Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Reservoir Engineering: Proved Undeveloped Reserves

Proved Undeveloped Reserves

Réserves prouvées non développées : Un aperçu de l'avenir du pétrole et du gaz

Dans le monde de l'exploration et de la production pétrolière et gazière, les "réserves" représentent la quantité estimée d'hydrocarbures qui peuvent être extraits économiquement d'un endroit donné. Mais toutes les réserves ne sont pas égales. Alors que les "réserves prouvées développées" se réfèrent à celles déjà connectées à des puits de production et prêtes pour l'extraction, les "**réserves prouvées non développées**" offrent un aperçu fascinant de l'avenir d'un champ.

**Que sont les réserves prouvées non développées ?**

Les réserves prouvées non développées sont des **quantités estimées d'hydrocarbures** qui devraient être récupérées de **futurs puits et installations**. Ces réserves sont considérées comme **prouvées** car elles sont basées sur des **données géologiques et techniques suffisantes** pour garantir un haut degré de confiance dans leur récupération. Cependant, elles sont **non développées** car elles nécessitent des investissements supplémentaires en forage, en infrastructure ou en techniques de récupération améliorée avant que la production ne puisse commencer.

**L'importance des réserves prouvées non développées**

Les réserves prouvées non développées jouent un rôle crucial dans la **viabilité à long terme des sociétés pétrolières et gazières**. Elles représentent une **source potentielle de production future** qui peut contribuer à compenser la baisse de la production des puits existants.

Voici quelques raisons clés pour lesquelles les réserves prouvées non développées sont si importantes :

  • **Production future :** Elles fournissent un pipeline de production future potentielle, assurant que la société peut respecter ses engagements et maintenir sa part de marché.
  • **Décisions d'investissement :** Les entreprises s'appuient sur ces estimations pour prendre des décisions d'investissement éclairées, déterminant où allouer les ressources pour les projets de développement futurs.
  • **Rapports financiers :** Les réserves prouvées non développées sont incluses dans les rapports financiers, donnant aux investisseurs une image claire du potentiel de revenus futurs de la société.

**Conditions pour classer les réserves comme prouvées non développées :**

Pour être classées comme prouvées non développées, les réserves doivent répondre à plusieurs critères :

  • **Réponse favorable aux projets de récupération améliorée :** Le réservoir a montré une réponse positive aux projets de récupération améliorée existants, augmentant la confiance dans le succès futur.
  • **Haute certitude de la récupération future :** Il existe un niveau élevé de certitude que les réserves peuvent être récupérées grâce à des projets de développement futurs.
  • **Données techniques et géologiques détaillées :** Des données suffisantes étayent les estimations des réserves récupérables.

**Comprendre les réserves prouvées non développées : Une clé pour une production responsable**

Les réserves prouvées non développées offrent une fenêtre sur le potentiel futur des champs pétroliers et gaziers. En comprenant ces réserves et leur rôle dans la production future, les entreprises peuvent prendre des décisions éclairées pour maximiser la valeur à long terme de leurs actifs. Cette compréhension permet également une gestion responsable des ressources, assurant des pratiques de production durables et minimisant l'impact environnemental.


Les réserves prouvées non développées représentent une ressource vitale pour l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. En évaluant soigneusement ces réserves, les entreprises peuvent assurer un avenir durable à leurs opérations tout en répondant à la demande mondiale croissante en énergie.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Proved Undeveloped Reserves

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are proved undeveloped reserves? a) Reserves already connected to producing wells. b) Estimated quantities of hydrocarbons that can be extracted from a given location. c) Estimated quantities of hydrocarbons that are expected to be recovered from future wells and facilities. d) Reserves that have not been fully explored.


c) Estimated quantities of hydrocarbons that are expected to be recovered from future wells and facilities.

2. Why are proved undeveloped reserves considered "proved"? a) They have already been extracted. b) They are based on sufficient geological and engineering data. c) They are located in easily accessible areas. d) They are guaranteed to be profitable.


b) They are based on sufficient geological and engineering data.

3. Which of the following is NOT a key reason why proved undeveloped reserves are important? a) They provide a pipeline of potential future production. b) They help companies determine future investment strategies. c) They influence environmental regulations for oil and gas companies. d) They are included in financial reports to inform investors.


c) They influence environmental regulations for oil and gas companies.

4. What is one condition for classifying reserves as proved undeveloped? a) The reservoir is located in a politically stable region. b) The reserves are expected to be recovered within the next year. c) The reservoir has shown a positive response to existing enhanced recovery projects. d) The reserves are located in a region with a high demand for oil and gas.


c) The reservoir has shown a positive response to existing enhanced recovery projects.

5. Why is understanding proved undeveloped reserves important for responsible production? a) It helps companies identify new reserves to exploit. b) It allows companies to make informed decisions about maximizing long-term value. c) It helps governments regulate the oil and gas industry more effectively. d) It guarantees that all reserves will be extracted sustainably.


b) It allows companies to make informed decisions about maximizing long-term value.

Exercise: Proved Undeveloped Reserves in Action


An oil and gas company is considering investing in a new enhanced recovery project to extract oil from a field with existing proved developed reserves. They have identified potential proved undeveloped reserves in the same field.


  1. Explain how the potential proved undeveloped reserves could influence the company's investment decision.
  2. List two factors that would make the company more likely to invest in the project, given the presence of proved undeveloped reserves.
  3. List two factors that could make the company less likely to invest in the project, even with the presence of proved undeveloped reserves.

Exercise Correction

**1. Influence on Investment Decision:** The presence of proved undeveloped reserves would likely make the company more inclined to invest in the enhanced recovery project. This is because the project has the potential to not only increase production from existing wells but also unlock the potential of the undeveloped reserves in the future. This creates a longer-term value proposition for the company, making the investment more attractive. **2. Factors Increasing Investment Likelihood:** * **High Confidence in Recovery:** If the company has a high level of confidence that the proved undeveloped reserves can be recovered through the project, they are more likely to invest. * **Favorable Economic Conditions:** If the price of oil is high and the cost of implementing the enhanced recovery project is relatively low, the project becomes more financially attractive, increasing the likelihood of investment. **3. Factors Decreasing Investment Likelihood:** * **High Investment Cost:** If the cost of implementing the enhanced recovery project is high, the company might be hesitant to invest, even with the presence of proved undeveloped reserves. * **Uncertainty in Future Production:** If there is significant uncertainty about the ability to recover the proved undeveloped reserves, the company may be less likely to invest, as the potential return on investment becomes less certain.


  • "Petroleum Geology" by William D. McBride - A comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of petroleum exploration and production, including reserve estimation.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by John Lee - A detailed resource on reservoir engineering practices, including the classification and evaluation of reserves.
  • "The Economics of Oil and Gas" by Jean-Marie Chevalier - This book delves into the economic aspects of the oil and gas industry, including reserve analysis and valuation.


  • "Proved Undeveloped Reserves: A Critical Factor in Oil and Gas Investment" by [Author Name], [Journal Name] - This article would likely focus on the significance of proved undeveloped reserves in investment decisions and corporate strategy.
  • "Reserve Classification and Reporting: A Guide for Oil and Gas Companies" by [Author Name], [Journal Name] - This article would provide a detailed explanation of the various reserve categories, including proved undeveloped reserves, and their importance in financial reporting.
  • "Enhanced Oil Recovery and its Impact on Proved Undeveloped Reserves" by [Author Name], [Journal Name] - This article would explore the role of enhanced recovery techniques in unlocking the potential of proved undeveloped reserves and their contribution to future production.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: - The SPE website offers a wealth of information on reservoir engineering, exploration, and production practices, including resources related to reserve classification and estimation.
  • US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Website: - The SEC website provides guidance and regulations on financial reporting for publicly traded oil and gas companies, including reserve disclosure requirements.
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA) Website: - The EIA website offers data and analysis on oil and gas production, reserves, and related topics, providing valuable context for understanding proved undeveloped reserves.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "proved undeveloped reserves", "reserve classification", "oil and gas industry", "reservoir engineering", and "financial reporting" in your search queries.
  • Include relevant company names: Search for specific oil and gas companies to find their reports and press releases on proved undeveloped reserves.
  • Explore academic databases: Search for relevant articles in scholarly databases such as JSTOR, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar.
  • Use quotation marks: Surround your search terms in quotation marks to find exact matches.
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