Forage et complétion de puits


Recomplétion : Une Deuxième Chance pour les Puits de Pétrole et de Gaz

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, le terme "recomplétion" désigne une intervention stratégique dans un puits existant afin d'améliorer sa productivité. Elle implique une série d'opérations qui modifient l'équipement du puits ou son point d'entrée, lui permettant d'accéder à de nouvelles réserves ou d'améliorer la production des réserves existantes. C'est souvent une alternative rentable au forage d'un puits entièrement neuf.

Comprendre le Besoin de Recomplétion :

  • Réservoirs Épuisés : Au fil du temps, la pression à l'intérieur d'un réservoir de pétrole ou de gaz diminue, entraînant une baisse de la production. La recomplétion peut aider à accéder à des zones inexploitées ou à optimiser la production des zones existantes.
  • Évolution des Demandes du Marché : La demande du marché pour des types spécifiques de pétrole ou de gaz peut changer. La recomplétion permet aux producteurs de cibler différents réservoirs au sein du même puits pour produire les produits désirés.
  • Amélioration des Technologies : Les progrès technologiques dans les techniques de forage, de complétion et de stimulation peuvent être appliqués aux puits existants par le biais de la recomplétion, ce qui améliore l'efficacité de la production.
  • Préoccupations Environnementales : La recomplétion peut minimiser l'impact environnemental des nouvelles opérations de forage en utilisant les infrastructures existantes.

Techniques de Recomplétion Courantes :

  • Isolation de Zone : Cibler des zones spécifiques au sein du puits pour la production en isolant d'autres zones avec des packers ou du ciment.
  • Stimulation du Puits : Améliorer la productivité du réservoir en utilisant des techniques telles que la fracturation hydraulique ou l'acidification.
  • Installation de Relevage Artificiel : Employer des systèmes mécaniques pour remonter le pétrole ou le gaz à la surface lorsque la pression naturelle est insuffisante.
  • Remplacement d'Équipement en Fond de Trou : Remplacer l'équipement usé ou endommagé, comme les pompes, les tubages ou les vannes.

Avantages de la Recomplétion :

  • Augmentation de la Production : La recomplétion peut augmenter considérablement le taux de production du puits en accédant à de nouvelles réserves ou en optimisant les réserves existantes.
  • Durée de Vie du Puits Prolongée : Elle peut prolonger la durée de vie productive du puits en maintenant ou en augmentant son débit.
  • Réduction des Coûts : La recomplétion est généralement moins coûteuse que le forage d'un nouveau puits.
  • Durabilité Environnementale : La recomplétion minimise l'empreinte environnementale des nouvelles activités de forage.

Le Processus de Recomplétion :

La recomplétion implique plusieurs étapes, notamment :

  1. Évaluation du Puits : Une analyse approfondie des conditions existantes du puits, de l'historique de production et du potentiel d'amélioration.
  2. Planification et Conception : Définir les objectifs spécifiques de la recomplétion et concevoir les interventions nécessaires.
  3. Intervention dans le Puits : Mettre en œuvre les interventions prévues, telles que l'installation de packers, la stimulation de zones ou le remplacement d'équipements.
  4. Surveillance et Optimisation de la Production : Surveiller les performances du puits après l'intervention et apporter des ajustements pour maximiser la production.

Conclusion :

La recomplétion est un outil précieux dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, permettant aux exploitants d'améliorer la production des puits existants, de réduire les coûts et de minimiser l'impact environnemental. En s'adaptant aux demandes changeantes du marché et en tirant parti des progrès technologiques, la recomplétion joue un rôle crucial dans la maximisation de la valeur économique et environnementale des ressources pétrolières et gazières.

Test Your Knowledge

Recompletion Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of recompletion in the oil and gas industry?

a) To decommission and seal an unproductive well.


Incorrect. Decommissioning is the process of permanently closing a well, while recompletion aims to enhance production.

b) To enhance the productivity of an existing well.


Correct. Recompletion focuses on improving the performance of existing wells.

c) To explore for new oil and gas reserves.


Incorrect. Exploration involves discovering new reserves, while recompletion targets existing wells.

d) To dispose of unwanted oil and gas products.


Incorrect. Recompletion aims to increase production, not disposal.

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason for recompletion?

a) Depleted reservoirs.


Incorrect. Depleted reservoirs are a common reason for recompletion to access untapped zones.

b) Technological advancements.


Incorrect. New technologies can be applied to existing wells through recompletion.

c) Low demand for oil and gas.


Correct. Recompletion is more likely when demand is high, as it aims to increase production.

d) Environmental regulations.


Incorrect. Recompletion can be a way to minimize environmental impact compared to new drilling.

3. What does "zone isolation" involve in the recompletion process?

a) Using chemicals to dissolve rock formations.


Incorrect. That describes acidizing, a well stimulation technique.

b) Separating different production zones within the well using packers or cement.


Correct. Zone isolation allows producers to target specific zones for maximum production.

c) Replacing worn-out equipment with new parts.


Incorrect. This is a separate recompletion technique related to equipment replacement.

d) Increasing the pressure within the reservoir.


Incorrect. This is generally achieved through well stimulation techniques.

4. Which of these is a potential benefit of recompletion?

a) Reduced risk of environmental contamination.


Correct. Recompletion can minimize the environmental impact of new drilling activities.

b) Elimination of the need for future maintenance.


Incorrect. While recompletion extends well life, it doesn't eliminate all future maintenance needs.

c) Increased reliance on artificial lift systems.


Incorrect. Artificial lift is sometimes used in recompletion, but it's not necessarily a direct benefit.

d) Greater dependence on fossil fuels.


Incorrect. Recompletion aims to improve production from existing wells, not increase reliance on fossil fuels.

5. What is the final step in the typical recompletion process?

a) Well evaluation.


Incorrect. Well evaluation is the initial step in the recompletion process.

b) Planning and design.


Incorrect. Planning and design are crucial steps but come before intervention.

c) Well intervention.


Incorrect. This is a crucial step, but the final one is about monitoring and optimization.

d) Production monitoring and optimization.


Correct. After the intervention, the well's performance is monitored and adjustments are made to maximize production.

Recompletion Exercise:

Scenario: An oil well has been producing for 10 years and its production rate has declined significantly. The well is located in a mature field with limited potential for new drilling. The operator is considering recompletion options.

Task: Outline the key factors the operator should consider when evaluating the potential for recompletion in this scenario.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible outline for the operator's consideration:

  1. **Well History and Data Analysis:** Analyze the well's production history, reservoir characteristics, and any available data on reservoir pressure and fluid properties. This helps identify potential reasons for declining production (e.g., depleted zones, reservoir pressure depletion, water influx, etc.).
  2. **Reservoir Evaluation:** Conduct a thorough evaluation of the reservoir to identify any remaining untapped zones or areas with potential for improvement. This might involve seismic analysis, well logs, or core data.
  3. **Recompletion Options:** Based on the evaluation, explore different recompletion options, such as: * **Zone Isolation:** Identify potentially productive zones that haven't been fully exploited and isolate them from other zones. * **Wellbore Stimulation:** Consider hydraulic fracturing, acidizing, or other stimulation techniques to enhance reservoir flow and production. * **Artificial Lift:** Evaluate if artificial lift systems (e.g., pumps, gas lift) are feasible to increase production. * **Equipment Replacement:** Determine if replacing worn-out or damaged equipment can improve efficiency.
  4. **Cost-Benefit Analysis:** Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the potential return on investment for each recompletion option. Compare the estimated increased production and extended well life against the cost of the recompletion project.
  5. **Environmental Considerations:** Evaluate the environmental impacts of each recompletion option, including potential risks and mitigation measures, and consider the well's location and local regulations.
  6. **Regulatory Approvals:** Obtain necessary permits and approvals from regulatory agencies for the planned recompletion activities.

By considering these factors, the operator can make an informed decision on whether recompletion is a viable option for this well and choose the most appropriate strategy for maximizing production and profitability.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by William J. Dake - This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of oil and gas production, including recompletion techniques.
  • "Enhanced Oil Recovery" by L.E. Treiber - Focuses on techniques for improving oil recovery, including recompletion methods and reservoir stimulation.
  • "Well Completion Design" by J.P. Brill and A.F. Reynolds - Provides a detailed explanation of well completion processes, including recompletion scenarios.


  • "Recompletion: A Second Chance for Oil and Gas Wells" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - This article offers an overview of recompletion techniques and their benefits.
  • "Recompletion Strategies for Maximizing Production" by Oil & Gas Journal - Discusses various recompletion strategies and their application in different reservoir settings.
  • "Case Studies in Recompletion" by Journal of Petroleum Technology - Presents real-world examples of successful recompletion projects and their technical details.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: Search for "recompletion" in their vast database of technical papers, articles, and presentations.
  • OnePetro website: A comprehensive platform for oil and gas information, including technical articles and case studies on recompletion.
  • Schlumberger website: A leading oilfield services company, Schlumberger provides technical articles and case studies on recompletion technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "recompletion," use more specific terms like "recompletion techniques," "recompletion case studies," or "recompletion challenges."
  • Include industry terms: Combine "recompletion" with terms like "reservoir stimulation," "hydraulic fracturing," or "artificial lift" for relevant results.
  • Target specific publications: Use Google Scholar or specific journals' websites to search for academic articles on recompletion.
  • Include relevant location: If you are interested in recompletion in a specific geographic region, include that in your search query (e.g., "recompletion in the Permian Basin").


Recompletion: A Second Chance for Oil & Gas Wells

This document expands on the provided text, breaking it down into separate chapters focusing on techniques, models, software, best practices, and case studies related to recompletion in the oil and gas industry.

Chapter 1: Techniques

Recompletion encompasses a variety of techniques aimed at improving the productivity of existing wells. These techniques can be broadly categorized as follows:

1.1 Zone Isolation: This involves selectively isolating different zones within a wellbore to target specific productive intervals. Methods include:

  • Packers: Inflatable or mechanical devices placed in the wellbore to isolate sections. Different types of packers exist, suited to various well conditions and pressures.
  • Cementing: Using cement slurries to seal off unwanted zones, preventing fluid flow between them. This is a permanent method, requiring careful planning.

1.2 Wellbore Stimulation: These techniques enhance the permeability of the reservoir rock, improving fluid flow to the wellbore. Key methods include:

  • Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking): High-pressure injection of fluids (water, sand, and chemicals) to create fractures in the reservoir rock, increasing its permeability.
  • Acidizing: Injecting acids (e.g., hydrochloric acid) to dissolve reservoir rock, creating channels for improved fluid flow. This is particularly effective in carbonate reservoirs.

1.3 Artificial Lift Installation: When natural reservoir pressure is insufficient to lift hydrocarbons to the surface, artificial lift methods are employed:

  • ESP (Electric Submersible Pumps): Submersible pumps powered by electricity, suitable for a wide range of well conditions.
  • Rod Pumps: Surface-driven pumps utilizing sucker rods to lift fluids. Cost-effective but less efficient in high-production wells.
  • Gas Lift: Injecting gas into the wellbore to reduce fluid density and improve flow.

1.4 Downhole Equipment Replacement/Repair: This involves replacing or repairing worn-out or damaged components:

  • Tubing replacement: Replacing corroded or damaged production tubing.
  • Pump repair/replacement: Addressing issues with artificial lift systems.
  • Valve repair/replacement: Maintaining proper flow control within the wellbore.

Chapter 2: Models

Accurate reservoir modeling is crucial for successful recompletion. Various models are employed to understand reservoir characteristics and predict the outcome of recompletion interventions:

  • Reservoir Simulation Models: Complex numerical models that simulate fluid flow and pressure changes within the reservoir. These models help predict production increases after recompletion.
  • Geological Models: These models represent the geological structure of the reservoir, including layers, faults, and permeability variations. This information is essential for targeting specific zones for recompletion.
  • Production Forecasting Models: These models predict future production rates based on reservoir and well characteristics, allowing operators to evaluate the economic viability of different recompletion strategies.

Chapter 3: Software

Specialized software packages are employed for planning, designing, and simulating recompletion operations:

  • Reservoir Simulation Software: Commercial packages like Eclipse (Schlumberger), CMG (Computer Modelling Group), and INTERSECT (Roxar) allow for detailed reservoir simulation and analysis.
  • Wellbore Simulation Software: Software specifically designed for analyzing wellbore flow, pressure, and temperature profiles.
  • Data Management Software: Software used to manage and analyze large datasets from well logs, production history, and other sources.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Successful recompletion requires adherence to best practices:

  • Thorough Well Evaluation: A complete analysis of well history, pressure data, and reservoir characteristics is critical for identifying potential areas for improvement.
  • Detailed Planning and Design: Careful planning is essential to define clear objectives, select appropriate techniques, and minimize risks.
  • Rigorous Quality Control: Maintaining high standards throughout the recompletion process ensures the quality and longevity of the interventions.
  • Post-Intervention Monitoring: Closely monitoring well performance after recompletion helps optimize production and identify potential issues.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Case studies demonstrating successful recompletion projects are crucial for understanding the practical applications and benefits:

(Specific case studies would be included here, detailing the well characteristics, recompletion techniques employed, results achieved, and lessons learned. Examples might include increased production rates, extended well life, and reduced operational costs due to successful recompletion projects.) For example, a case study might detail a recompletion project in a mature oil field where the application of hydraulic fracturing in a previously untapped zone resulted in a significant increase in oil production, extending the well’s economic life by several years. Another could showcase the success of replacing worn-out downhole equipment and its impact on improving the efficiency and safety of an existing well.


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