Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Pick Up Weight

Pick Up Weight

Prendre du poids : Comprendre les forces en jeu dans les opérations pétrolières et gazières

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, "prendre du poids" fait référence à la **mesure du poids en surface** enregistrée lors du tirage d'une colonne de tubage ou d'un câble d'exploration hors du puits. Cette mesure est cruciale pour comprendre les forces agissant sur l'équipement pendant la récupération et pour assurer une opération sûre et efficace.

Prendre du poids prend en compte deux composantes clés : **le poids de la colonne** et **la force de friction**.

**Le poids de la colonne** est le poids réel de la colonne de tubage ou du câble d'exploration, y compris les outils et l'équipement attachés. C'est une force statique qui agit vers le bas en raison de la gravité.

**La force de friction**, quant à elle, est une force dynamique qui s'oppose au mouvement ascendant de la colonne. Elle provient du contact entre la colonne et les parois du puits, ainsi que de l'interaction avec les fluides présents dans le puits. Cette force augmente avec des facteurs tels que :

  • **Longueur et taille du tube :** Les tubes plus longs et plus grands subissent une résistance de friction plus importante.
  • **Inclinaison du puits :** Les puits inclinés entraînent une force de friction plus élevée par rapport aux puits verticaux.
  • **Viscosité du fluide :** Les fluides à plus haute viscosité dans le puits génèrent une force de friction plus importante.
  • **Rugosité du tube :** Les surfaces de tube plus rugueuses entraînent une friction accrue.
  • **Présence d'obstructions :** Toute obstruction comme des débris dans le puits ou des points étroits peut augmenter considérablement la force de friction.

**Comprendre l'interaction entre le poids de la colonne et la force de friction est essentiel pour :**

  • **Déterminer la force de traction requise :** L'opérateur doit connaître la force totale nécessaire pour surmonter le poids de la colonne et la force de friction pour une récupération sûre et réussie.
  • **Évaluer les risques potentiels :** Une force de friction élevée peut entraîner une contrainte excessive sur l'équipement, augmentant le risque de panne ou de dommage.
  • **Optimiser les opérations de récupération :** En comprenant les facteurs qui contribuent à la force de friction, les opérateurs peuvent prendre des mesures pour la minimiser, comme utiliser de la lubrification ou appliquer des techniques pour réduire le contact avec les parois du puits.

**La surveillance du poids pris pendant la récupération est une partie essentielle pour garantir des opérations sûres et efficaces.** Tout écart important par rapport aux valeurs attendues peut signaler des problèmes potentiels comme :

  • **Tube bloqué :** Des changements brusques de poids peuvent indiquer que le tube est bloqué dans le puits.
  • **Friction excessive :** Un poids pris constamment élevé pourrait signaler une force de friction excessive, nécessitant une intervention pour la réduire.
  • **Panne d'équipement :** Des baisses inattendues du poids pris peuvent indiquer une panne dans la colonne ou ses composants.

**En conclusion, le concept de prise de poids joue un rôle vital dans les opérations pétrolières et gazières, aidant les opérateurs à comprendre les forces en jeu pendant la récupération et à prendre des décisions éclairées pour des opérations de puits sûres et efficaces.**

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Picking Up Weight

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "picking up weight" refer to in oil & gas operations? a) The weight of the drilling mud used in the well.


Incorrect. This refers to the density of drilling mud.

b) The total weight of the pipe string and attached equipment.

Incorrect. This is a part of picking up weight, but not the whole definition.

c) The surface weight measurement recorded when pulling a pipe string out of the wellbore.

Correct! This is the precise definition of "picking up weight."

d) The force required to lift the drilling rig.

Incorrect. This refers to the lifting capacity of the rig.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences frictional drag during pipe retrieval? a) Pipe length and size


Incorrect. Longer and larger pipes experience more friction.

b) Wellbore inclination

Incorrect. Inclined wells have higher frictional drag.

c) Temperature of the drilling fluid

Correct! While temperature influences fluid properties, it's not a primary factor in frictional drag.

d) Pipe roughness

Incorrect. Rougher pipes have increased friction.

3. What is the primary reason for monitoring picked up weight during retrieval? a) To calculate the total cost of the operation.


Incorrect. While cost is important, it's not the primary reason for monitoring picked up weight.

b) To ensure safe and efficient operations.

Correct! Monitoring picked up weight helps identify potential issues and ensures safe retrieval.

c) To track the progress of the drilling operation.

Incorrect. This is a different aspect of drilling operations.

d) To determine the type of drilling fluid needed.

Incorrect. Fluid type is determined by other factors.

4. An abrupt change in picked up weight during retrieval could indicate: a) The pipe string is being pulled at a constant speed.


Incorrect. Constant speed wouldn't cause an abrupt change.

b) The pipe string is stuck in the wellbore.

Correct! A sudden change in weight often indicates the pipe is stuck.

c) The wellbore is perfectly vertical.

Incorrect. Verticality wouldn't cause an abrupt change.

d) The drilling fluid is flowing freely.

Incorrect. Fluid flow wouldn't directly affect this measurement.

5. Why is it important to understand the forces at play during pipe retrieval? a) To determine the weight of the drilling mud.


Incorrect. This is a different concept.

b) To predict the weather conditions during the operation.

Incorrect. Weather is a separate consideration.

c) To optimize retrieval operations and ensure safety.

Correct! Understanding forces helps optimize operations and prevent accidents.

d) To identify the best location to drill the well.

Incorrect. This is related to well planning, not retrieval.

Exercise: Analyzing a Retrieval Scenario

Scenario: A pipe string is being pulled out of a wellbore. The following data is collected:

  • String weight: 10,000 lbs
  • Picked up weight: 12,000 lbs
  • Wellbore inclination: 30 degrees
  • Drilling fluid viscosity: High

Task: Based on this information, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the frictional drag force acting on the pipe string?
  2. What could be some potential reasons for the high frictional drag in this scenario?
  3. What steps could the operator take to potentially reduce the frictional drag?

Exercice Correction

**1. Frictional drag:** The frictional drag is the difference between the picked up weight and the string weight: 12,000 lbs - 10,000 lbs = 2,000 lbs **2. Potential reasons for high frictional drag:** * **High wellbore inclination:** The 30-degree inclination increases contact area and friction. * **High fluid viscosity:** High viscosity fluids create greater resistance to movement. * **Possible obstructions in the wellbore:** Debris or tight spots can significantly increase friction. * **Pipe roughness or damage:** Rougher pipe surfaces create more friction. **3. Steps to reduce frictional drag:** * **Use lubricants:** Applying lubricants to the pipe string can reduce friction between the pipe and the wellbore. * **Apply weight reduction techniques:** Using techniques like "back-reaming" to reduce contact between the pipe and the wellbore can decrease friction. * **Clean the wellbore:** Removing any obstructions or debris from the wellbore can significantly reduce frictional drag. * **Optimize pulling speed:** Adjusting the pulling speed can sometimes help minimize friction.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions" by John Lee: This comprehensive text covers drilling and well completion operations, including the principles behind "picking up weight" and its significance.
  • "Drilling Engineering: Principles, Applications, and Management" by Robert C. Earlougher, Jr. and James K. Graham: This book offers detailed explanations on drilling engineering principles, including sections on wellbore mechanics and the role of frictional drag in retrieval operations.
  • "Well Logging and Formation Evaluation" by G.P. Mungan: This book covers the various well logging techniques and how they relate to understanding formation properties and wellbore conditions, including data that can be used to interpret picked up weight.


  • "Frictional Drag in Wells: A Review" by J.P. Sharma: This article provides a comprehensive overview of the factors influencing frictional drag in wells, including various models and techniques for its estimation.
  • "Stuck Pipe: Causes, Prevention, and Remedies" by S.D. Joshi: This article delves into the causes of stuck pipe, which is often related to high frictional drag, and provides practical solutions for prevention and remediation.
  • "Wireline Operations: Safety and Efficiency" by J.E. Smith: This article highlights the importance of understanding "picking up weight" during wireline operations, focusing on safety considerations and optimization techniques.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE's website offers a vast library of technical publications, including numerous articles and presentations on drilling, completion, and wellbore mechanics, which cover topics related to "picking up weight".
  • OnePetro: This online platform provides access to a vast collection of technical papers and resources from various oil and gas industry publications, including many relevant to "picking up weight" and frictional drag.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication frequently features articles on drilling and completion topics, including discussions on "picking up weight", wellbore friction, and operational challenges.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "picking up weight," "frictional drag," "wellbore mechanics," "drilling operations," "completion operations," and "stuck pipe" for targeted results.
  • Include industry terms: Utilize keywords like "downhole," "string weight," "trip weight," "wireline," and "tubing string" to refine your search.
  • Explore related topics: Look for information on "wellbore friction models," "stick slip," and "wellbore stability" to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying forces at play.
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