur et de la viabilité d'un projet. Au sein du domaine des réserves, deux classifications essentielles sont les **Réserves prouvées développées** et les **Réserves prouvées non développées**. Ces termes, bien que similaires, ont des significations distinctes et influent sur la manière dont les entreprises abordent l'extraction des ressources.

**Réserves prouvées développées :** Ces réserves représentent le pétrole et le gaz qui peuvent être extraits en toute confiance à l'aide de **puits et d'installations existants, avec les méthodes d'exploitation actuelles**. Imaginez-le comme du pétrole et du gaz facilement accessibles et pouvant être mis sur le marché avec un investissement minimal. Ces réserves sont cruciales pour la production et le flux de revenus actuels d'une entreprise.

**Exemple :** Une entreprise possède un champ pétrolier avec 10 puits de production. Le volume de pétrole et de gaz pouvant être extrait de ces puits en utilisant la technologie actuelle est classé comme réserves prouvées développées.

**Réserves prouvées non développées :** Cette classification englobe le pétrole et le gaz qui sont **estimés récupérables à partir de futurs puits et installations**, y compris de potentiels **projets d'amélioration de la récupération**. Ces projets visent à améliorer l'extraction des réservoirs existants, souvent en utilisant des technologies avancées. Bien que le potentiel de ces réserves soit élevé, elles nécessitent des investissements supplémentaires et ne sont pas immédiatement accessibles.

**Exemple :** Une entreprise découvre un nouveau champ pétrolier mais doit forer de nouveaux puits et construire des infrastructures avant de pouvoir commencer la production. Ce volume de pétrole et de gaz est classé comme réserves prouvées non développées.

**Projets d'amélioration de la récupération :** Ceux-ci sont essentiels pour maximiser l'extraction de pétrole et de gaz des réservoirs existants. Ils peuvent impliquer diverses techniques telles que l'injection d'eau, l'injection de gaz ou la récupération thermique.

**Point clé :** Les réserves prouvées développées représentent la production actuelle de pétrole et de gaz d'une entreprise, tandis que les réserves prouvées non développées offrent un potentiel de production futur, nécessitant des investissements et un développement supplémentaires.

**L'importance des classifications :** Ces classifications sont cruciales pour plusieurs raisons :

  • **Confiance des investisseurs :** Les investisseurs s'appuient sur ces classifications pour évaluer la santé financière et le potentiel futur des sociétés pétrolières et gazières.
  • **Gestion des ressources :** Les entreprises utilisent ces classifications pour allouer des ressources et prioriser les projets de développement.
  • **Conformité réglementaire :** De nombreux organismes de réglementation, comme la Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), exigent que les entreprises divulguent leurs réserves en fonction de ces classifications.

**Conclusion :** Comprendre les réserves prouvées développées et les réserves prouvées non développées est crucial pour naviguer dans les complexités de l'industrie du pétrole et du gaz. Ces classifications fournissent un cadre pour évaluer la disponibilité des ressources, guider les stratégies d'investissement et favoriser une prise de décision éclairée. Au fur et à mesure que le secteur énergétique évolue, ces classifications continueront de jouer un rôle essentiel dans la formation de l'avenir de l'exploration et de la production de pétrole et de gaz.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Demystifying Oil & Gas Reserves

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following BEST describes Proved Developed Reserves?

a) Oil and gas that can be extracted using existing wells and facilities, with current operating methods. b) Oil and gas that requires new wells and facilities to be extracted. c) Oil and gas that requires advanced technology for extraction. d) Oil and gas that is not yet discovered.


a) Oil and gas that can be extracted using existing wells and facilities, with current operating methods.

2. What is the main difference between Proved Developed and Proved Undeveloped Reserves?

a) Proved Developed Reserves are more valuable. b) Proved Developed Reserves are immediately accessible, while Proved Undeveloped Reserves require further investment. c) Proved Undeveloped Reserves are more likely to be discovered. d) Proved Undeveloped Reserves are only used for improved recovery projects.


b) Proved Developed Reserves are immediately accessible, while Proved Undeveloped Reserves require further investment.

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of an Improved Recovery Project?

a) Waterflooding b) Gas injection c) Thermal recovery d) Drilling new wells


d) Drilling new wells

4. Why are Proved Developed and Proved Undeveloped Reserves classifications important for investors?

a) They help investors understand the company's current production and future potential. b) They guarantee investors a return on their investment. c) They help investors predict the future price of oil and gas. d) They determine the amount of taxes a company will pay.


a) They help investors understand the company's current production and future potential.

5. Which regulatory body requires companies to disclose their reserves based on these classifications?

a) The United Nations b) The World Bank c) The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) d) The International Energy Agency (IEA)


c) The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

Exercise: Oil & Gas Reserves Scenario

Scenario: An oil and gas company has identified a new oil field with an estimated 100 million barrels of oil. The company currently has 5 producing wells in the area, with existing infrastructure. However, to extract the oil from the new field, they need to drill 10 new wells and build a pipeline to transport the oil to a processing facility.


  1. Classify the 100 million barrels of oil based on the information provided. Explain your reasoning.
  2. Identify potential benefits and challenges associated with developing this new oil field.
  3. What would be the next steps for the company to start production from this new field?

Exercice Correction

**1. Classification:** The 100 million barrels of oil would be classified as **Proved Undeveloped Reserves**. This is because the oil requires new wells and infrastructure to be extracted, making it currently inaccessible.

**2. Benefits and Challenges:** * **Benefits:** * Increased production and revenue for the company. * Potential for long-term profitability. * Potential for job creation and economic development in the area. * **Challenges:** * Significant investment required for drilling new wells and building infrastructure. * Environmental impact of new wells and pipeline construction. * Potential for delays and complications during development.

**3. Next Steps:** 1. **Conduct detailed feasibility studies:** This includes evaluating the potential reserves, drilling costs, environmental impact, and market demand. 2. **Secure funding:** Obtaining financing for drilling, infrastructure development, and operational costs. 3. **Obtain necessary permits and approvals:** Including environmental permits and licenses. 4. **Develop drilling plan and construction schedule:** This includes detailed plans for drilling wells, building pipelines, and connecting to the existing processing facility. 5. **Start drilling and construction:** Begin the development process, ensuring compliance with safety and environmental regulations.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook, published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), covers a wide range of topics, including reserve classifications and estimations.
  • The Economics of Oil and Gas: An Introduction: This book by Robert E. Ebel provides a detailed explanation of the economic principles behind oil and gas operations, covering concepts like reserve estimation, valuation, and risk assessment.
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook: This handbook, also by the SPE, focuses specifically on reservoir engineering aspects, including reservoir characterization, fluid flow modeling, and production optimization.


  • "Reserve Definitions and Reporting Standards" by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This article provides a detailed overview of the reserve classification standards used by the SPE and the oil and gas industry.
  • "Proved Developed vs. Proved Undeveloped Reserves: What's the Difference?" by Oil and Gas IQ: This article explains the key differences between Proved Developed and Proved Undeveloped Reserves, highlighting their significance for investors and companies.
  • "Improved Recovery Techniques and Their Impact on Reserve Estimates" by Energy Research & Social Science: This research article delves into the role of improved recovery technologies in enhancing oil and gas production and their implications for reserve estimations.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This organization provides numerous resources on oil and gas engineering, including reserve classification guidelines, technical publications, and educational materials.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): This industry association provides standards and guidelines for oil and gas exploration, production, and reserves reporting.
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): The SEC's website offers information on financial reporting requirements for oil and gas companies, including reserve disclosures.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching online, use specific keywords like "oil and gas reserves," "proved developed reserves," "proved undeveloped reserves," "reserve classification," "reserve estimation," and "improved recovery techniques."
  • Combine keywords: Combine keywords for more focused searches, such as "proved developed reserves vs proved undeveloped reserves," "reserves reporting standards," or "improved recovery techniques impact on reserves."
  • Explore relevant websites: Search for information on websites of reputable organizations like the SPE, API, and SEC.
  • Use advanced search operators: Utilize operators like "site:" to limit your search to specific websites, or "+" to include specific words in your search query.


Demystifying Oil & Gas Reserves: Understanding Proved Developed and Proved Undeveloped Reserves

Chapter 1: Techniques

Estimating Proved Developed and Proved Undeveloped reserves relies on a combination of geological, engineering, and economic techniques. The process is not a simple measurement but rather a complex assessment involving uncertainty and risk. Key techniques include:

  • Geological Characterization: This involves analyzing geological data such as seismic surveys, well logs, core samples, and pressure tests to define the reservoir's geometry, porosity, permeability, and fluid properties. Accurate geological modelling is crucial for estimating the total volume of hydrocarbons in place (HHP).

  • Reservoir Simulation: Sophisticated software models simulate reservoir behavior under various production scenarios. These models predict fluid flow, pressure depletion, and ultimate recovery based on the geological data and engineering parameters. They are essential for evaluating the impact of different production strategies, including improved recovery techniques.

  • Material Balance Calculations: These calculations use historical production data and pressure measurements to estimate the amount of hydrocarbons remaining in the reservoir. This provides an independent check on reservoir simulation results.

  • Decline Curve Analysis: For existing wells, decline curve analysis predicts future production based on historical production rates. This is particularly useful for estimating the recoverable reserves from Proved Developed areas.

  • Improved Recovery Techniques (IRT) Evaluation: For Proved Undeveloped reserves, evaluating the effectiveness of IRTs (e.g., waterflooding, gas injection, thermal recovery) is critical. Detailed simulations and pilot tests are often conducted to assess the potential increase in recovery factors.

  • Economic Evaluation: A crucial aspect of reserve estimation involves assessing the economic viability of production. This includes considering factors such as oil and gas prices, operating costs, and capital expenditures. Reserves are only classified as "proved" if they are economically recoverable at the time of assessment.

Chapter 2: Models

Several models are used to estimate and classify reserves, leveraging the techniques described above. These models vary in complexity, depending on the data availability and the level of uncertainty involved.

  • Deterministic Models: These models use single, best-estimate values for all input parameters (e.g., porosity, permeability, oil saturation). They provide a single estimate of reserves but do not explicitly account for uncertainty.

  • Probabilistic Models: These models incorporate uncertainty by using probability distributions for input parameters. They generate a range of possible reserve estimates, along with associated probabilities. Monte Carlo simulation is a common technique used in probabilistic modelling. This is crucial for Proved Undeveloped reserves where uncertainties are higher.

  • Geological Models: These models represent the three-dimensional geometry of the reservoir and its properties. They are used as input for reservoir simulation models and are fundamental to both Proved Developed and Proved Undeveloped reserve estimations.

  • Reservoir Simulation Models: These are complex numerical models that simulate the flow of fluids in the reservoir under different production scenarios. They are essential for predicting future production rates and ultimate recovery, particularly for Proved Undeveloped reserves where different development scenarios are being evaluated.

Chapter 3: Software

Specialized software is essential for performing the complex calculations and simulations involved in reserve estimation. These software packages typically include modules for:

  • Data Management: Handling large volumes of geological and engineering data.

  • Geological Modelling: Creating 3D representations of the reservoir.

  • Reservoir Simulation: Simulating fluid flow and production performance.

  • Decline Curve Analysis: Predicting future production from existing wells.

  • Material Balance Calculations: Estimating remaining hydrocarbons in the reservoir.

  • Uncertainty Analysis: Quantifying the uncertainty associated with reserve estimates.

Examples of commonly used software packages include:

  • Petrel (Schlumberger): A comprehensive suite of tools for reservoir characterization, modelling, and simulation.
  • Eclipse (Schlumberger): A powerful reservoir simulator used for forecasting production and evaluating different development strategies.
  • CMG (Computer Modelling Group): Another popular suite of reservoir simulation software.
  • Roxar RMS (now part of Emerson): Software for reservoir modelling and management.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Accurate and reliable reserve estimation requires adherence to best practices, including:

  • Data Quality Control: Ensuring the accuracy and consistency of all input data.
  • Peer Review: Having independent experts review the methodology and results.
  • Transparency and Documentation: Clearly documenting the assumptions, methods, and results of the reserve estimation process.
  • Regular Updates: Updating reserve estimates periodically to reflect changes in technology, production performance, and economic conditions.
  • Compliance with Industry Standards: Following industry standards and guidelines such as those established by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and relevant regulatory bodies.
  • Use of Qualified Professionals: Employing experienced petroleum engineers and geologists with expertise in reserve estimation.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Case studies illustrating the application of different techniques and models in estimating Proved Developed and Proved Undeveloped reserves would be valuable here. However, due to the confidential nature of reservoir data, specific company examples are often not publicly available. A hypothetical case study could illustrate the processes involved, comparing the certainty of estimates between Proved Developed and Proved Undeveloped reserves in a simplified model. For instance, the case study could show how uncertainty increases when moving from estimates based on existing production (Proved Developed) to estimates based on projections from new wells or improved recovery techniques (Proved Undeveloped). It could also highlight the economic considerations that impact the classification of reserves.

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